fountain pen

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  1. d_bondi

    My Second Kitless Pen

    This is my second kitless pen and it was also completed back in October. It is made from a pair of hybrid blanks (I did not cast them) of Red Mallee Burl and "Galaxy" Alumilite resin. The resin had many little bubbles/voids in it (which you can see in one of the pictures) and this gave me a...
  2. d_bondi

    My First Kitless Pen

    Hello Everyone, I am relatively new to the IAP community and began posting/interacting only recently. I started turning kit pens in November 2021 and began my journey with kitless in September (2023). This is my first kitless pen and it was completed in October. As I begin to share my work and...
  3. Amihai

    Nib questions & issues

    Hello, First of all, I will admit that I'm not a fountain pen expert. In fact I turn them much more than I happen to use them 😁 I've the issue of screwing and unscrewing nibs from the section in my kitless pens. I've to apply some force in order to screw the nib, which results in the metal part...
  4. Psychmike22

    Alien themed pen in M3

    This is an Alien inspired pen made from M3 I got at this years Mid-Atlantic Turner’s Expo from McKenzie Penworks. I don’t remember where the clip came from other than I got it from a table at a pen show. The nib is a black Jowo #6. I am always interested in your feedback. I’m thinking it needs...
  5. Laurenr

    My latest fountains

  6. The old and the new

    The old and the new

    Orange and Black acrylic fountain pen
  7. Vertical


    Orange and Black acrylic fountain pen
  8. Enjoy journaling

    Enjoy journaling

    Orange and Black acrylic fountain pen
  9. Taking Notes

    Taking Notes

    Orange and Black acrylic fountain pen
  10. spindlecraft

    Another first for me

    Finished this one up over the weekend. This is my very first attempt at putting a pen clip on a kitless pen – and the amount of creativity required to turn all of the different parts was crazy. I had to make my own mandrel, with threads on the outside of one end, and threads on the inside of...
  11. Psychmike22

    Some kitless I have been working on

    Hello everyone, I have been playing around with casting and made a few pens to try out some ideas. The black and blue pen came out better than my photography skills. The others I am calling galaxy blanks, involve pouring colors and glitters into clear epoxy for a swirled effect. Feedback is...
  12. Psychmike22

    A delightful pair.

    My dry cleaner is closing shop. I made him and his wife a gift for their retirement. He frequently told me to “Have a high quality day. “ I hope he has a high quality retirement.
  13. Jgrden

    Backyard Engineering Fountain Pen Desk Set

    A three stage fountain pen delivery system. The tower tilts and lays nearly flat. The tracktor moves the launch pad back for forth. There are three led lights for appearance. Three battery compartments are built in. One is 9 v, other is 4.5 v and the last is 3 v. the pen is 24 g plate...
  14. Bryguy

    Fountain Pen for UU

    I was asked to make a Fountain Pen for the retired religious Education Specialist of a local Unitarian Universalist Church. Their emblem is a burning chalice. The client provided a gold bock nib. She wanted a heavy pen in spalted maple, which tends to be very light. I used brass sleeves to...
  15. jrista

    First Fountain Pen - Artisan, Burgundy Gold

    This is my first fountain pen kit. An Artisan Signature, with a Boysenberry Burgundy "stardust" blank. Tubes painted red, to bring out more of the "burgundy" than "boysenberry," which I felt went better with the gold. Interesting kit, as it required filing a notch in the cap for the clip to fit...
  16. Toni

    Fly Away….

    This Fountain Pen is brand new for me. It took me some time to use it as I was waiting for the right Polymer Clay Millefiori Design to put on the tubes. Finally I had come up with it. This has Red Gerbera Flowers and Blue Birds Flying on the blanks. Thank you for looking!!
  17. R

    10mm fountain pen in Olive wood

    I love how this wood looks. I'm so glad I finally bought it. Easy to turn and has an impressive finish.
  18. E

    First Commission for a Kitless Pen

    This was my first commission, and it was a bear. Lots of failures, blowouts, separations, etc... Well worth the learning though, I have a whole different way of turning now thanks to @Pierre--- . My biggest challenge was the joinery between the acrylics and the aluminum, that is where most of...
  19. L

    Hello from Australia

    Hello all, I am reasonably new to pen turning. Have been looking at it for a few years, but only recently finished my first pen. Pen turning is a part of my larger hobby of machining and building things (to solve problems). I have a Hercus 260 lathe, Bridgeport clone mill, and a Prusa i3 3D...
  20. bvcreates

    My first two kitless/bespoke fountain pens

    Just finished up with my first three kitless pens. The first was the prototype so it's not worth showing here but the second and third turned out ok, I think. I made my own alumilite blanks and turned them on my smallish Rikon wood lathe using Easy Wood Tools negative rake cutters (they are...
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