Do we have an "official" count that is current. I don't trust MY math.
Appears to be 204, but again, that's KY math.
Do we have an "official" count that is current. I don't trust MY math.
Appears to be 204, but again, that's KY math.
Do we have an "official" count that is current. I don't trust MY math.
wow! whats the pith record?
Mike the USPS would love you for your effort. keep up the good work buddy. I am sure if they knew what we are up to they would have donated all the woods from the older postal buildings that they are renovating. oh, well we need to go tell them then.The lists in Post # 1 are current through Post #284.
206 People
7 Countries
They teach you to count on fingers and toes, as no one where's shoes in this state:wink:
I believe the record is 179 in 2008, so I guess the new record is whatever this year ends! whats the pith record?
I believe the record is 179 im 2008, so I guess the new record is whatever this year ends up.
Hey There,
HazzaB Western Australia, I would like to be in Both groups if thats possible (Or you Need Numbers)
We need one more person to make it an even number.
Whose the saffer if I may ask Mike?
Hi - I'm Cygnet from Cape Town, South Africa. Thanks Mike for extending the sign up deadline and your help. Group 1 please.