That's a cool pattern. How controllable or repeatable is it?
Originally posted by Paul in OKC
<br />Here's a quick starting sketch for ideas on the spiral cutter.
<b>Download Attachment:</b>spiralctr Model (1).pdf<br />7.79Â KB
Originally posted by Paul in OKC
<br />One more try
OK OK I give up. I got a pic in my photo album.
I kinda thought this was close to what you had thought about. The threads on the end of the dremel are odd sized. I made a tap for one to try to screw it into some aluminum on an old patern for a pantograph from a 50's Popular Mechanics project. May have to dig it out and check it. Have to figure out a depth adjustment of some sort.Originally posted by btboone
<br />Yes, I certainly appreciate that Fred! [] I've been working for the last few days straight and my number of rings has only gotten larger! Calgon, take me away!
Paul, your machine looks somewhat similar to what I had in mind. I found that on my Dremel, the plastic tip comes off, exposing some threads, so the whole Dremel tool can screw down to the nut block and can be held much closer in to the pen axis, so it should be stiffer that way.