Supercilious Pain in the Nether Regions Post (Caut

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Originally posted by R2

What is the error in the following sentence and why?
Pardon me being helpful.

I believe it is the rule about possessive gerunds... It should read, "Pardon my being helpful."

iz that the rite annsir?
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Originally posted by Tuba707

Originally posted by R2

What is the error in the following sentence and why?
Pardon me being helpful.

I believe it is the rule about possessive gerunds... It should read, "Pardon my being helpful."

iz that the rite annsir?

Good work, Joel. That is, in fact, the rite annsir.
Originally posted by ed4copies

What you are pointing out R2, perhaps inadvertently, is the fact that there are differences between American, Australian and British.

To which verb would your adverbs "firstly, secondly and thirdly" be referring?

Ed, I actually had the same thoughts as R2 when I read Cav's post because I frequently wrote it as he did. However, my English professor quickly broke me of this. Yes, listing by number (bulletized format) has become quite exceptable today. However, this applies to actually using the numbers themselves (as I understand it). According to Dr. Geoghan, if one chooses to spell it out, uisng "first" at the beginning is acceptable, but any subsequent numbering should have the "ly" added (secondly, thridly, etc.).;)
Here's a good one for you Cav.

Actual question from a Mensa Exam.

There is something unusual about the sentence below. Can you tell what it is?

"Not only is this unusual; it is also a particularly difficult thing to do."
Originally posted by Proud_Poppa_of_2

Originally posted by DocStram

With that being said, many of you have seen my typos, grammatical errors, and sometimes, spelling errors in IAP. Heaven knows that Two Chops Mike and Cav have pointed those errors out to me on more than one occasion. That's their prerogative to offer corrections. It doesn't bother me one way of the other.

I want to put Al's statement in context. On a single occasion, and in a tongue-in-cheek manner, I corrected Al's grammar:

Originally posted by Proud_Poppa_of_2
Cav, I hope you don't mind my cleaning that one up. I know you look forward to spotting Doc's rare miscues. I normally let those things slide, being somewhat imperfect in that department myself. (Just because I hail from a Commonwealth and not a state doesn't mean the Almighty endowed me with perfect grammar.) But, it's been a slow day and I kinda needed something useful to do. Ed hasn't been much fun and I thought I might be able to stir up some trouble around here. Just say the word and I'll lay off Doc's next error, which probably won't happen until June, anyway.

Other than that, I don't think I have corrected any person's grammar, spelling punctuation, etc. on these forums. Back on January 30, I started a thread ( expressing my disdain for the correction of posters' errors. I am not a proponent of the practice as I think it presumptuous.

As an aside, I am bemused by those who have commented in this thread about the disregard they show job applicants and others whose resumes, covers letters, web sites, etc. contain grammatical, spelling, and word usage errors. Each of those commentators has committed at least one such error of his or her own. Many of those errors have been committed in this very thread. I would be willing to bet most of these people would be unable to identify their errors without assistance. The moral, I guess, is that he who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones.

Frankly Mike, I can handle your disdain without too much disruption to my daily routine. If you are content to be a "NPGJ" poster and prefer nothing but warm air up your skirt that is fine by me. I will do my best not to interject reality into the equation. Some of us live in a world where red marks on a test paper are considered demoralizing to students, and where all contestants get a trophy.

The following snippet of my post is the point I wished to make:

When those of use who interview, or in my case used to interview, talk of strict accuracy, that is just the way things are. If your tax preparer messed up by a couple of decimals, I’m sure that you might find that unacceptable as you faced an IRS auditor. But, hey, there is no need to be so precise now is there? Let us jump over to the work of a carpenter, a logger, a plumber, or any other field of work. Would it bother you if your carpenter didn’t quite get your new deck level? What if your tree surgeon dropped a tree on your house, but just a little bit? No problem, I’m sure, if your new shower does not drain properly.

So, if I hurt any feelings with my attempts to improve the usage of the English language, consider my apologies extended. Also, those of you who complain that a photo is too large, too dark, or out to focus should immediately cease and desist. I certainly don't want any arrogant jerks pointing out sanding marks, poorly fitting joints on any posted pens. You will insult those who haven't had the benefit of your wood-working experience. Remember, we are here only to compliment, not to critique.

By the way, I checked all of the pens posted in the <s>Show Off Your Pens!</s> I mean the Nice Pen Good Job! Forum and they were all wonderful!
OK, in a nutshell, so the nuts can follow:

I also read (have read) cover letters and resume's over the years. I was always astonished by the number of typographical errors. Consider this:

When I posted advertisements asking for resume's, those who sent such documents were presenting this as THE FIRST way I would "meet" them. Have you ever heard, "You only have ONE chance to make a good first impression!"?

I hire people to go to business offices, greet the folks in the office, be directed to the copier and repair it. Frequently, the customer will stand by and assist the technician with suggestions or just stand by, commenting on the procedure the tech is using with helpful phrases like, "Why do you think THAT will WORK???"

The resume' will never tell me if the candidate has the temperament to accept such helpful commentary without resorting to man(or woman) slaughter. However, the words in front of me are all I have, upon which to judge the candidate. Only the top 4 or 5 will be invited for an interview.

I am looking for a person who will be neatly dressed, can carry on a pleasant conversation with someone who is irritated (at their copier that "never works"), then work on equipment without making it obvious that (s)he is ignoring the customer's helpful oratory. I'm supposed to do this, based on that piece of paper (resume') I am holding.

So, for those who have never been in this position, THIS is why we look at the document so carefully. To me (and many others), typographical errors stick out like a sore thumb - I see them INSTANTLY. And they indicate a lack of attention to detail. (Side note: It is true that my vision has deteriorated to a degree where I don't see the letters as I type my entries on these posts - the type is too small. When it posts, it comes back in about 18 point type, which I CAN see. So, you will see the incidence of my editing HAS gone up in the last two years. WHEN I see every letter, I see the mistakes. When typing this is not the case.)

So, is there a point to all this rambling ---- Kind of.

IF Cav corrects my spilling, I recognize that it was just a finger problem. I "touch type", but in daily life my "spell-check" finds my errors - they don't go out in the dozens of letters, proposals and general communication that I generate. HOWEVER, if Cav corrects the word "Emperor", he has done me a genuine service, since I clearly spelled it wrong, repeatedly.

So, I sit firmly on the fence. Cav (and anyone else) can correct me whenever they like (no blood, no foul). Such corrections are not humiliating - they merely prove I am human. IF I miss a key and leave it for all to see, a little humiliation may help me be more attentive, as I type my next entry.

I certainly HOPE we are not "chasing away" new members.

EQUALLY IMPORTANT - I HOPE THE "NON-NATIVE ENGLISH" SPEAKING members WILL STAY HERE!!! IF your country shows up next to your name, I am confident Cav and I will leave you alone!!! You speak and write English much better than we can speak/write our second languages!!! Thank-you for being here!

OK, I'm done for a few more pages of entries.
Hey, just a thought, I love compliments (and, happily, I have received a few of them from folks on this site) but what I really look for in responses to my posted pens is critique. That's what's valuable to me. I want to know what I can do to make it - or rather the next one - better.

This extends to my communications not just my pens. I want to know my errors in form and in content.

So, please correct me, critique me, spank me when I deserve it.

I promise, I am strong enough to take it!

Originally posted by jtate

Hey, just a thought, I love compliments (and, happily, I have received a few of them from folks on this site) but what I really look for in responses to my posted pens is critique. That's what's valuable to me. I want to know what I can do to make it - or rather the next one - better.

This extends to my communications not just my pens. I want to know my errors in form and in content.

So, please correct me, critique me, spank me when I deserve it.

I promise, I am strong enough to take it!


Nothing like a good spanking!! :D[}:)];)
Originally posted by DCBluesman

Originally posted by jtate

spank me when I deserve it.
NOW you've got my attention! [}:)]


Mr Metcalf???????

I thought you implied the topic should die (dead horse whipping)?????

NOW, you rise to <s>speak</s> type again.

So, ummmmmm, What "Attention", specifically, has risen?????[}:)][}:)][}:)]
What an interesting post. I have been bothered by bad writing and poor grammar for a long time. One of my jobs in my past life was to prepare government reports for a non-native English speaking boss (native of Bangaledesh). I got pretty good at spotting typos and correcting grammar. However, in my own work ... I am convinced that nobody can proofread their own writing properly. Besides that, I use the Biblical method of typing, (seek and ye shall find) so lots of typos occur all by themselves. I appreciate corrections, and am really bothered by egregious mistakes in myself and others, but for this forum, unlike in real life, we need to let it pass, unless we really can't understand what is being said.
Doc Ron
Originally posted by DocRon

What an interesting post. I have been bothered by bad writing and poor grammar for a long time. One of my jobs in my past life was to prepare government reports for a non-native English speaking boss (native of Bangaledesh). I got pretty good at spotting typos and correcting grammar. However, in my own work ... I am convinced that nobody can proofread their own writing properly. Besides that, I use the Biblical method of typing, (seek and ye shall find) so lots of typos occur all by themselves. I appreciate corrections, and am really bothered by egregious mistakes in myself and others, but for this forum, unlike in real life, we need to let it pass, unless we really can't understand what is being said.
Doc Ron

Can you say that again; In English? ;) [}:)]
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