fountain pen

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  1. C

    Assembling the fountain pen!!PLZ HELP!!

    Hello fellow woodturners. I've been turning pens now for the past year now and I've just recently tried making a fountain pen. Jr. Gentleman to be precise. the pen is completely assembled, I just cant figure out how to get the ink flowing. Sounds crazy I guess, but the directions I pulled up...
  2. Lenny

    Herbie Roman Harvest fountain pen

    Some of you will remember the "Herbie" wood donated by Dan Horrowitz (witz1976) as part of the IAP fundraiser. Bidders were very generous and it brought in quite a bit of money for the IAP. The generousity did not end there however! :smile: A few days after Ernie Borraga (EBorraga) won the...
  3. Lenny

    El Grande fountain pen from my second PR cast

    I got a request for a fountain pen using a blank from my second PR casting. Made this one today. It's a platinum El Grande Streamline.
  4. Lenny

    HRB on a Majestic

    My first pen since early December. A Majestic fountain pen. This is a piece of Honduran Rosewood Burl I purchased from Johnm here on IAP. Thanks, John! Finished with several coats of thin CA, then med. CA. Micromeshed up through all grits, then polished with Novs2 and PlastX. Finally a...
  5. L


    Like to share this, Fountain Pen design by Muhammad "ALI" today I had the chance to see his pen being display in Oak Brook, Illinois at Paridise Pen at the mall. This pen was made by Montegrappa ITALIA. Pictures were very hard to take cuz the pen was in a secure glass display case with lights...
  6. L

    Vanishing Fountain Pen

    Does anyone know where i can get vanishing fountain pen kit. Namiki Co. in Japan makes the real one. This pen nib actually retracts back in the tube when you press the top clicker.:smile:
  7. Lenny

    Triton Tru-Stone fountain pen

    This was my first tru-stone attempt, a Black with Gold Matrix on a Triton fountain pen. Had a little trouble getting it to "shine" using my regular methods. Thanks to Andy (PenMan1) for some helpful advice, here is what I ended up with ... Comments welcome!
  8. Lenny

    Jeff Powell Blood Moon fountain pen

    Jeff Powell's Blood Moon blank from exoticblanks on a Rhodium Jr. Gent II fountain pen. I used several coats of CA for the finish, sanded with micro mesh pads, followed by plastic polish and then buffing with Xfine and fine using the methods George (Texatdurango) uses as he posted here...
  9. D

    Pens for Son's Wedding

    My son is getting married in mid-September. Today he asked if I could make 4 white pens for the reception. He would like 2 gel and 2 ink fountain pens. Any suggestions as to style and material?
  10. J

    Fountain pen (non-cartridge) supplier?

    Good afternoon. Does anyone know if there are any suppliers for fountain pen kits that do not use ink cartridges? These probably would be vaccuum or lever filled. Thanks much.
  11. jskeen

    Assembly steps for Fountain Pens

    I started this in a reply, and it got a little off topic, so I decided to post it and get some others to comment on it, add to it, point out my obvious mistakes for me, ect. So, here's my process for assembling a screw cap pen (90 percent of the pens I do are either gents or jr's, btw)...
  12. L

    Parking a Fountain Pen?

    In a post in the "Show off your Pens" forum Whaler shared a beautiful Desk Set featuring a rollerball and it's desk stand. ( ) Photo by Dick This has inspired an idea and I would like to substitute a fountain pen but have serious...
  13. BobBurt

    El Toro FP

    This is the first one that I've made of these, Nice kit Thanks for looking
  14. jedgerton

    Jr. Gent FP Issue

    Guys, I have very little experience with FP's so perhaps someone can give me some advise. I have a Rhodium plated Jr. Gent FP where the nib will barely reach the threads that hold it into the metallic tube. In fact, I didn't think it threaded into the metallic tube at all but on a second...
  15. jthompson1995

    Help with a couple sheaffer fountain pens

    I just got these two Sheaffer fountain pens that were my grandfathers. The resin on these is in pretty good shape but the metal components on the outside of the cap are pretty corroded. I think they are piston filled but I'm not sure how to use the mechanism yet or test if they still work...
  16. Lenny

    Majestic Jr. fountain

    My first attempt at turning a Majestic Jr. rollerball resulted in a nice pen that wouldn't "post", as the plastic threads got bunged up. So for my second try I decided to do a fountain out of Amboyna burl. =0) It was also my first attempt at adding blo to the finishing process with the CA.
  17. S

    First Few Fountain Pens

    I finally picked up a few fountain pens to try. They’re all Jr. Gents. All are finished with BLO/CA. The first is ebony. The second is sapele (thanks paprgypc). Third is paduak. The ebony is my favorite, as I think the blank and the copper set each other off just right. As always, any and...
  18. B

    Help Identifying Fountain Pen Part

    I bought my first Fountain Kit, a Traditional from Penn State. Followed the instruction to the letter and the pen came out just fine. The Problem is I had a part left over (always a bad sign). It is not pictured or mentioned in the instructions. Can anyone help me identify it and its...
  19. S

    Baron FP Problem, help

    Hello All, I sold a baron fp at a show a couple of weeks ago and got a message from the owner yesterday. Never had this problem arise before. Just finished reading the information on adjusting the nib in the library. Does this sound like a nib adjustment problem? Any and all comments are...
  20. juteck

    One for my daughter

    I made this for my 12-yr old daughter after she showed interest in some fountain pens I made for her aunt. My daughter is a lefty, and writes with the pen near vertical, so I don't know how well she'll adapt to a fountain pen, so I made this as a convertible rollerball -- the spring is glued in...
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