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  1. ldb2000

    Just another cigar pen

    This is my entry for the penmakers challenge that Dennis (Soligen) is running in the advanced penmakers forum . If you haven't checked it out , you should . Make a pen and join in the fun . It is a kitless cigar pen . It's made with some Mesquite and a cigar tube and transmission . I got the...
  2. KDM

    Almost kit-free (pen 5)

    This is another step closer to a kit-free pen. Mahogany again (whatever, I like it and I have loads of it). It's another twister, based on a slimline transmission. The top twists to reveal the dangerous end. The interesting bit about this pen is that rather than having a decorative band...
  3. ldb2000

    My first Piston filler FP w/ink window

    This is my first piston filler Fountain pen . It is made with a Schmidt piston filler front section and some Black crushed velvet . I cheated on this one a little , the filler body has threads for both the body and grip for the front section but they are odd sizes (there's a surprise...
  4. ldb2000

    Paua Abalone Telesto

    This is one of my Telesto kitless pens made with Paua Abalone shell cast in PR . The pictures don't do this one justice . I wish I could figure out how to photo bright shiny shell pens . I used "AAA" grade Paua Abalone shell for this one , it cost more but worth every bit . I used the wire clip...
  5. ldb2000

    Purple Plum Calypso

    This is one of the designs that I have adapted for my new line of custom pens . It is Purple Plum wood with 3 coats of thin CA as a sealer and 6 coats of Fast drying Poly . The picture don't show the beautiful coloration of this wood , there are subtle tones of pink and red in the grain . I...
  6. ldb2000

    Blue PR American Flat Top

    Kitless American Flat Top Hi all Here is a Homebrew Blue PR Flat Top American I just finished . I call it the " All American " for my own reasons :wink: I made this blank about a month ago and have been waiting for the right kit to put it on . For more info Please Visit the Following link...
  7. ldb2000

    Corian Euro/Designer

    This is a Kitless Euro/Designer pen . It uses 2 7mm tubes and a slimline transmission that I buy in bulk (no kits were harmed during the making of this pen) and some Granite and Black Corian and a Mont Blanc style clip from Elliot at that I plated with Black chrome . This one...
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