Wow Fred, That helps. I was assuming 1/2-13 or so. The smaller pulley can be larger with that.
Ok, but remember that this is just a one-hour trial (actually, I was demo'ing since Legacy's man was busy with the 1200).Originally posted by Fred in NC
<br />Lou, I appreciate your opinion because I have been considering the Legacy too. Would you mind explaining what you did not like about it? Thanks !
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />Of these blanks, all will have to be buffed significantly since the surface is too rough (for my standards) to begin finishing.
Originally posted by Tom McMillan
<br />Wow, Lou---Thanks for sharing that---Guess, for now, I'm best to continue with my hand spirals too---but, I would think there would be a way to get a smoother cut with that Legacy. Maybe Scott will do some work with his, and report on the results----Others here have Legacy's and made spirals---seems I've seen some???? Successes---failures???
I was thinking along this line as well, Fred. The only acme taps I have seen start at 1/2-10, and they are around $50. Bruce, your idea is definately a good way to keep it simple as to the carriage. I'm not sure about stability though. I thought about the carriage being on two rods with the screw in the middle. This of course takes more machine work which makes the cost a little more. I'll see if I can get some time to draw up some thing as well. Looking forward to this 'collaberation' project[Originally posted by Fred in NC
<br />Bruce, your idea is very simple !!! And simple is EXCELLENT in my book ! Very few parts makes it simple to build and adjust.
Now, if we could get hold of an ACME tap to match the rods, we could make some nuts from delrin or similar plastic. My idea is to make a long nut, so it engages 12-16 threads. Less wear and less backlash. I did not see a tap for this size, but somebody must have it. The ACME taps are expensive !! Probably $50 or so for this one. Whoever buys the tap should sell the nuts to cover his cost and labor. I am not sure about making them with the CNC because of the square valleys in ACME threads.
Let's keep brainstorming, soon we will have a design to try out.