Slabs, it's what I do!

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If postage was just a bit more reasonable, I imagine y'all down-under would like more USA timber. Not sure if it would come in under the 20lb weight limitation for flat rate shipping?

Glad ya have fun looking at this stuff though!

Scott (Oak is awesome) B

Ya got it all wrong Scott,
That blank just will not be suitable for your craft table..
It has Australia written all over it.

Man, I love this thread also.


Thanks Warren!

BTW, here is a piece of sweetness from the mill today!

This is a bowl blank I made from the Oak burl(technically, it was a Southern Red Oak)! Guess sooner or later I'll get it put on the website.....maybe, maybe not? I'm thinking this would make a really nice bowl for my craft table.........

Scott (and I mowed the lawn too) B
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Yup, I was at it again!

Some more of this exotic Arkansas timber! Eastern Red Cedar{Juniperus virginiana}!!!

This stuff has been waiting for something to be done with it for awhile, and I had some fellas wanting some 'thinner' pieces for scroll sawing....did not take long to move these pieces! Five flat rate boxes with 1/2" - 5/8" thickness....believe it, or not, takes a lot of cutting.

Close-up to get some drooling.....

And nope, I didn't make everything that thin! I am out of crosscut blanks, so I made a few passes for the thicker pieces, stickered them on the trailer, and will process those down this next weekend. Wasn't paying attention and the bunk clamp came loose on the far end of the mills bunk...resulting in the 'funny piece' on the top of this stack(the band 'pulled' the timber up during the cut and I ended up with a wedge - could have been a really bad thing though...I got lucky).

BTW, there is one piece in this stack with some thin black line spalting in the sapwood(that doesn't happen too often with ERC)!!!! Those pieces will be hiding in 'my stash'....:eek:

Guess it will give an excuse to make a few(40-50) turkey pot call blanks!

Scott (always millin'....or mowin') B
Well, I'm glad you waited till it warmed up a little.:biggrin:

Pretty slabs.

With the summer we've had, this weekend was one of the few that really felt like summer. Wonder what our winter will be like?
The Farmer's Almanac is predicting 165% of the normal snow fall for this area....guess that means about 8-11 inches of total snow fall? And it is supposed to be the same temps.(crossing my fingers)

It's hard to work outside and not has to be warm! And this ERC was outstanding. It's difficult to actually allow it to leave(think 'my precious'....)

Scott (took 17mins to sell those pieces) B
The Farmer's Almanac is predicting 165% of the normal snow fall for this area....guess that means about 8-11 inches of total snow fall? And it is supposed to be the same temps.(crossing my fingers)

It's hard to work outside and not has to be warm! And this ERC was outstanding. It's difficult to actually allow it to leave(think 'my precious'....)

Scott (took 17mins to sell those pieces) B
Yeah, I saw that in the almanac too. Hopefully the temps won't drop like they did this summer. Otherwise that 165% could be double that. I'm just glad we don't live in Fayetteville.

Lyn told me you made her haul all that lumber to work so she could mail it.
Man, that wood is beautiful... I know cedar is an irritant, but I think its one of the best looking!

I really need to pick a day and head over and visit Cabot.. I still need to visit BSea too, but hes busy watching his Hawgs get run over. :) :) :) :)

(They looked great in the first half!)

Man, that wood is beautiful... I know cedar is an irritant, but I think its one of the best looking!

I really need to pick a day and head over and visit Cabot.. I still need to visit BSea too, but hes busy watching his Hawgs get run over. :) :) :) :)

(They looked great in the first half!)

Ok, we know we are a little below where we need to be. But at least our coach doesn't graze on the football field.:biggrin:

Which is good since we have artificial grass.:rolleyes:
Man, that wood is beautiful... I know cedar is an irritant, but I think its one of the best looking!

I really need to pick a day and head over and visit Cabot.. I still need to visit BSea too, but hes busy watching his Hawgs get run over. :) :) :) :)

(They looked great in the first half!)

Ok, we know we are a little below where we need to be. But at least our coach doesn't graze on the football field.:biggrin:

Which is good since we have artificial grass.:rolleyes:

Artificial grass will not stop Miles, he can just chew it longer....
Is that aromatic cedar? Or just regular cedar? :)

This may help you @DLGunn ..... Juniperus virginiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eastern Red Cedar has many names.....if you can, try to use the 'Latin name', while harder to use, it will reduce confusion.

I keep having to bite my tongue when folks say they turned a piece of Mimosa. In the US, they are probably referring to the 'Persian Silk Tree', but what if the timber didn't come from the US? Ahhhhh, then we have a problem as there are 450+ species of timber that fall under 'mimosa'.

Scott (cypress is closer to cedar then ERC is) B
Is that aromatic cedar? Or just regular cedar? :)

This may help you @DLGunn ..... Juniperus virginiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eastern Red Cedar has many names.....if you can, try to use the 'Latin name', while harder to use, it will reduce confusion.

I keep having to bite my tongue when folks say they turned a piece of Mimosa. In the US, they are probably referring to the 'Persian Silk Tree', but what if the timber didn't come from the US? Ahhhhh, then we have a problem as there are 450+ species of timber that fall under 'mimosa'.

Scott (cypress is closer to cedar then ERC is) B

Glad to know that this "Common Name" problem exists in your part of the world too.
We have many hundreds of Eucalyptus tree species, so Eucalyptus can mean anything.
Another favourite is the "Silky Oak", which in fact is a Grevillea, but there are dozens of different trees that share this common name, and none of them are oaks.
All to make things confusing.

Bob (when is a tree not a tree??) Scott, sorry, the devil made me do it.:)
Bob, you are spot on!
Common names are most confusing, but learning the couple 100,000 or so latin names for trees would be a task I would not wish on about using up 90% of useable brain matter!

Your question....I'll go with, when it's a herb.

Scott (devil needs a pitchfork in the eye :rolleyes: ) B

Guess I should apologize first....I took the camera, but it never made it out of the truck. Sorry.

Friday morning I took a moment to help a fella drop a tree he didn't feel comfortable with. I had looked at it the week before and determined that it had probably died from the 'borer'....maybe? The tree was either a 'green'{Fraxinus pennsylvanica} or a 'white'{Fraxinus Americana} Ash(no leaves and the bark on the big'uns are soooo close to being the same, I wasn't going to commit on it's exact species). Although the property had a lot of 'green' on it.....

It sure made a 'thud' when it hit the ground!!! Hard to beat a Jonsered 2094 Turbo w/32" of full chisel!!!! She never even made a putter while chewing that dead, super hard timber(I know it was really hard cause the fella's little Echo with new chain had a hard time with the sapwood under the bark!)
{Okay, it was apples to oranges trying to compare my hand sharpened 3/8 chisel to his store bought, and sharpened .325}

The tree was a true 36"DBH, and at the 11' high mark probably closer to 49"! A triple crotch that would have made the most beautiful table tops ever. If I could have only found this tree before those dang bugs(and there were plenty of bugs under the bark). With the bugs, and the threat of spreading them....I informed the owner that he would be best served to start burning this great firewood.

BTW, this crud inside me just keeps hanging on.....high fever, aches, equal yuck already! But the tree felled in the direction I needed and I was done in maybe an hour(whittled the stuff I thought could hurt the fella when he started to buck some firewood). Just too bad the 'borer' has made it to Arkansas...that's a lot of great timber that will end up being burned.

Scott (yes, I'm still cutting timber) B
Okay, the spirit of sharing has once again jumped into me!

Eastern Red Cedar stumpage...made a 'waste fence' with some 2x4's(finally, a use for a 2by).

Made a few passes, these will find their way into some pen blanks probably...nothing else much good for them.

Was just after this chunk anyway, bowl blank!

Loading some video into the computer for editting, not sure if I want it in the 'net yet....we'll see?

Scott (ERC Rules, the rest drools) B
No sense in just milling a chunk of Eastern Red Cedar for a single bowl blank! Heckfire NO!!!

Here is a couple of chunks of American Sweetgum, as you can see, this stuff is boring...after all, it has a few colorations, some spalting, and weird things going on inside. So BORING! Just some FYI, the fella that sharpened these bands won't be doing anymore...the 'set' sucks(as can be seen from the lines that run across the pieces).

The peices standing up on the left side are only 1/2in thickness, I'll be putting those on the RingMaster bowl lathe. The rest are going to be made into pen blanks, they'll need a few months in the shed to dry the rest of the way.

Few close-up teasers!

BTW, an unphoto group of bowl blanks made their way into the shed too.

Scott (smells something special) B
Hi Scott,
I noticed the "UNPHOTO BOWL BLANKS" that went into your shed as well. I would be interested when they become available in due course.
Such CRAPPY wood. I just don't know why you bother with it. LOL
Man, I love this thread.

Bob. (O41blank) W.
Was running the sawmill again today. Needed to get some 'cubes' out, and I figured it would be a great time to try out a 'harness' for the GoPro....

This was some Southern Red Oak that is spalted and mineral stained....I figure I only have about 1,000lbs of this stuff left. Going to have to start thinking about hoarding this stuff soon :eek:

Scott (enjoy the video) B
I bought it....really. It was either that or the head harness, and I didn't think I'd like to deal with that? It's weird enough to have a camera strapped to your chest.

Yeah the anti-crackhead fence.....I'll have to open the gate for the next meeting so we can get a truck or your SUV back there to get it loaded down with some timber! Or if you'd can use the trailer to get your share of the milling?

Scott (free blanks and slabs...that's right) B
It's officially cold....couldn't get the bandsaw mill fired up this morning(bummer). Because I scored some nice, fun timber yesterday while cleaning the 'right-of-way' in North Little Rock! A fairly large piece of Persian Silk Tree{Albizia julibrissin}, unfortunately, training people not to call this stuff Mimosa kills me!(there are 450 different Mimosa plants on the planet....errrrr I digress!)

Was going to cut some 1+ inch thick 'flitches' and start the drying process on this stuff for some really sweet turkey pot calls. But unless I want to turn the bandsaw wheels by hand.....

I'll drag the upright bandsaw out and cut something else. Pen blanks, maybe a few bottle stopper sized chunks, or whatever strikes my least until my fingers freeze.

Scott (maybe the camera won't freeze?) B
Beautiful Central Arkansas day here! And I didn't let it go to waste!

The timber was starting to pile up some out by the mill, so no sense in letting the January thaw get past me without reducing the stack. There was three species that needed to be slabbed up. And I was able to get them all done. Plus, the 'looks' I've been getting every time I carry something out back after work...well, let's just say....she's happier since I had some time to cut some stuff:smile-big:

The first was a small, stubby little log that goes by the name "Persain Silk Tree{Albizia julibrissin}...which is often mis-named by locals as 'mimosa'(one of those things that'll drive a fella nutz!!), then there was the remaining chunk of American Sweetgum{Liquidambar styraciflua}, and finally one of the four big Persimmon{Diospyros virginiana} logs I just went to get yesterday.

I'll be making mostly 2"sq x ?? out of the Persimmon, as I hear it is an excellent timber for call makers, but don't worry....I'll also be making some 4"sq x 1-1/8"T turkey call blanks, as well as some pen blank sized pieces. This timber had a LOT going on inside of it!!!! I know, this is "worthless without photo's"!!

-Laying out, sun-bathing, or waiting in line....doesn't matter, they'll be on there soon! As you can see from the end-grain cut...there is something 'special inside'!

-Made a few passes and then swept the dust off for a photo. Yes, those are 1-1/4"and 2" thicknesses.... The timber was not wet from being washed off, this is it's color! It will fade some while sitting in the shed for awhile(but it 'pops' right back out for you to see when turned)!

-The first pass yielded some of the best coloring I've seen in a piece of American Persimmon...almost 'ebonized', and if I hadn't known where it had come from...I'd almost think this stuff was from Texas! Beautiful stuff!

The Persian Silk Tree? Not as many 2"sq x ?? will be available, as the piece just wasn't as big as the other things I cut today. But there will also be some 4"sq x 1-1/8"T sizes and some pen blanks....

-Not as awesome after you've seen the stuff above, but it has a bunch going on in it! The tones are rich and will not fade as it dries(I've got some stashed away-I look at it from time-to-time).

The American Sweetgum will be mostly pens and pot call sized blanks.

-Spalted, differing color tones, and worm trails....where does a fella get started ?

Thanks for looking as always! Hope you enjoy these few photo's out of the 50-ish I took today! If y'all are getting 'tired of seeing this stuff' let me know and I'll let this topic slide down the list and get archived(or whatever happens to old topics).
I'll be slicing some stuff on the miter saw tomorrow(honey-do's permitting), and getting the stacks ready for the website. Mostly be call blanks this time, pen blanks will need a bit longer to dry.

Scott (no breeze = a lot of sneeze) B
American has a value! Especially when it comes from my mill....that's right, the post just a few up with the dark log? This is it!

This one is still drying, but a few more coats of Tung Oil, and 'poof'-she'll be ready for a new home!

Scott (I turn stuff too) B
Went to see James yesterday evening-ish to get some sanding supplies, and woohoo! He has a sharpening system to drool about! Answered a lot of my questions(I can be walked through things alot easier then reading them), and by the time he was finished re-shaping the steel I had pretty much ruined...I am truly convinced on what I need to get to keep them this way!!!!

Well, if a fella has sharp tools....he's going to use them!
Had this old piece(Lollobby Pine) that has been drying beside the stack of newspaper that I keep in the garage(figured it was a good piece to ruin if I had to re-learn my tools).....was roughed out 6monthes ago, and I had no issues getting it to 3/16" thickness. I tossed on a single coat of Tung Oil until I can get back to it for the 'tenon removal'. Yes, those are cracks radiating from the pith-ish area, but, I was only trying to see what difference sharp tooling made. Not to worry, sharp is fun, and the piece didn't come apart!

Then I figured, let's have some fun! Grabbed a piece of American Persimmon(one of these went to James for the sharpening tutorial), and just figured, let's make some ribbons! Ended up doing a bark-on turning(one of the first I've actually been able to keep the bark on), and also applied a single coat of Tung Oil until this one too can loose a tenon. Photo here is showing some sanding, and the thinCA I used to secure the bark while sanding...those 'streaks' came off and I can't see them under the oil....

After putting the coat of oil on both of these, I think I've been biten by the bowl-bug? The American Persimmon is going to be I don't think too much of my log(s) are ever going to make it to the website. And I'm going to have to find me some more of the Lollobby Pine with blue stain to play with also!

Scott (not too many blanks cut this figure) B
Nothing like kickin' back and taking it easy.....todays task was simple. Go to the compost place and dump a 'pile-o-scraps' and then run over and grab a small chunk of White Walnut{Juglans cinerea}, some folks also call it Butternut and then toss on a small piece of Scyamore(this was the easy part, as I could actually lift it into the is only 7'4" long x 8-11" diameter.

Yup, easy! Forgot the size of this piece.... Thought I was going to be able to put it on the sawmill, on 'demo day'(March 14th 2015, IAP Chapter meeting day). Didn't realize this things was that large? Measured it after I returned home, and it was just under 5'6" long x 32-48" wide(depending on exactly where the tape measure was being stretched across it!

So this may include a demo on 'Chainsaw milling"!?!

Anyway, no one comes here to read my rambling, you want photo's!

Scott (easy day....right) B
Wow the large piece (looks like a cedar stump) would make a beautiful bowl a little big for my lathe but it would be pretty.

There is a ERC log or 7 in one of those frames, and a few...maybe 24pcs of SRO in there too! Big bowls are fun, just wish I had one of those coring systems.... Makes a fella sad to see a foot on curlies on the floor to make huge bowls.

Scott (come on by, grab one) B
Photo's in the 'morrow....something followed me home from work.

This one won't end up on a website, on my lathe, or anything 'fun like that'. I was in a rush a few years back, and made a porch in front of my shed out of some 'extra material' I had laying around. It's going to be time to fix that now!

Dimensions? Ah, 38" diameter on the butt-end, tapering to 37" at 11'4" down the length.....I'll let the chainsaw mill do most of the 'grunt work', but the bandsaw mill will be used to clean everything up. As stated, photo's in the 'morrow

Scott (it's a secret 'til 'morrow) B
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Yup, a short can go 1080 if you want, but there isn't much detail to be seen from that far away(my bad, I'll be sure to get closer than the 12feet I was at-GoPro sure goes wide).

Here's a shot of the 'beast' sitting on the trailer, and she will get cut from that spot too. At 3975lbs, and way too wide to fit on the bandsaw mill. I'm not going to fight it off just to cut it somewhere else!


Ran the chainsaw mill(jonsered 2094 w/32" bar and alaskan mill down the lenght and peeled the piece off for the above video(no waste). Took a couple of photo's...just because photo's are fun!



This stuff will end up as my new decking for the shed. Seems four years of walking on the old stuff(thinner material) has taken it's toll. This chunk of White Oak will be used as 2x2's and 2x6's(real ones, not that crap from HouseDump or Lowers). I'll let it sit for about 2monthes and then seal it will 'something'!

Scott (enjoy the video) B
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