oi I don't want to get into the middle of this but...
from a newbie's point of view, if a thread is going to be locked/severely moderated just because of the mention of some person's name with the claim that "that is controversial" then there needs to be a public list of controversial, to-be-avoided topics AND A REASON FOR EACH. Otherwise you are just laying land mines for those of us who weren't around to have learned it directly.
Having joined after the Eagle fiasco and having no idea what it is about, this all seems pretty ridiculous to me. Once upon a time I posted a pen and in the post thanked (among others) Eagle for his inspiration. That was sent to him and he contacted me. As part of the conversation he told me he had been banned but, like the gentleman, would not say why. Personally, just looking at his craftsmanship I think having him on here would be a great asset to the membership. I know I've learned a lot just looking at his pens and far more in the ONE conversation I've had with him. I can't imagine how much further along I would be if I actually got to interact with him on a daily/weekly basis.
From these two threads I've surmised/assumed (with all that implies) that the controversy was due to one or more personality conflicts. To me, this is neither a reason for banning nor for moderating messages from OR ABOUT the person. If you don't like someone, tough, as long as they are not breaking the written rules you have to deal with them as fairly and equally as you deal with everyone else you do like.
I like this site very much. It is one of only two pen sites I visit. This thread, and the "Eagle" thread have knocked it WAY down in my respect. Personal interaction is what a social forum (and all forums are social forums or it would just be a file full of tutorials) are about. If people are penalized for being social, that is a bad thing. On the other hand, penalizing people for being anti-social is appropriate.
Sorry for the rambling thoughts. It sort of came out as it came into my mindlessness.