Spelling police

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Originally posted by rdunn12

I will tell you in a nutshell what is wrong with kids and their learning to spell or anything else.It is discipline(punishment inflicted by way of correction and training),for those of you who don't really understand what that means.I have two kids in public school and I can say from what I have seen it is NOT the school system,or teachers that is causing kids to be the way they are,it is the parents.My kids know that,if they mess up,there will be a nice black leather belt waiting on them,and there won't be any time out crap.Well,o.k. time out WHACK.I see how parents are every day,how they baby them and tell them it's o.k.Well it is'nt o.k.A lot of parents don't believe in spanking their kids.Well I have seen how those who are'nt disciplined turn out,going into schools and killing kids.If I had done something like that(or even thought about it) I had better kill myself,if not my Dad would have done it.I don't think for one minute he would even hesitate to kill me dead for something like that.Sounds bad,but that's the way he is.

I was really disturbed by this post when I first read it last night. I decided to walk away from the computer rather than saying something that I would regret. Well, as the night went on I thought about it more. I've decided to speak up. So here goes .......

Ronald . . . I was one of those kids who had a dad like you. He never hesitated to spare the belt . . . or paddle . . or a fist if one of those other "tools" wasn't nearby. I hope your kids don't grow up hating you as much I hated him. In later years, he apologized for his anger. It was difficult to forgive him. But, he did teach me an important lesson . . . how not to treat my kids when they make a mistake.
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You are probably right Doc.Maybe I need to step back and take a long look at myself rather than criticizing others.This has been a real eye opening experience reading these replies.
Originally posted by rdunn12

You are probably right Doc.Maybe I need to step back and take a long look at myself rather than criticizing others.This has been a real eye opening experience reading these replies.

I'm happy to hear that Ronald.

I have two teenage daughters and I can honestly say I can't think of a single incident that caused me to want to spank them, let alone hit them with a belt.

But this is not to say that I never gotten angry at them, and the rare occasion that I have lost my temper, I have always left the room and returned when I was calm.

BTW - My oldest just graduated HS, in August she will start college as a sophomore. I never hit her, but, there has been times she lost privileges.
Originally posted by rdunn12

I have read this post from front to back,you know what I have learned from it?Nothing!Not one thing!I will tell you in a nutshell what is wrong with kids and their learning to spell or anything else.It is discipline(punishment inflicted by way of correction and training),for those of you who don't really understand what that means.I have two kids in public school and I can say from what I have seen it is NOT the school system,or teachers that is causing kids to be the way they are,it is the parents.My kids know that,if they mess up,there will be a nice black leather belt waiting on them,and there won't be any time out crap.Well,o.k. time out WHACK.I see how parents are every day,how they baby them and tell them it's o.k.Well it is'nt o.k.A lot of parents don't believe in spanking their kids.Well I have seen how those who are'nt disciplined turn out,going into schools and killing kids.If I had done something like that(or even thought about it) I had better kill myself,if not my Dad would have done it.I don't think for one minute he would even hesitate to kill me dead for something like that.Sounds bad,but that's the way he is.And another thing,I was always taught that I am responsible for my actions and nobody else is.Everybody wants to blame someone else for their troubles.How about taking a step back and looking at yourself.O.k back to spelling.I mostly overlook spelling errors and keep reading,not really a big deal.Let's all make pens and marvel at how nice they are and forgive each other for our spelling mistakes.It makes me think no less of someone when they don't spell something right,it makes me remember we are all human.AND WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES.


I have dealt with a lot of violence in my life, but I always walked away before I would pick up a hand to any of my kids, no matter what they have done. They are more responsive when I get quiet, and the quieter I get the better they act. If I really need to strike someone, I would rather find someone that can give me a good fight, it's a lot more satisfying for me. Some day you will be the smaller, weaker one AGAIN, then what? I hope you can change your ways. This is a mistake that you need to fix.
Holy cow, took a break from the thread for a few days, come back and we're talking about corporal punishment? What the harry, Larry?! [:0]

You know what?

I've mentioned this before, and I will again. Like many in my generation, I was raised by a great father, and yes, he spanked when we needed (as young boys often do) to learn our boundaries, black and white, no grey area, no time out, no taking away the X-Box for a month. It wasn't about anger, it wasn't about abuse, it was about me learning, RIGHT NOW, what's acceptable and what's not so we could move on and get back to fishing or riding motorcycles or getting wood or playing ball.

My dad balanced that discipline by spending TONS of time with us, talking and teaching how the decisions we make form us as young men and adults later on in life. It wasn't about hitting the younger, smaller neighbor kid with sticks (which I got spanked for), it wasn't about disrespecting and back-talking my mom or other elders (spanked), it wasn't about stealing a pack of life-savers from the local store where they knew me and my family name (ouch!), and it wasn't about throwing a rock through one of the neighbor's windows just to see if I could do it (again, with the spanking). It was about teaching me that it only takes one small, stupid decision that will follow us and scar us for the rest of our lives if we choose wrong, which is the reality that all of us face every day. It was about reinforcing the ideals that he'd spent so much time teaching us through the years, and proving to us that there are clear and present consequences for every stupid or negligent decision that we make all through life.

To this day, no matter how many times I lose my temper or rational judgment in a given situation, when I feel like my only option is to do something that's just not allowed by society, or, more importantly, my dad, I step back and look at what the outcome would be and usually make the best decision that won't get my backside tanned, literally or figuratively.

I'm so sick of hearing about how spanking is abuse or whatever. You know, any REAL parent hates spanking their kids. That's part of the job, no one wants to do it, we all hate it, but there are times when it's needed, I'll take that belief to my grave. I'm proud that I raised my kids the way my dad raised me. Clearly defining the rules and regulations of being a proper human being is extremely important during the formative years, and I don't care what anyone says, unless your kid is a social and intellectual genius, they aren't going to have the ability to sit down, shut up and learn through namby-pamby half hour lectures that define the finer points of acceptable behavior. Later on in life, unless they're taught how serious a lot of consequences can be, they're going to be looking for that soft love, and lemme tell you if you haven't figured it out yet, there ain't no soft love in life.

When someone pisses you off, just walk away, because that's harder than raising a fist and 'settling' it right then. When you really want something but don't have the money, walk away. Earn it, earn everything. Work hard, play hard, love your friends, excuse your enemies when possible, crush them when not. When I have a choice in business to do something shady (which is always the easy choice) or do something with integrity, I choose integrity (which is always the harder choice). When life has worn me thin, the easy, sneaky, stupid, dishonest, lazy choice always looks tempting, but my dad would whup my ass. To this day, when I walk outside the lines, he whups me. No, I don't go cut a switch and he doesn't yank his belt out, but he doesn't baby me, either, and I'll always respect him, admire him, try to be like him, and I value his input in my life.

Had I not had that firm foundation of right and wrong instilled in me when I was throwing sticks or stealing Life Savers, I'd be making the easy choice. Instead, I think about what my Dad taught me, suck it up, man up, cowboy up, stiffen my neck or upper lip, keep my nose to the grindstone, put my shoulder to the wheel (whatever metaphor you use), and I forge ahead into the path less traveled, and it makes me a stronger, better, more tempered and refined man. I'm proud of that.

Are my beliefs rare? They're getting that way, I'd suspect. It's much easier as a parent to listen to someone tell you that there's an 'easier, more loving' way to discipline than spanking, but many times that easier way is also the way that doesn't get the job done right. I've coached enough "time-out Timmy's" over the years to tell you, it may be easier for you, but every other adult in their lives have to take up the slack by expending unnecessary levels of patience and time that should be reserved for kids who really need it, and many of the truly needy ones end up slipping through the cracks, ending up monsters that live and give lifetimes of pain and suffering.

Parenting is frigging hard, and I don't mean hard like mowing the lawn or paying the mortgage, it's not a do-it-right-once thing. It's about a lifetime of always making the tough decisions that sometimes rip your heart out, and it's about spending enough real time with your kids to show them that what you have to say is to be respected, not feared or ignored.

A parent should never be angry when they spank, their hearts should be aching. Constantly avoiding heartache at the expense of a child not learning early boundaries will most of the time lead to heartbreak later on.

Whew. Okay, let the flogging begin.

I would like to go on record as saying that I was never spanked for misspelling any words. :D
Bravo Karl.
It is VERY hard spanking the fruit of you loin. I have four kids and they have all been in time out and x box taken away but it seems like they pay more attention when they see dad in pain for spanking them. "Time out" is so easy. I was raised "spare the rod spoil the child".
I was raised by a good man who was raised by a good mother who wasnt the "huggy" type, so in turn he wasnt he "huggy" type. I was his first born boy and he wanted me to be a man right from the start. I got alot of "walk it off"s and "men dont cry". I got a whole lot of whuppins for things I thought were unfair,at the time, now I can see where he was coming from. Like the time I shoved the bratty neighbor kids hand in dog poo just because he was a pain.....
I wasnt the easiest kid to raise but he kept me on the right track. I thank God that I was blessed with two daughters first that "softened me up" and now I can hug my sons and my Father. And thats a big deal in my family.
He helped me become the man I am today. He taught me patience, understanding and how to LET THINGS GO..........
Great post, Karl! And I think you captured the essence of corporal punishment. Discipline (regardless of form) must be 2 things, and both are critical. The first is balanced. Discipline w/o love isn't discipline, it's abuse (again, regardless of form). By the same token, love w/o discipline isn't love. I'm not sure what I'd call it, but it isn't love. The second is consistent. If you discipline a child only 1 or 2 out of 4 times for an infraction, that isn't consistency. The once or twice they get away with it is worth (to them) the other consequences when they don't. And threatening discipline is nothing short of a joke... and they know it. Don't threaten, do.;)
I agree wholeheartedly with Karl! Parenting is the hardest thing in the world! He was raised the way we were raised, and the way we are raising our children. There is a time and a place for different forms of discipline, BUT all forms MUST be surrounded with love and guidance. There is a difference between abuse and discipline, and Karl hit that point right on the head.
Do you hit your boss when he assigns you a job that you don't like? How about your wife ..... when she doesn't do something you want her to do? Did you paddle her? Or, maybe your parents come for Sunday dinner and your father says something you don't like ... are you going to spank him?

If it's not acceptable to hit another adult . . . then why is it alright to hit a child?
I haven't read a lick of this thread until the last post on the home page and thought, what has this got to do with spelling? Only read back to Karl's post. AMEN. WELL SAID. BRAVO.
Needless to say, I agree, and excellently put, Karl. I was spanked as a kid, by parents, and in school when needed. And I spank my kids when needed, probably to few times, actually.
You are right, it can never be out of anger. I talk to my children before (which they usually already know!), to go over the reasons, and about honor and respect for others or their belongings, and after.
Al, by the time you are old enough to be a boss or wife you know or should know right from wrong, kids need to learn this or they don't make bosses, wifes or husbands worth a darn. I think Karl has it right.
As far as spelling goes there are so many things more important than a few missed spelled words.

Originally posted by DocStram

Do you hit your boss when he assigns you a job that you don't like? How about your wife ..... when she doesn't do something you want her to do? Did you paddle her? Or, maybe your parents come for Sunday dinner and your father says something you don't like ... are you going to spank him?

If it's not acceptable to hit another adult . . . then why is it alright to hit a child?
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