Slabs, it's what I do!

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This past Tuesday, I happened to be washing up at the kitchen sink and looked out the window. Something just didn't seem the same.....called the wife over and asked her if someone had called her to drop off logs in the backyard. That's right, while I was at the 'real job', and someone came by and dropped off three(3) very large chunks of White Oak{Quercus alba}!!(Guestimator figured up 4,275-ish pounds)

I called the only fella that I could think of the next day and asked if he had done it. Of course....he just forgot to call with the 'cut list'. I figured up the board footage using the Doyle scale and got to cutting 4/4 flatsawn flitches for him.
I always ask, and this time was no different..."Is there any metal that I need to know about in these logs? If there is, you will be responsible for the extra $15 charge per band." Needless to say, he said, "Nothing in 'em!".... We'll get that that in a moment further down the post here.

Enough of the 'lead up', what y'all came to look at....milling and wood porn photos!!!

Here's some figure shots!

The stack is starting!

Is it gonna fit?

Yup, and here are some of those, "Nothing in 'em!" bullets, don't worry...I found the nail used to hold the target up too(think it got pushed into the log with a close range 'birdshot blast'). BTW, I only had maybe 20Bft on this new blade, and I continued using the same band in the log(wasn't going to 'kill another' in it!

The stack continues to grow!

Wow! Almost done.

Anyway, figured I just add to the topic some, going to take it easy today. Heading out shortly to go cut down some Eastern Red Cedar trees in Beebe! I'll just cut and roll the logs and stack some limbs and such for later burning. Maybe I'll get to have some fun with chainsaw after all this weekend(they miss me).

Thanks for looking, and any comments are always welcomed!!

Scott (ain't oo old) B
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Cool surprise seeing money to slice up lol. Assuming you have a lift of sorts to get the logs on the mill? Persoanlly I really dig seeing these pics each time. Keep em coming!
Cool surprise seeing money to slice up lol. Assuming you have a lift of sorts to get the logs on the mill? Persoanlly I really dig seeing these pics each time. Keep em coming!

I don't have anything other then 'muscle power' to move these logs. some days I dream, but I like the working part as much as anything. Besides, I don't have enough room to turn around in the yard with machinery....

Guess I need to make a video of 'The Struggle'(loading the mill) one time, just so folks can see the efficiency of some as simple as a cant hook and some timber braces......

Scott (got think about showing off the muscles) B
Cool surprise seeing money to slice up lol. Assuming you have a lift of sorts to get the logs on the mill? Persoanlly I really dig seeing these pics each time. Keep em coming!

I don't have anything other then 'muscle power' to move these logs. some days I dream, but I like the working part as much as anything. Besides, I don't have enough room to turn around in the yard with machinery....

Guess I need to make a video of 'The Struggle'(loading the mill) one time, just so folks can see the efficiency of some as simple as a cant hook and some timber braces......

Scott (got think about showing off the muscles) B

Man, that's crazy! Figured there's no way unless you had a lift. I guess when we put our minds to it, we can get things done.
Scott, You were right about that hickory I picked up. I should have picked up several. That is some really nice hickory. Thanks again, Ted:)
scott is your site down i was going to see what u had in pen blanks but can not get into the website.
The site is back up. It must have been a glitch somewhere.

Thanks Bob, sometimes the new job gets in the way....especially when I'm snoring in the easy chair after a hot day outside doing, working!

Scott (I have been called crazy a few times) B
Haven't added anything in here for awhile, but that doesn't mean I haven't been playing, umm working on the bandsaw mill!

Some of the most recent cuttings.....

Crosscut Southern Red Oak, I'm trying an experiment with this one. I am wanting to make a RingMaster turning using endgrain, and since this timber is sooooo purty....

And just some 'regular' cuts....

Made some more Pignut Hickory bookmatched pieces...

And a Chunk for John to make peppermills with...

This is the whole log that the first photo's were taken weighs roughly 11,750lbs(small chunk weighs in at 6,550lbs), so I am going to have plenty after it's cut up!

Speaking of cut up, thought I'd make a bowl blank for a friend!

Thanks for looking, I will try to make a better effort to share....

Scott (Cave Ale is fun) B
Y'all have been's some stuff from the wood pile today!

Bowl blanks for my stash(maybe I'll offer them up on the website, but I wouldn't hold your breathe)....and yes, the spalting lines go all the way through these big chunks, gonna make some awesome end-grain bowl! The chunk's are 9-7/8"sq x 5-1/2" thickness, and enough water in them to require two hands to move them!

Some knife blocks/scales in the future....

I know a lot of folks don't really like the open pores in the 'Quercus falcata', but the time and very little effort to make these chunks of wood look awesome isn't that hard. I'll be making a lot more of these pieces and storing them up for later....some will get stabilized, some won't.
Don't worry, after I took these photo's, I cut the blanks square and made the lengths more uniform, very little bark remaining(but the stabilized pieces will look awesome with the thick red bark on them)...
Everything is 'stickered' and drying in the cool shed(best time to dry oak).

Thanks for looking at my obsession!

Scott (making sawdust and pulling it out of the belly button) B
First time seeing this. Awesome! That pignut hickory is beautiful. Don't see any of the blanks on your site from that, still drying? Cool stuff thanks for sharing
First time seeing this. Awesome! That pignut hickory is beautiful. Don't see any of the blanks on your site from that, still drying? Cool stuff thanks for sharing

Actually, some is still drying beside the garage, it'll be cut sometime this metered 12% the last time I checked it(about three weeks ago). Not the best time of year for air drying anything in this part of the country.

And yes, Pignut Hickory is pretty nice! I have another tree that I'm waiting on...a really good storm should bring it down. It's too close to some power lines for me to take safely, but if a storm happens:wink:

Scott (too much fun for a old guy today) B
You seriously need to let me know if you're ever coming towards St. Louis. I'd LOVE to buy some of those slabs.

Your more then welcome to come down and get some of them.....not really into the whole delivery thing.....I drove over-the-road long haul for so long, I think a trip is going to work in Little Rock(32miles).

Scott (use to get .42/mile driving...hmm) B

Just checking, to see if you're looking?!?!?

This chunk cam off one of the first pieces I slid onto the mill. It started out as a 7x7x11 piece... I hollowed it with a drill bit, rough turned it a little large, put a nice thick coat of BLO on it, then wrapped it in some saw chips and brown bag for drying.....really slow drying.

Scott (keep your eye on the timber) B
Wow Scott, you are making a lot of woodies envious.
By the way on the last photo on one of your postings, was the woman cut in two on the left, anyone you knew?, or just someone hanging around?
Thanks for all the Pic's. Are you going to post the video? if so please let us know. Would love to see the saw dust fly, and mix with your perspiration from moving those logs around.
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Wow Scott, you are making a lot of woodies envious.
By the way on the last photo on one of your postings, was the woman cut in two on the left, anyone you knew?, or just someone hanging around?
Thanks for all the Pic's. Are you going to post the video? if so please let us know. Would love to see the saw dust fly, and mix with your perspiration from moving those logs around.

For the life of me, I can't find the photo you are referring too...drop a bread crumb for me, because now I'm to curious to sleep!

Scott (wood envy is cool) B

Feels like I've been cleaning and cleaning and get the idea.

Friend at work needs to make a dog house, so I decided to be the 'nice guy' and supply some timber. Tossed the remaining chunk of Pignut Hickory back on the sawmill and made some passes at a 1/2" thick setting. Came up with 12pcs for him....not to worry, the timber was pretty 'boring' towards the inside. But the outside edges were still showing something that might find away to the website after some drying time.

Didn't realize the temperature was supposed to be dropping today? It was 53*F when I started and 41*F when I was told to clean up for dinner...

After the PH, I decided to do another chunk of Southern Red Oak crotch with some gnarly, nasty, figuring! Passes and passes and passes just seemed to reveal 'stuff' that was better then anything I've cut to date! This stuff will probably be hidden away for my personal use....okay, I might share?
I figure about 150 pen blanks and 50-65 bottle stopper blanks were cut today from this chunk....amazing stuff. Where are the photo's you ask? Ah, I was cold and wet, and really didn't want y'all will just have to wait to see what I make available later!

Scott (it's all about the waiting....hehehe) B
That's my man Scott, Keep us in Suspenders.

Merry Christmas.

Okay, you been spying via Google Earth or something? How did you know I'm in need of a set of suspenders?(I guess I'll need to wear longer shirts when I bend over):eek:

I'll be putting some of the pieces on next weekend. Seems there is a holiday coming up real soon, and folks expect me to be places....

Merry Christmas to you too!!!!

Scott (wish shipping to you was easier on the wallet) B
First pull, the WoodMizer was running, gonna brag a was 28*F during that first pull!
Didn't do too much, just three big chunks and one smaller one. Not many photo's to share either, like I said it was cold outside and I don't like to bring a 'nice' camera out there. Lense fogging, freezing of 'stuff' just doesn't excite me.

But the iPhone has an 'okay' photo capablity...

Just a photo showing a 2x4 jig to hold the smaller chunks in the bunk area to use the mill to do it's job. After all, it is a lot easier for a 10Hp motor to cut Oak then the upright bandsaw. This will end up being a 'prize', or whatever during the Birthday Bash that is coming up.

Here is a early in the day shot, showing just a few things I sliced off. For reference, the bar on the chainsaw is 20"! Thise smaller chunks towards the middle of the photo with the brown and tan streaks....Persian Silk Tree! Really a much over looked material.

This one will end up on my RingMaster! Can't make them all available to y'all, I got to have some fun too!

Scott (wicked fun times) B
Good looking stuff Scott, thanks for the photos.

Harry( have a cup of hot chocolate ) M:biggrin:

Not much for chocolate drinks....but a candy bar, I'm all over that! You are definitely addicted to this topic?!?!?! That is priceless, come on down for vacation.....

Had a few ask about drying here goes.

GOOD LUCK.....that's all I got.
Seriously, Oak is difficult to dry without checks and cracks. I have noticed keeping it out of the direct sun is a big bonus, as well as not letting it get too warm(hot)...unless you have a kiln. I actually like air drying inside during the cooler times of the year(just happened to score this timber while it is cool...big bonus!).
I have an experiment going on in the garage right now...thinking concrete will 'wick' the moisture out of the endgrain? It's a work in progress......

Scott (I likes me some Oak) B
Will this do Scott?


Harry ( Got Milk? ) M
Wish I lived closer, I think from the bullet slab experience that a metal detector wand might be in order.

I wish a lot of y'all lived closer...I sure could use some strong backs after about the fourth or fifth hour of moving chunks and logs around! I pay in freebies!!!

Bullets aren't the enemy, unless it's some of those cheap steel core things...nails, railroad spikes, chains from chainsaws, and other things are what destroy bands. I still haven't found me a good detector, just too many things going on.

Scott (seems like something gets in the way) B
Here's the 1320lb red oak burl that a forrester brought to me about 6 months ago. It has some great figure to it on the outside. try to get it cut up this summer.

View attachment 106531

View attachment 106532

Harry (i love wood) M

What kind of dimensions are we looking at here? I was trying think of what I'd do as far as slicing into it...

If it is as big as I am thinking...I'd have to slice it in half with my big chainsaw. If it is solid all the way through, I would probably get some nice 3 to 4inch thick slabs on each half(table tops). Then move it to the sawmill and start with some thick center cuts, and finish with something in the 1-1/2" thickness and smaller to maximize the grain structure on the outside of it for smaller things like pens.

Seriously, you should just load that thing up and drop it in my yard...I promise to take good care of it:biggrin:

Scott (oak is fun) B
Was thinking about making some of these:

Of course, I'd 'nicks' those silly casters on the blocks, and probably use something a little better for the legs.

I would probably need to make something to use my router to 'flatten' the surface. But I am curious to what kind of 'budget' finish I could use for outdoor use? Opinions??

Any guesses on the type of timber?(I know, but I like to have fun too)

Scott (this was at the Fryeburg Fair) B
Had a fella show up just before dark with a trailer load of Shortleaf Pine{Pinus echinata}....not really looking forward to this stuff on the mill. But it'll make me some change.

Glad I just bought that bottle of PinSol!!! Going to need it.

Fella wants boards for his barn wide as possible and 3/4" thickness. The first load has 8 logs of varying dimensions, and he said he had 20 or so more on his front lawn.
Hope his barn isn't too big....not going to get a huge yield from these!

Scott (I get to play in the pitch tomorrow) B
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Here's the 1320lb red oak burl that a forrester brought to me about 6 months ago. It has some great figure to it on the outside. try to get it cut up this summer.

View attachment 106531

View attachment 106532

Harry (i love wood) M

What kind of dimensions are we looking at here? I was trying think of what I'd do as far as slicing into it...

If it is as big as I am thinking...I'd have to slice it in half with my big chainsaw. If it is solid all the way through, I would probably get some nice 3 to 4inch thick slabs on each half(table tops). Then move it to the sawmill and start with some thick center cuts, and finish with something in the 1-1/2" thickness and smaller to maximize the grain structure on the outside of it for smaller things like pens.

Seriously, you should just load that thing up and drop it in my yard...I promise to take good care of it:biggrin:

Scott (oak is fun) B

It's a little over 4' across at the widest point. The pic does not show them, but it has great eyes also. Later this spring or so is when i plan on chopping into it. The middle part was the main tree part, it is 24'' on the one end and 20'' on the other. i have anchor seal on it now and covered up. The forrester told me it was about 8' to 10' up off the ground when they cut it. I would like to get a couple slabs off it for some type of stand/table.

Harry (gonna need a BIG chainsaw) M
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