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  1. Penultimate

    My bash kitless entry

    Greetings Here is my Birthday Bash entry. I started designing in November and barely made the Feb. cutoff. Counting my previous Bash entry I made four pens in a year. Three kitless and a one kit. I gotta get faster at making pens! The pen is a syringe piston filler. I used two o-rings as the...
  2. D

    Triple tap and die set? Group buy?

    So, I want to transition from kit pens to kitless fountain pens. I need triple or double tap and die sets. Turners Warehouse is out of several sizes. Is there another place I’m missing in the states to buy these things? I hear about group buys? Just curious on how these work as well. And is...
  3. NT_2112

    Please review and offer feedback regarding threading and tapping issue

    Hi all. This is a great site for a newbie like me, a big thank you to all the members. I'm running into an issue joining a kitless pen cap and a pen body. I made my own mandrel, as shown below. I plan to use it to hold the pen body and pen cap when I shape them on the lathe. I used a...
  4. darrin1200

    FP in Tasmanian Myrtle Burl

    I haven't post anything for a while. This was my latest creation submitted to the PAG Best in Show 2019. Now that the competition is over, I can post photos. This is my largest pen so far, at 15.8mm body and an 11.5mm cap. The material is Tasmanian Myrtle Burl with Japanese Ebonite and Bronze...
  5. Gregory Hardy

    Fitting Rings

    Hi, folks. I am looking for some entry-level guidance. I want to learn more about fitting rings on bodies and caps of kitless pens. I have ideas of how one "might" do it. I'm just not willing to entirely reinvent the wheel today. Any help/advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
  6. Racer3770

    My First Kitless

    First things first: A huge shout out to MRedburn! I messaged him with several questions and he was incredibly helpful. Thanks again! This is my first attempt at a kitless pen. I made the blank using alumilite and pearl ex powders. The nib is a #6 Jowo stub from Meisternibs. I used a 9MM X...
  7. S

    Getting into kitless fountain pens

    I would like to get into kitless Fountain pens, could anyone help me with what exactly I need for the whole process? What materials would you recommend? Tips on making the pen would be helpful too. Thank you in advance - Sebastian
  8. C

    First Bulb Filler Kitless Fountain pen

    Hello everyone, I got quite comfortable making kit less and decided i wanted to make something other than a cartridge converter pen. I had this Butterscotch acrylic laying around and ended up making this pen. Pen works well and fills smoothly. Holds right at 3ml of ink so it has a very large...
  9. C

    Another Kitless, Alumilite Lava Explosion #03

    Just finished this one up last night. Was going to keep it but going to part with it! #6 Jowo 1.1 stub nib writes great!
  10. budnder

    First Kitless

    Well, it's my first if I don't count a few aborts trying to figure out the process.. :smile: Body is a alumilite water clear with Mica powder swirled in and cast in a PVC tube. Section is Delrin. I filled the divots from turning between centers on each end with red epoxy. Nib is a #5 Jowo...
  11. C

    Collet chuck versus jawed chuck

    Hello everyone, I am interested in getting some opinions on advanced pen making specific to if purchasing a good collet chuck, similar to a Beall or a PSI, versus a jawed chuck like a Nova G3. This will be a dedicated set up on a smaller lathe for making fountain pens without the use of...
  12. JPMcConnel

    Custom Kitless Pens in Purple and Gold Flexigran

    It had been a while since I posted pictures of fountain pens I have completed. This pair is done in purple and gold Flexigran, but different in style. Neither pen has a clip because clips were not desired. On the smaller pen with the rounded finials, I worked with Bob Dupras to come up with a...
  13. JPMcConnel

    Kitless Fountain Pen in in Red Cumberland Ebonite w/ Black Finials

    Ebonite is a classic material for fountain pens. I decided to make a rather conservative style pen, using red cumberland with black ebonite finials, to see how well it turned out from a color perspective. I liked it so much I have since acquired Japanese cumberland in reddish pink, straw color...
  14. JPMcConnel

    Kitless Fountain Pen in Autumn Flexigran and Italian Urushi Resin

    I designed this fountain pen in Autumn Flexigran and Italian Urushi red resin (both from Richard Greenwald) as more of a desk pen. It is 6.5" long and does not post, nor does it have a clip. I find the pens I gravitate to are a little longer and have a tapered body so they fit nicely in the area...
  15. JPMcConnel

    Kitless Fountain Pen in Cerulean Italian Resin for a Lady

    I had some real nice Cerulean Italian resin I picked up from Richard Greenwald and decided to make a smaller fountain pen for a lady. Because it was for a lady (and I don't much care for clips on fountain pens) it is designed to go into a leather scabbard for safekeeping in a purse. I like the...
  16. drgoretex

    Flamed Cane: applying fly rod building techniques to pen making

    Hello folks. Been a while since I posted, so I thought I would put a few pics of things I've been up to lately. Flamed cane fountain pen with garnet thread wrap Before falling headlong into pen making, I used to (and still do occasionally) build fly fishing rods - both graphite and bamboo...
  17. S

    Turning Kitless

    I'm at the stage that I'm considering an attempt at kitless. I have done some research and have a question (I hope this is not one of those stupid questions.) Is it reasonable to attempt kitless pens on a wood lathe? In my research I continually encounter phrases that lead me to think most...
  18. Lenny

    My 1st kitless pen

    I started out just wanting to experiment with the M12 x .8 triple start tap and die I purchased in the recent group buy. I grabbed a couple short lengths of left over PR I had cast ....I chose it because I wasn't crazy about it, so no great loss if it got ruined. :biggrin: Making the cap to...
  19. azamiryou

    Sterling and Malachite (kitless)

    7mm twist pen in walnut with solid sterling nose, centerband, and clip/finial with real malachite cabs in the clip. The nose is by Michael Redurn, the centerband and clip are by me. This is my first "success" at silversmithing parts for a pen, so it's far from perfect. Nevertheless, I'm kind...
  20. W

    Kitless Pen Thread Pitch

    I'm going to start my first kitless or semi-kitless pen this weekend, and was wondering what thread pitch a few items were. I saw on another thread that the El Grande nib is 10x1. If anyone can confirm this, that would be great. The other thing I'd like some confirmation on is the fountain...
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