I understand and appreciate the spirit behind William's post. However, based on comments in the thread, and email I've received, I think some members might be putting more of a message behind William's request than he intended.
I believe he was just trying to strengthen the community and bring us together, and I commend that intent. I think unfortunately the law of unintended consequences took over here and the topic has actually created some "us-versus-them" thinking which we do not endorse.
I've always tried to gently encourage people to fill in their profile and of course we do have some hard rules about it (to use the classifieds for example). I know that some people feel that not revealing a name is a tipoff that the member is not on the up and up, but I've rarely found that to be the case. In 5 years of running the site, I have encountered a few situations where a member did not want to reveal his or her name because of various pretty legit reasons (bring pursued by an angry spouse who became a member, for example...) What I'm trying to say is that it's a mistake to label people as "not family" or suspicious, or untrustworthy because they don't have a name in their profile or signature.
We take great pains to keep "bad guys" out of our midst, and are serious about maintaining the privacy of email addresses, IP addresses, postal addresses, etc. It would be great if everyone would felt comfortable about revealing their personal details. I respect the fact that some people don't. I also respect the position of people who don't wish to interact with them. Let's live and let live on this issue.
The bottom-line, official position is that while we encourage members to include their real name and location in their profile, that is optional.
If some members don't wish to interact with members whom they don't know by name, that's their prerogative. I feel it's a loss on both sides, but it's not something we are going to solve here.
Thanks for discussing this, and feel free to PM me with further thoughts.
I believe he was just trying to strengthen the community and bring us together, and I commend that intent. I think unfortunately the law of unintended consequences took over here and the topic has actually created some "us-versus-them" thinking which we do not endorse.
I've always tried to gently encourage people to fill in their profile and of course we do have some hard rules about it (to use the classifieds for example). I know that some people feel that not revealing a name is a tipoff that the member is not on the up and up, but I've rarely found that to be the case. In 5 years of running the site, I have encountered a few situations where a member did not want to reveal his or her name because of various pretty legit reasons (bring pursued by an angry spouse who became a member, for example...) What I'm trying to say is that it's a mistake to label people as "not family" or suspicious, or untrustworthy because they don't have a name in their profile or signature.
We take great pains to keep "bad guys" out of our midst, and are serious about maintaining the privacy of email addresses, IP addresses, postal addresses, etc. It would be great if everyone would felt comfortable about revealing their personal details. I respect the fact that some people don't. I also respect the position of people who don't wish to interact with them. Let's live and let live on this issue.
The bottom-line, official position is that while we encourage members to include their real name and location in their profile, that is optional.
If some members don't wish to interact with members whom they don't know by name, that's their prerogative. I feel it's a loss on both sides, but it's not something we are going to solve here.
Thanks for discussing this, and feel free to PM me with further thoughts.