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  1. Psychmike22

    Some weekend work.

    Hello, For your consideration, I offer an Apollo In stainless and a Kitless in I believe a celluloid blank with a #6 Jowo nib. Comments are welcome.
  2. spindlecraft

    M11x0.8 triple start cheat sheet?

    Up to this point, I have been using an M13x0.8 tap & die for the body & cap of my kitless pens. With these choices, it translated to using an M10x1 tap and die for the threads on the section, which also required an M7 tap for the threads of the nib casing unit. Does anybody have a cheat sheet...
  3. S

    First kitless and question

    Hi everyone, This is my first kitless. My intention was to try making something different and so I went myself into a lot of troubles, hard decisions, failures, some repairs but, finally, I believe I did what I intended, a functional kitless model. Yes, it has a lot of defects, most of them are...
  4. Psychmike22

    Some kitless I have been working on

    Hello everyone, I have been playing around with casting and made a few pens to try out some ideas. The black and blue pen came out better than my photography skills. The others I am calling galaxy blanks, involve pouring colors and glitters into clear epoxy for a swirled effect. Feedback is...
  5. stuckinohio

    Various kitless projects cast by IAP members

    Hello, I've been absent for quite some time but finally felt like getting back to turning. So I finished some half finished projects and started a few other simple new projects. The red fountain pen blanks were cast by Bob Dupras, AKA @BSea (custom order) The Brown fountain pen blanks were...
  6. Psychmike22

    Galaxy pen

    I have been experimenting with casting and turning larger kitless fountain pens. I’m calling them desk pens as they would look better on a desk than in a pocket. The larger pens allow for more to see in an interesting blank too. I welcome your collective feedback. The blank is alumilite clear...
  7. Psychmike22

    A delightful pair.

    My dry cleaner is closing shop. I made him and his wife a gift for their retirement. He frequently told me to “Have a high quality day. “ I hope he has a high quality retirement.
  8. R

    First Pen Project Help - Snap Cap Rollerball

    Apologies - I hardly belong in "advanced" anything, as I've never turned a pen before. But it seems the most fitting place for the question. My friend has a particular snap cap rollerball pen that he uses pretty exclusively. I'd like to basically try to replicate it, except turned on the lathe...
  9. Psychmike22


    You can never predict when inspiration will strike. The Mrs. made a dessert that got me thinking. This was the result. I casted the blank in Alumilite clear slow, Jowo #6 nib. I transitioned the colors at the section. I need to improve my inside sanding but it’s ok for my first try. I asked her...
  10. Psychmike22

    First pen with a clip.

    All black Japanese ebonite with an Atrax clip. I was focused on the polishing and I’m happy with it. I usually go for way more color in my pens but the shine on this one is the appeal for me.
  11. Bryguy

    Fountain Pen for UU

    I was asked to make a Fountain Pen for the retired religious Education Specialist of a local Unitarian Universalist Church. Their emblem is a burning chalice. The client provided a gold bock nib. She wanted a heavy pen in spalted maple, which tends to be very light. I used brass sleeves to...
  12. RobS

    Autumnal Change, kitless

    The following are Bock and Jowo #6 fountain pens 13mm triple start thread 10x.8 mm section thread Midwesthybrids Blanks: alumilite, glitter and stabilized maple burl inserts and sections in house poured from alumilite CA sealed the glitter Oddie’s Oil sealed the wood after full sanding and...
  13. Psychmike22

    Looking for a blank.

    Hello IAP, I have been looking for a blank for a while and can’t seem to find it. I was looking for tortoise shell style blanks and haven’t quite found what I was looking for. Then I saw it in the Esterbrook Estie. They call it honeycomb. Does anyone know where I can find something similar...
  14. bvcreates

    My first two kitless/bespoke fountain pens

    Just finished up with my first three kitless pens. The first was the prototype so it's not worth showing here but the second and third turned out ok, I think. I made my own alumilite blanks and turned them on my smallish Rikon wood lathe using Easy Wood Tools negative rake cutters (they are...
  15. A

    Kitless/Bespoke blanks

    I have a few kitless pen blanks made with alumilite clear slow resin cast in a bespoke mold from ptownsubbie. They range from translucent to transparent with swirls. These are excellent demonstrator fountain pens, asking $15 each plus priority shipping. If you're interested in more pictures...
  16. Racer3770


    Thank you for taking the time to check out our new vendor forum on the IAP! My brother and I started making pens in 2013 after our grandfather wanted to try his hand at working on a lathe. The Pensmiths was born when we started experimenting with our own custom blanks. We specialize in quality...
  17. spindlecraft

    How to get space behind threads on kitless pens

    Friends, I find myself struggling to add space behind the body’s threads where it will work with a cap. (see attached images) Naturally, it’s not difficult for me to simply turn down extra material behind the threads, but when I go to put the cap on, the cap wants to stop twisting as it...
  18. spindlecraft

    Finished this guy up yesterday

    Kindly ignore the dirty threads. I still need to wipe it down. But this was a pen that I started and finished yesterday afternoon. This one marks my second completed kitless pen, and while still not perfect, proved to be yet another learning experience. I accidentally snapped the threads of...
  19. spindlecraft

    Welp - here she is. My FIRST completed kitless pen.

    After approximately 15 failed attempts, and a lot of help from you fine folks, I finally was able to finish my first kitless pen this afternoon. Feedback and critiques are of course welcome. I am gonna churn a few more out I think before I start venturing into clips and accent rings...
  20. D

    In-depth study on making bespoke pen clips?

    There is a couple of reference guides here and a couple of YouTube vids out on making clips but besides that,I don’t see much. I see Castro has a great vid on turning 50 cal brass into clips but is there a place I can go to learn how to make these things from scratch like cutting and bending...
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