fountain pen

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  1. spindlecraft

    Snakewood Fountain Pen

    I finished this guy up over the weekend, and am pretty happy with how it came out. I've gotten a few remarks regarding how "fat" I made the body. This is mostly just a personal preference of mine. I personally like a weightier pen, and it feels better in my hand. This was my first attempt at...
  2. R

    Some of my most recent Pens

    Left to Right: 24k Gold Bolt Action Bullet Pen with Cocobolo Gunmetal Bolt Action Bullet Pen with Indian Ebony Antique Brass Celtic Pen with Cocobolo Chrome Presimo Fountain Pen with Genuine Mahogany. I made these for several different orders for a few people. It only took about 3 hours...
  3. K

    Back in the Shop!

    after a long semester with three classes, I finally found time to get out to the shop. Made a great cedar fountain pen for an old boss, and great friend. Not my best work, but I am happy with it. C&C welcome!
  4. denniszoomy

    Monkey Pen

    This is the latest pen I did it is a fountain pen if you look closely you can see the face of two monkeys on it one happy and one not. i also add the pic of the blank before it was turned C&C welcome. Dennis
  5. J

    pen threads

    Could anyone please tell me the tap and dies for pens like the atrax and juniour gent please
  6. gordonfraser

    Expertise & Precision Sought

    Hello I am an ex-penturner, having sold my lathe due to a change of residence not having the space/area needed for a workshop. I am quite sad still about this, and use my kit-less pens every day still, and miss the enjoyment of creating these one-off pieces. I have still been drawing away...
  7. drgoretex

    Flamed Cane: applying fly rod building techniques to pen making

    Hello folks. Been a while since I posted, so I thought I would put a few pics of things I've been up to lately. Flamed cane fountain pen with garnet thread wrap Before falling headlong into pen making, I used to (and still do occasionally) build fly fishing rods - both graphite and bamboo...
  8. Texas Penworks

    White Tail Antler & Wood Fountain Pen

    This pen was made from White Tail Deer Antler, Teak & Ebony woods accented with a 24 kt Gold Tycoon Fountain Pen Kit from PSI. It was a little tricky getting the antler ends square but it turned out ok in the end.
  9. M

    Series 2000 Flat Top Fountain Pen Finial

    I just recently completed a Series 2000 Flat Top Fountain Pen and I do like the slim design. However, I felt that the black plastic finial tube looked cheap. Does anybody share this opinion? Is there a metal alternative to this finial? Or is the overall feel of the pen high quality? It was not...
  10. wortmanb

    My first posted pen

    I'm still working on my photography skills, but this pen is a spalted two-tone afzelia burl from Bad Dogs. It's also my first FP, and is one I may be keeping for myself. CA Finish, 6 coats, then buffed with a little carnauba wax on a wheel.
  11. BarbS

    Pristina Pen in Italian Acrylic

    My daughter in law will receive this Italian Acrylic Fountain Pen. Presents done at last!
  12. Lenny

    Manchurian in Red w/ Gold Matrix trustone

    My latest ... I've named this one "Manchurian" :wink: .... In Red with Gold Matrix trustone.
  13. jmbaker79

    A few more from the week

    Few more Jr. Gent's from this week. First off a Rhodium Jr. Gent I complete with Sodalite Tru-Stone, and Alt Bone Segments. Thought this was going to be a little cooler than it turned out to be. Too much negative space on the cap. Thinking about having the cap laser engraved, and color...
  14. butchf18a

    Cambridge, Brooks Vintage Blue

    Cambridge Fountain Pen, Brooks Vintage Blue blank
  15. Lenny

    Roman Harvest Trustone

    I finished this one the other day. Roman Harvest with White w/Gold Matrix trustone. I had debated using Gold Titanium w/Rhodium accents but decided I liked it better with Rhodium w/Gold titanium accents. What do you think? Those choices are always difficult for me, but I tend to prefer the look...
  16. W

    News story about FP Ink and how it flows

    I came across this today and thought it might interest those who enjoy using Fountain pens:biggrin:. Just ignore the comments, they must be from NON-Users:eek:!! Enjoy
  17. T

    Custom Olivewood Prototype

    This fountain pen has been an idea in my head for a few years now, and this is my first successful attempt at it. I still have a few processes to iron out as I develop this design (hidden clip, CA finish, wall thicknesses), but as a proof of concept I am very pleased with how this pen came out...
  18. Lenny

    Triton Fountain Pen in Red w/Gold Matrix Tru-Stone

    Another Triton in Tru-Stone ... this one Red with Gold Matrix. This tru-stone turns very easliy! Comments or suggestions welcome.
  19. HeathRiley

    Oregon Tru-Quarter

    Here's one from a pair of nearly identical twins commissioned by my state representative. He asked for a couple pens that symbolized Oregon, preferably with some Oregon timber, to give as gifts. The barrels are Oregon Myrtlewood (much better to turn and prettier than Doug Fir). Finished with...
  20. Lenny

    Amboyna Burl Triton

    I made this today .... Amboyna Burl on Triton Components. A rollerball but it will easily convert to a fountain. To bad they don't sell components that include each option. :eek::smile: That'll NEVER happen! :biggrin::wink: Comments and critiques welcome. Thanks for looking! :smile:
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