**PITH 2010 Sign-ups-CLOSED**

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The lists in Post # 1 are current through Post #284.

206 People
7 Countries
Mike the USPS would love you for your effort. keep up the good work buddy. I am sure if they knew what we are up to they would have donated all the woods from the older postal buildings that they are renovating. oh, well we need to go tell them then.
Oh, BTW, you still have your fingers on by typing all these names over? Remember you and I are doing a private exchange. I may have to send you to a hand specialist once you're done with all the typing though. :biggrin:
They teach you to count on fingers and toes, as no one where's shoes in this state:wink:

THAT'S why my daughter didn't have any shoes when she got to Oklahoma! I thought her hubby was trying the literal translation of "barefoot and pregnant". I am not so worried now i guess.:biggrin:
I believe the record is 179 im 2008, so I guess the new record is whatever this year ends up.


YEAY! We did something as a group already!!! Way to go participants! YOUR PRIZE FOR BREAKING THE RECORD IS THE SAME AS THE PRIZE IN 08 FOR SETTING IT THEN......... NOTHING!!!!!!!
The lists in Post # 1 are current through Post #302.

215 People
7 Countries

2 hours, 45 Minutes to go!!!
OK. I'll start the pairing as soon as I am done posting this. The list will be posted in a separate thread. The list will not differentiate between group 1 and group 2, but group 1 people will be paired with group 1 people and group 2 people will be paired with group 2 people. Since we have an odd number, the last name remaining after all the other names have been paired will be paired with me:eek:. By the way, the pairings will be done entirely at random.

See you in a little bit.:biggrin:
If you missed the original PITH Sign-up deadline, but still want to participate, add you name to this thread.

We want to include everyone who wants to participate. I know of at least 2 individuals (a South African and an Australian) who missed the deadline but still want to play.

IF YOU ARE ALREADY PITHING, PLEASE DON'T SIGN UP AGAIN. This opportunity is only for those who, for whatever reason, missed the first deadline.

The late PITHer's drawing will be held on Saturday 8/7/10. I'm not going to declare a time, it will occur when I have the time to do it:biggrin:. So please, if you want to PITH don't delay, sign-up today.
I had planned to sign up but somehow missed this thread. Since you've extended the sign up, if you need someone for an even number put me down for group 2.

Stevej72 from USA
Cygnet - Late 2010 PITH sign up.

Hi - I'm Cygnet from Cape Town, South Africa. Thanks Mike for extending the sign up deadline and your help. Group 1 please.
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