Spelling police

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Aug 16, 2006
Michigan, USA.
Have not posted here in a while... Was 100% turned off by the spelling police on every other post... Received this email today and thought I would share.:D Do not think it was posted here before ?
I'm one of the 55. Are You?

If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid too. Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are , the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh?
If you can raed this forwrad it.
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Glad to see your back, Mal. Actually, we have long moved on past The Great Spulling Debate. We're pretty much one big happy family . . . except when some idiot is stupid enough to disagree with me. ;):D
Initially, I tried to read that by looking at each word and figuring it out. I could made it through the first few words with difficulty. Then I tried to 'scan' it, reading each sentence at quicker and quicker speed. Surprisingly, as I spead up, it was easier to read.
tol·er·ance â€"noun 1. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry. :D
Not bad enough you want us to spill write, now you want "Tolerance" TOO???

Prettty hi standards around hear!!!

Sure glad I lernt how to ignore them!~!!
Originally posted by leehljp

kono bun o yomimasuka? yasashii desuyo! :D [}:)]

Wow, that's so weird...you know, I was just thinking that very thing! heh [:eek:)]

Don't worry, Cav! We still love you. :)

for-give : verb 1. To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon. :D
Originally posted by wdcav1952

tol·er·ance â€"noun 1. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry. :D
You forgot, drinking one handed instead of Two....:D
Originally posted by Malainse

Originally posted by wdcav1952

tol·er·ance â€"noun 1. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry. :D
You forgot, drinking one handed instead of Two....:D

Hey, I start drinking one handed. When I start spilling too much I switch to two handed!! :D:D
I had no problem reading that, but it really doesn't address my main gripe about casual spelling: incomprehensibility.

Everybody makes typos, everybody forgets (or never knew) how to spell a word. Most misspellings can be read over without a pause, as was so eloquently demonstrated in the quote that started this thread.

Misspellings usually only causes problems for comprehension when the writer gets too casual about spelling and mixes up homonyms. If you confuse "to" with "two" or "too" or type "there" when you meant "their" or "fur" instead of "fir" (especially when discussing pen blank materials) it can make it tough to suss out the meaning of your sentence. If more than one such error occurs per sentence, it can make the sentence nigh on to impossible to understand. Unfortunately, this is a problem that spell checkers can't solve; they see no error in such mistakes.;)

P.S. I just came close to doing what I was complaining about above. When responding to another thread, I typed in "you're" when I meant "your". Big difference in meaning and very easy to do. Glad I caught it before I posted.:(
A mistake is an opportunity to learn something. A spelling mistake, if corrected, is an opportunity to learn how to spell correctly. A grammaticall error, if pointed out, should never be repeated again.

As an English teacher, I think that spelling is important. However, as we have just celebrated the life of Nelson Mandela in our school, it's important to note that tolerance is important too!

So spelling is good. Tolerance is good. Moving on is good! :)
There are misspelled words, which we all do on occasion; then there is poor grammar combined with constant spelling errors. I tend to think the latter speaks to a poor education system and ignorance. Some of the posts are appalling and I don't think it speaks well of the poster. I don't understand why people think it's OK to write poorly. Some say that this is a pen turning web site; that doesn't mean language goes out of the window. I wouldn't be in the least surprised if display/website text have the same errors. It does affect my choices when I am looking to buy product. To me it's on par with being unable to count. It takes nothing to run a spell and grammar check. If I had kids that came home from school writing in the same way as some of the posts then I would be down banging on the English teacher's door or pulling my kids out of the school.

If corrections offend, rather than shooting the messenger, go take a remedial English class. If corrections irritate enough to stop one from posting then that's one's choice.
A Little Poem Regarding Computer Spell Checkers...

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

Author Unknown
Originally posted by DocStram

Glad to see your back, Mal. Actually, we have long moved on past The Great Spulling Debate. We're pretty much one big happy family . . . except when some idiot is stupid enough to disagree with me. ;):D

You mean only some idiot bothers you Doc? [:eek:)]
There are misspelled words, which we all do on occasion; then there is poor grammar combined with constant spelling errors. I tend to think the latter speaks to a poor education system and ignorance. Some of the posts are appalling and I don't think it speaks well of the poster. I don't understand why people think it's OK to write poorly. Some say that this is a pen turning web site; that doesn't mean language goes out of the window. I wouldn't be in the least surprised if display/website text have the same errors. It does affect my choices when I am looking to buy product. To me it's on par with being unable to count. It takes nothing to run a spell and grammar check. If I had kids that came home from school writing in the same way as some of the posts then I would be down banging on the English teacher's door or pulling my kids out of the school.

If corrections offend, rather than shooting the messenger, go take a remedial English class. If corrections irritate enough to stop one from posting then that's one's choice.

I have to take offense to this statement as there are some me included that have LEARNING DISABILITIES and no matter how much schooling they have they will never be good spellers or writers, many are great artist, actors, scientist, leaders (most are good), and very well learned in other areas, but because of the LD they cannot process the written word as a "normal" person does.
Originally posted by DocStram

A Little Poem Regarding Computer Spell Checkers...

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

Author Unknown

That's awesome. Being an engineer, and the typical bad speller, spell checkers have burned me before if I relied too much on them. [B)]
half my family (10 siblings) are dyslexic. I know how learning disabilities affect the written word. You appear to have overcome your learning disability. As have I.

This thread is not about the exceptions: people with English as a 2nd language, people with learning disabilities. I would have thought that much was clear since this has been discussed so many times.
I am one of the less tolerant ones here. I have short patience with those who don't even try to use the spell checker or bother to re-read their posts before sending. I have a touch of dyslexia and frequently transpose letters. Never mind words with double letters, I rarely get those right. I make many errors when I write. But, I do use spell checker and catch many of those errors. Much of the bad grammar we see here, and on other forums, is a matter just plain laziness. Generally the writings of those with genuine disabilities are obvious. Just as obvious are stupid mistakes made by (lazy) people of normal intelligence with no excuse for not having a basic command of the English language.
How about we end the debate here, eh? I'm sure this will get out of hand in a hurry...Yes, there needs to be more focus on attempting to use the English language proficiently, but there also needs to be tolerance for those who cannot, or have not, developed a grasp of the subtleties of English; as my fiance tells me, having one's grammar corrected constantly gets old in a hurry (ah, the joys of being engaged to a teacher!) :)

So here's where I chime out of this discussion...let's not let this debate rage on, else it'll get out of hand, I'm sure...
I read this thread before. It was a couple of months ago. Next we will start discussing the beating of dead horses again. Can anyone tell me about Steebar? Why is this blank stuck to my hand? Is this glue supposed to stick to skin too? On that note, I am going to another topic somewhere. I will see you there Andrew.

HaHaHa beating dead horses...what a waste.
There are other disabilities besides learning. There are also social disabilities. Some people that may have overcome their LD, are over compensating to the point of being ED (emotionally disturbed(nothing against you Ed)). I feel that is far more problematic than a few slips with spelling or grammar. When we are on the computer, spelling and grammar may be a big issue to some, but in person, all of that can be forgiven, while rudeness never is.

Yes, I am still out here lurking and laughing.
Originally posted by Jarheaded

I read this thread before. It was a couple of months ago. Next we will start discussing the beating of dead horses again. Can anyone tell me about Steebar? Why is this blank stuck to my hand? Is this glue supposed to stick to skin too? On that note, I am going to another topic somewhere. I will see you there Andrew.

HaHaHa beating dead horses...what a waste.

Hey, who's this 'Eagle' guy I keep hearing about? [:p][:eek:)]

I think there's valid points on both sides, but I lean towards the 'try a little harder' direction myself. There, I committed, now I'm going to go find Andrew and Johnnie. :)
I think all people can be expected to do is their best. My best may not be as good as someone else's, but that does not make him better then me. What is interesting is that sometimes it does make him a jackass.
Irony, definition: person stops posting on IAP because in his own words, “Was 100% turned off by the spelling police on every other post†Many, many people begin posting about….wait for it….tah da…SPELLING. Pro and Con. Riots ensue, people get mad at other people, yelling screaming, CAPITOL LETTERS, OMG. (Yep, more irony) So, guy comes back and tell us he hasn’t posted for a while and why he has not posted and…..wait for it….HE GETS IT ALL STARTED AGAIN. In the immortal words of…someone who was at Woodstock, or something, “Come on people now, smile on each other Everybody get together Try to love one another, RIGHT NOW.†You know you like each other, so just LET IT GO. (Resentment: taking poison and hoping the other person dies.) For the record, we all have learning disabilities, We are Human. OKAY, (Little League Rules) enough, shake hands, Smile on each other, and go TURN SOME PENS. If spelling were our biggest problem, gas and milk would not cost $4 a gallon, we’d all have more wood than we could turn, we wouldn’t sell our pens people would be lined up begging us for them, every person would just be happy.
About IAP, people I have never met have sent me wood, pen kits, Corian, and given me help and instruction. WHERE ELSE YOU GOING TO GET THAT? (People I've never met have been sent wood and what ever I could to help them out, WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS THIS? It is a good place with good people.)
‘nuff said.
As incredulous as it may seem, spelling problems are not recognized as being an official Learning Disability. There are seven areas in which a person can be LD:
Basic Reading Skills (word recognition)
Reading Comprehension
Math Computation
Math Reasoning
Spoken Language
Written Expression
Listening Skills

As a professional in the field of Special Education I have always been at odds with other professionals who refuse to recognize spelling as a type of learning disability. When I work with someone who can't spell worth a flip, I tell them to let people know that they are "creative spellers".
Originally posted by THarvey

Originally posted by DocStram

Glad to see your back, Mal. Actually, we have long moved on past The Great Spulling Debate. We're pretty much one big happy family . . . except when some idiot is stupid enough to disagree with me. ;):D

You mean only some idiot bothers you Doc? [:eek:)]
Sorry Doc, I won't post any more, (probably no less either) :D:D
The neat thing about the computer is that most of the time your spell checker will fix most all of your errors if you are not too lazy to use it. If you are using IE, download and install the Google toolbar. It has pop-up blocking as well as a great spell checker. The only drawback with the spell checker is you have to run it, it does not run automatically. As long as you are not to lazy to push an extra button, most all of you spelling will be correct.
Uh Oh, Curtis!! As the original spelling cop, I never called the spelling challenged lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D[}:)];)

(BTW, it should be your spelling, not you spelling!) :D:D[}:)];)
Yeah, that may have been a little harsh but with modern technology, there is no reason for grossly misspelled words. I have lots of spelling errors. I am a pretty good speller, I just type real fast and have a lot of typos. I use the spell checker most of the time and it catches most. Obviously not everything as pointed out above, but most! When I am too lazy to push the extra button to check the post, I end up with a lot of extra errors. That is what I meant by being lazy and I am guilty of it on occasion as well.

Here is a screen shot of checking this exact post for those who might be interested. At the top is the Google toolbar with the spell check button. Once clicked it then highlights errors in the window in red. You simply click on the misspelled word and it offers suggestions.
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You know, the spell checker is only half the battle. One still has to determine if the word being used is the proper word!

As Ben Henderson mentioned earlier..."If you confuse "to" with "two" or "too" or type "there" when you meant "their" or "fur" instead of "fir"

Let's say a stranger in town asked if the drugstore was within walking distance and you replied "It's pretty fur down the road from here", some would challenge the spelling even though it's correct!

And I might add, even in this day of total social correctness with everyone being afraid to say what's on their mind because it might offend someone, as mentioned above, there is still such a thing as being just plain ole 100% LAZY with a care less attitude and if the shoe fits, just wear it rather than coming up with a disability, disorder or a third grade teacher to blame it on!
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