Review Your Profile, Please

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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
There have been a lot of postings lately about qualifications, whether it was about group buys, local chapters, logos, and other subjects that slip my mind at the moment.

I have reviewed a fair number of profiles, and many of you still have not chosen to tell the group much about you. I have some trouble with wanting to share things with those who choose not to share at least a name with the group. Take a little time and let the rest of us know a first name, city and state. In the case of members outside of the US, the same information is helpful.

Very few of us are so important that telling a name, city and state will endanger our safety. :wink:

If this is poorly worded, I am watching the LSU/ South Carolina game, and the shade of Eagle keeps messing with my keyboard! :eek:
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I can't share my name and location because I am in the witness protection plan for witnessing a mass pen counterfitting ring and thus fear for my life that I may be stabbed to death with a .5 mm lead pencil!
It seems to me that AAW tried the same thing lately and stirred up a small tempest. I'm pretty open about name and location but a lot of people prefer to protect themselves whether the fears are merited or not. I think life is simpler if we respect those individual choices.


Very few of us are so important that telling a name, city and state will endanger our safety.
Marc, you raise an excellent point. One of my assistants will not use on line banking and prefers to hand deliver her bill payments whenever possible. I must admit it disturbed her a bit when I pointed out that her bank maintained her records on line.

Of course, I did not recommend this as a condition of membership, and would never do so. I respect a member's right to privacy if they so wish. However, they in turn should respect my right not to respond to postings by someone who wishes to remain anonymous and thus, in my opinion, not a full member of the IAP family.
I respect a member's right to privacy if they so wish. However, they in turn should respect my right not to respond to postings by someone who wishes to remain anonymous and thus, in my opinion, not a full member of the IAP family.

This would have sounded so much better if you had stopped at the word

(in my opinion)
Since joining this forum I have made numerous friends around the world. When I posted about finding out about Kelly's cancer I got not one but 3 phone calls out of the blue wishing her well. I received many many emails offering support, asking to help, OFFERING us a place to stay, food, company at the hospital in Houston from people I only knew online. A couple of fund raisers were held to help us out, some members didn't wait for the fund raisers. I have been away alot lately and when I do not make an appearance online I receive a couple emails "reminding" me my IAP family is still here.

I get emails from people sharing ideas and questions, I also send out emails with questions. With the local chapters and us meeting each other in our local cities or even when we travel meeting up with another turner, this site is a "family" of sort. Look at how we help each other out, fight with each other and even make up (most of the time). I do not see why someone would be fearful of at least putting their first name in and/or city and state.

I did however, had a hard time responding to an email that someone did not at least put their first name in as well as I could not look up their name in their profile. Why should I respond to that email if they are not going to have enough respect/etiquette to introduce themselves.

Sorry if someone one thinks this post is a little emotional, but I have come to believe in the owner and members of this site. I have seen them do more to help each other out then I see from people I work with and see face to face everyday.
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I agree completely with Cav and Tom. There is no reason for anyone to not let the rest of us know their name. I don't tend to be very interested in responding to someone who wants to hide their identity. If someone isn't willing to tell us at least their name, why should we offer any advice.

My opinion and it is worth just what you paid for it.:wink:
Marc, you raise an excellent point. One of my assistants will not use on line banking and prefers to hand deliver her bill payments whenever possible. I must admit it disturbed her a bit when I pointed out that her bank maintained her records on line.

Of course, I did not recommend this as a condition of membership, and would never do so. I respect a member's right to privacy if they so wish. However, they in turn should respect my right not to respond to postings by someone who wishes to remain anonymous and thus, in my opinion, not a full member of the IAP family.

A fine, and successful, woodworking forum I belong to REQUIRES a real name be used at all times and that e-mail addresses be from an ISP and not Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. Everything is transparent and the system works. Mainly it keeps out the 40 year old juveniles and bad mouthing that, inevitably, comes with anonymity.
Personally, I prefer a real name and knowing where the member lives. It makes the communication more personal and fun.
I don't think that anyone is afraid of sharing with IAP members, more afraid of the trolls that can key in on a person from a forum and next thing you know you're on all kinds of spam lists or such. Online forums are a great place for trolls to pick up fodder for email spam lists or marketing lists.
A fine, and successful, woodworking forum I belong to REQUIRES a real name be used at all times and that e-mail addresses be from an ISP and not Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. Everything is transparent and the system works. Mainly it keeps out the 40 year old juveniles and bad mouthing that, inevitably, comes with anonymity.
Personally, I prefer a real name and knowing where the member lives. It makes the communication more personal and fun.

I belong to the same forum and haven't found it to cause any problems.. I signed up here under a pseudonym, but show my name and location... thinking I may change sign in to show actual name.

I like having a name to talk to..
I like to have at least a name that sounds like a name to address people with. It has more to do with my comfort and I find myself deciding not to respond to some posts if I have to address the reply to lumbertorturer or something like that. Although most of us know how safe and friendly this group is, I don't think it can be axpected of everyone to trust that. I am however completely ready to adopt Lou's list of requirments for my group buys. It is real hard to contact people even if they do have an e-mail listed. seems they end up in spam mail a lot anymore
I don't think that anyone is afraid of sharing with IAP members, more afraid of the trolls that can key in on a person from a forum and next thing you know you're on all kinds of spam lists or such. Online forums are a great place for trolls to pick up fodder for email spam lists or marketing lists.

Dear ?,

It has be recommended for as long as I have been a member here that one should not post email addresses in an open forum.
Very few of us are so important that telling a name, city and state will endanger our safety. :wink:


But what if you are in the witness protection program?

Ifin I tells ya where I live I'll have to erase your mind with my laser pen :tongue:
I don't think that anyone is afraid of sharing with IAP members, more afraid of the trolls that can key in on a person from a forum and next thing you know you're on all kinds of spam lists or such. Online forums are a great place for trolls to pick up fodder for email spam lists or marketing lists.

Only members can see other member profiles.

We don't publish, sell, or otherwise expose member email addresses.
(Unless of course you put your email in the clear or weakly obscured in a post.)

We do everything reasonably possible to protect our members from spam, scams, and other annoyances. If I can do more, let me know!
Only members can see other member profiles.

We don't publish, sell, or otherwise expose member email addresses.
(Unless of course you put your email in the clear or weakly obscured in a post.)

We do everything reasonably possible to protect our members from spam, scams, and other annoyances. If I can do more, let me know!

I know you's not that. I just wonder how many of the 100s of members who have never posted are scanning through and getting emails and other information. It's not hard to find someone through search engines when you have a name and a location...I do it every day as part of my job.
Wow I think the paranoids are out to get me, Places like facebook, myspace, predators online, OOoooops didn't mean to list that one, Oooops another Faux Pas, shouldn't say That one, those are the places that the creeps have their bots cruising.
I've used my name, city and website url since day one and I haven't gotten any spam mail, I did get a cat named Spam, does that count??
I get more spam from my old web server, and my Yahoo account, but not really enough to worry about. just remember what your dad said, Always USE Protection !!!!!
Dear ?,

It has be recommended for as long as I have been a member here that one should not post email addresses in an open forum.

I wasn't speaking of email addresses per se. Just from the information you have listed in your profile, and one quick search, it was easy to find that there is only one Dr. William Cavanaugh in Montgomery, PA who lives on a state route across from a memorial park in a nice looking house (from the satelite image anyway!) and is aged 55-59.

Need I go further to prove a point?

If I took the time I could find your house value, property tax, and income tax paid last year if I wanted to with another two searches. Adding piece by piece until I find something useful or worth selling to someone.

The point is that the interenet can be a very dangerous place. Anyone who wants to find out information can. While it may be nice to "put a name" to someone you speak to online, the fact that someone doesn't want to share that information shouldn't speak against that person and shouldn't be taken personally.

Not to pick on you Cav, but a cavalier attitude towards these things could burn you. :biggrin:



Thanks for listing a name.

I am impressed that you went to and found out so much about me. I guess I am lucky you didn't reveal your credit card on line and pay USSEARCH to find out more about me. You could have interviewed my neighbors across the street to find out more for free. Since the memorial garden is a cemetary, I doubt they could have added much to your data base.

Excuse me, I have to put my aluminum foil hat back on and keep an eye out for black helicopters!

We do so much in life each day to give out personal information that this is minor to me. MD Anderson just arrested a person for accessing patients records and getting personal information and trying to get lines of credit. My wifes was one of those accounts.

When you use your credit card in a store do you always cover the numbers or if you hand it over to the clerk do you put it numbers down? Do you make sure the person next to you does not have their camera cell phone out?

If you use your credit card online are you 100% sure that the site is secure or that someone there is honest? How about the clerk in the store? How about the billing department at your doctor, dentist, auto mechanic, wood store....?

What about the credit card companies themselves? How many of them have had people working for them that are not honest and we hear on TV how many thousands of accounts were accessed.

Do you use Gel/Printers ink to write all of your checks? or Do you just use whatever is available? 30 min, a book, scotch tape, fingernail polish remover and a dish is all that is needed to get a blank signed check if you don't use Gel/Printers ink.

Do you look at the card slot on all the ATMs and Gas pumps to make sure that is not some reader device attached?

That is just a few of the examples of what we have to worry about with stolen identity. With all of those out there, I just don't think I am going to worry about this site.

We do so much in life each day to give out personal information that this is minor to me. MD Anderson just arrested a person for accessing patients records and getting personal information and trying to get lines of credit. My wifes was one of those accounts.

When you use your credit card in a store do you always cover the numbers or if you hand it over to the clerk do you put it numbers down? Do you make sure the person next to you does not have their camera cell phone out?

If you use your credit card online are you 100% sure that the site is secure or that someone there is honest? How about the clerk in the store? How about the billing department at your doctor, dentist, auto mechanic, wood store....?

What about the credit card companies themselves? How many of them have had people working for them that are not honest and we hear on TV how many thousands of accounts were accessed.

Do you use Gel/Printers ink to write all of your checks? or Do you just use whatever is available? 30 min, a book, scotch tape, fingernail polish remover and a dish is all that is needed to get a blank signed check if you don't use Gel/Printers ink.

Do you look at the card slot on all the ATMs and Gas pumps to make sure that is not some reader device attached?

That is just a few of the examples of what we have to worry about with stolen identity. With all of those out there, I just don't think I am going to worry about this site.

I'm not saying that I do any of those things. You can find everything out about me online very easily as I am a public service employee and my name is everywhere.

I was just playing devils advocate here giving opinions on why someone doesn't want to share information. As I said I search all day long for people as part of my job. I have access to way too much information in my opinion. Of course I didn't use that for the example with Cav...just like he stated. I am very careful with my debit card after being burned by some scammer and being treated like a criminal at my old bank. Credit card, not as much due to protections by the company, but still careful.

I just don't see the point in not speaking to someone on a forum because they choose not to use a name for whatever reason of their choosing.
I like the statement about not really being a part of the IAP family just because you don't post your name.
This forum is based on cliques and if you aren't chosen to be inside it doesn't matter who you are or what your name is. That doesn't sound like a family to me.
I used to have my name in my signature but, for personal reasons, have decided to remove it. If nobody cares to post a response or reply to a question based on me not having my name posted, it isn't any skin off my nose. My day goes on.
A name isn't going to make your correspondence any more personable however, responding to a person's posts will let you get to know them better and that is the best way to become a family.
So if you really want to know a name, make an effort to get to know the person and when they feel comfortable, they will indulge your insistant curiosity.

Just my opinion...
I have no problem giving my name to the group but I can't get a signature to show up in my posts. I filled out the sig field but to no avail. Any help for the "newbie" ? Chris is my name...BTW.'s up.
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5000+ members and about 300 or so that regularly post. A first name is nice to be able to sort through the confusion. One of the worse though is Mikes and Eds. There are so many it is nice to have a little something to go with the first name. Ed Brown and Ed Davidson do very well because of their username and it helped to keep them straight when I first started to post on here.

For the life of me I cannot figure out what is wrong with putting a first name in your signature unless you have an old family name and are embarrassed by it. When you run a group buy and folks don't put their IAP handle in their PayPal payment (I forget sometimes too) a first name in the sig. really helps. To each his own and to those who have honored the request thank you.

5000+ members and about 300 or so that regularly post. A first name is nice to be able to sort through the confusion. One of the worse though is Mikes and Eds. There are so many it is nice to have a little something to go with the first name. Ed Brown and Ed Davidson do very well because of their username and it helped to keep them straight when I first started to post on here.

For the life of me I cannot figure out what is wrong with putting a first name in your signature unless you have an old family name and are embarrassed by it. When you run a group buy and folks don't put their IAP handle in their PayPal payment (I forget sometimes too) a first name in the sig. really helps. To each his own and to those who have honored the request thank you.


My real name is Belvedere Jehosophat. There now, feel better?

Seriously speaking, I can't for the life of me figure out why some want to know my name and where I live. It's not like I'm going to invite you to Thanksgiving dinner and I doubt you are going to invite me over to exchange gifts for Christmas. Most all of my "cyberfriends" know my name and where I'm from If you really want to know them Pm me or send me an email and ask.

Perhaps some are shy, perhaps some are afraid, and perhaps some have other reasons.

And from reading some of these posts, especially from members of the "management team" it makes me begin to wonder if this is the type of "family" that I want to belong to.

To me the solution seems simple, Either make it a requirement for membership or stop complaining.

Here is another possible solution.... If you feel so strongly about it then go to the user control panel and put everyone who does not "meet your family requirements" on your ignore list, rest assured you will not hurt me feelings one little bit.
My apologies to all. When I joined, I thought that I had given more info than what showed up in my profile , now that I took time to look at it. It is now up to date with my "profile". Thanks for the reminder. Sam
Cav's post was not in his official capacity of a "member of the management team". It was as a member of this community and his opinion only. Folks need to remember that those of us who volunteer our time to this site are not always posting in an official capacity. Sometimes we are just posting as Joe Member. If volunteers always have to be on pins and needles regarding what they say and that it may be construed as an official position, then no one would be willing to volunteer. Is it fair to hold a volunteer to a different standard than a regular member when they are not posting in their area of authority on a topic in which they have been given authority?
I have no problem giving my name to the group but I can't get a signature to show up in my posts. I filled out the sig field but to no avail. Any help for the "newbie" ? Chris is my name...BTW.'s up.


I can't get Japanese to work here either! :biggrin:

If a person wants to remain hidden, at least use an a.k.a name - make one up just for this forum and make it friendly sounding. No way to really trace it to you anymore than your handle already is.

I know people personally whose real names give them away as to their ethnicity, and I know people who live in areas in which they are tracked, their email is scrutinized and online posting is monitored. I have known people who were killed because of their casual email or online posting - in which the people were not aware of being followed. Of course I am referring to areas that are not democratic oriented societies. I am sure that as large as IAP, there are a few people here who want to be a part of the pen turning forum, but at the same time, if they travel to certain countries on a regular basis, are not allowed to have their real name revealed in casual email or online forums.

Many of you are not aware that some major world wide companies require their employees who travel to certain countries on occasion - to under go training for just such things. These people are not allowed to give their real names in casual and fun email / forum sites like this.
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... I respect a member's right to privacy if they so wish. However, they in turn should respect my right not to respond to postings by someone who wishes to remain anonymous and thus, in my opinion, not a full member of the IAP family.

I would believe that having volunteered and been accepted for an elevated position on the forums, you have given up that "right"; at least when it comes to posts concerning activities.
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I can't get Japanese to work here either! :biggrin:

If a person wants to remain hidden, at least use an a.k.a name - make one up just for this forum and make it friendly sounding. No way to really trace it to you anymore than your handle already is.

I know people personally whose real names give them away as to their ethnicity, and I know people who live in areas in which they are tracked, their email is scrutinized and online posting is monitored. I have known people who were killed because of their casual email or online posting - in which the people were not aware of being followed. Of course I am referring to areas that are not democratic oriented societies. I am sure that as large as IAP, there are a few people here who want to be a part of the pen turning forum, but at the same time, if they travel to certain countries on a regular basis, are not allowed to have their real name revealed in casual email or online forums.

Many of you are not aware that some major world wide companies require their employees who travel to certain countries on occasion - to under go training for just such things. These people are not allowed to give their real names in casual and fun email / forum sites like this.

Yes, I absolutely agree. In fact, I don't really care other than having to have a conversation with someone called "BCG109543" or some other obscure handle...when a simple Bob, Dan, or Mike would do just fine as an

As for handles....yours should be "daimaijin" judging from the pens you've been puttin out. :wink:
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Please everyone,

Let's step back a moment and let it work itself out.

I made a PM last night to Jeff, Curtis and William to air my grievance and I am satisfied that it is being addressed properly. I'm on coffee break so I can't go further but I do intent to post during my lunch time a reply.

Jeff, Curtis and William are all great folks who put a lot into this forum and get very little in return and I highly respect each and every one of them.

Let's not let emotion overtake logic and turn this into a public lynching. Keep in mind that ANYONE who comes to this forum can read what you are writing and try to imagine what a first time visitor to the site would think.

Thank you for your consideration.

Scott Hettel
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