Since I started this thread, I thought I would chime in once again. I must state that I do not look down on anyone here on the forum because of their use of the English language. (I specify English since that is the language used here.) I have the greatest admiration for those who speak and/or write more than one language. I simply cannot seem to learn more than a few words in Spanish, which helps slightly since I see many Spanish speaking inmates during the course of my work day. I also know that many of the members here are far better wood workers than I can ever hope to be.
If someone studies my corrections, they will plainly see that I do not correct everyone. I have a “no blood, no foul†agreement with Roy, Ed and Dawn, Mike and Linda and a few others. The idea has always been to make life on the forum a bit more fun. Hopefully it is taken that way by most. I admit that when someone gets under my skin a bit I may take a shot at them. That is a personality trait that likely needs all 9 grits of Micro Mesh. [

When those of use who interview, or in my case used to interview, talk of strict accuracy, that is just the way things are. If your tax preparer messed up by a couple of decimals, I’m sure that you might find that unacceptable as you faced an IRS auditor. But, hey, there is no need to be so precise now is there? Let us jump over to the work of a carpenter, a logger, a plumber, or any other field of work. Would it bother you if your carpenter didn’t quite get your new deck level? What if your tree surgeon dropped a tree on your house, but just a little bit? No problem, I’m sure, if your new shower does not drain properly.
As you hopefully see by now, accuracy is important in all walks of life. It is not a fair reaction to attack the importance I put on our language any more than it is to attack the need for accuracy in other facets of our lives. I have had private email “conversations†with members who do not use the language perfectly. We understand and respect each other. What does frustrate me is when someone posts in such a way that their meaning is simply impossible to interpret. There recently was a post on a subject that I know absolutely nothing about. I was glad to see the post, but could not understand it at all.
To finally end this epistle (Thanks to R2

) we all strive for accuracy in what we find important. If we are not interested in improving our work, and hopefully ourselves, then there is little use for this forum. That’s it; I am through on this subject.