Activities Manager Emeritus
Thanks, Ed, I ran out of fingers and toes to count the views of the thread! [
George, I have to say I disagree with your interpretation of the division on the site. Having said that, what is important is that you see the division. Whether that is important to me, or any of the other "old timers" doesn't matter. However, we can't really make you feel at home. Frankly, you seem to be doing well at making yourself a part of the forum. Posting your work and writing a tutorial are good ways of doing that.
The post count someone mentioned has been tossed around from time to time. Lots of us consider it interesting to see who joins the HAC (Hot Air Club) Hey, I joined way before Dario, and English is his second language. Check out his post count! [
] Some have had the post count removed from their profile, others, like me, don't consider it important enough to worry about.
As far as fights, hey, we have had a bunch, and will have more. So what? I have made friends from those I had fights with, and have a great time teasing back and forth with other members. Families fight, spouses fight, so why should be be surprised when we fight?
I still love this site, and visit it very regularly, even on my gov't computer at work. (Shhhh!)
Now, let's sit back and wait for Scott's tutorial, which I personally believe he should sign his name to and claim full credit for.
George, I have to say I disagree with your interpretation of the division on the site. Having said that, what is important is that you see the division. Whether that is important to me, or any of the other "old timers" doesn't matter. However, we can't really make you feel at home. Frankly, you seem to be doing well at making yourself a part of the forum. Posting your work and writing a tutorial are good ways of doing that.
The post count someone mentioned has been tossed around from time to time. Lots of us consider it interesting to see who joins the HAC (Hot Air Club) Hey, I joined way before Dario, and English is his second language. Check out his post count! [
As far as fights, hey, we have had a bunch, and will have more. So what? I have made friends from those I had fights with, and have a great time teasing back and forth with other members. Families fight, spouses fight, so why should be be surprised when we fight?
I still love this site, and visit it very regularly, even on my gov't computer at work. (Shhhh!)
Now, let's sit back and wait for Scott's tutorial, which I personally believe he should sign his name to and claim full credit for.