**PITH 2010 Sign-ups-CLOSED**

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I thought a "darksider" was someone that does PC:biggrin:..... Cmon Darth Toni, Get with the program Lady:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

And to answer your other question YES, there are people (even in America) that use Lathes and other tools that have no motor except the user! There was a really cool video floating around of a guy using a bow lathe. He had to use both hands, and both feet to operate it. There are lots of designs for motorless lathes, Pole lathes, bow lathes, centrifugal lathes with HUGE HUGE round stones that keep them spinning for a long time, Treadle lathes, etc. etc.
Still do not follow you... pole lathe? hand drill meaning something like those old fashioned egg beaters:biggrin:

All true. We wouldn't kid you Toni.

Google "Pole lathe" and you'll find some fascinating stuff. Apparently lathes were used in ancient Egypt. Not sure if they were the pole variety or if they used another source of power, but the idea of spinning timber and attacking it with something sharp obviously isn't new.
The lists in post #1 are current through post #247.

188 People
7 Countries

3.5 Days until the drawing :RockOn:
How the hell did I miss the sign up?

I'm in!

capcrnch, Group 1, USA, ill ship wherever.

Preferably some place with beer where we can do a PITH/BITH exchange too ;)
I kid.
Or do I?
The lists in post # 1 are current through post # 265.

:RockOn::bananen_smilies104::bananen_smilies046:200 People!!:bananen_smilies046::bananen_smilies104::RockOn:

7 Countries
The lists in post # 1 are current through post # 265.

:RockOn::bananen_smilies104::bananen_smilies046:200 People!!:bananen_smilies046::bananen_smilies104::RockOn:

7 Countries


(Agree with Butch or disagree, his comments got more attention on this PITH than ANY past PITH--------

:biggrin::biggrin:"I love it when a plan comes together!!" :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Get back here, Butch, most of us miss you!!)​
Only 25 more till we reach a Quarter Thousand!!! Doesn't have the same ring as a Quarter Million does.
Only 25 more till we reach a Quarter Thousand!!! Doesn't have the same ring as a Quarter Million does.

Actually only 25 more would give us a Quarter Nine Hundred, which doesn't even sound as good as a Quarter Thousand.:devil::rolleyes:
Do we have an "official" count that is current. I don't trust MY math.

Johnathan, that count is "Divist=200" in persian last time I knew the language. But, some one said we were converted here, so my memory migh not help due to that conversion.

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