Originally posted by DocStram
<br />Well, y'all .... since I was the one who first put my suspicions about "SalvagedTimber" in writing ... and started this thread ..... I think it's time for me to put what may be my final thoughts in writing. So, at this point, here's where I stand on this whole thing.
1. I have no earthly way of knowing if "Son of SalvagedTimber" is actually "Salvaged Timber". And, I don't think it really matters anymore.
2. It troubles me that I have purchased pen blanks in the past, thru ebay, from a guy who has been charged with illegally cutting down trees that were not his.
3. I am even more troubled, and sickened, that this guy has been arrested for domesticate abuse. It turns my stomach when I hear about some low-life beating up on a woman.
We each have our own moral compass to abide by. Mine clearly tells me to pass when it comes to conducting any transactions with "SalvagedTimber".
And now for a personal message to SalvagedTimber .... if you're ever driving thru Middle Georgia. Be sure to look me up.