Originally posted by clement
<br />Hi all,
I've read all the posts in this topic and in Ron's topic about his blank, I will not post about this because I wil stay neutral ( as you know in Belgium we have two different communities and we are familiar with compromises [B)])
But I like to tell you something ;
This site is a great site ! When I take my membership I don't no if I should stay long on this place, but now every morning when I go to my computer I log in and read the new posts.
If I had no membership here, probably I should never have turning one pen. It's thanks to what I read here that I'm now able to do that. I'm not a great penturner, my turnings are more bowls, vases and other turned pieces. But what I can do in penturning I learned it here.
I had also the opportunity to meet nice people, ready to share their skills with others, I've made a couple of friends too.
I wish we could have in Belgium a forum like this, but our country is too small. That's the reason why I'm member in other forums around the world. There are good ones, like here, but there are others where it's not funny. Here is a lot of activity, every day new posts, while on some other forums you have a post from time to time.
We are all of us just men with our opinions and statements, let us just stay what we are here, WOODTURNERS [

Have nice turnings,