At some point in this thread, someone mentioned a sexual harassment video that they had to watch each year. We have a similar video at my job, and basically what it boils down to is, "If you say or do something, and someone dislikes it, then you are harassing that person, regardless of what your intentions are." This is an extreme reaction to a society that thrives on litigation for wrongs, both real and imagined, in my opinion (and my wife works for a law firm, so I hear a lot of things like this).
Now, for my own opinions (which are worth about what you're paying for them. :biggrin
- You are not responsible for my interpretation of your words or actions, I am.
- I am not responsible for your interpretation of my words or actions, you are.
- I can not control what you say or think, and it would be a much sadder, much darker world, if I (or anyone) could. I can only control my response, if any to what you say.
- It is not my job to make your life "better" or to ride herd on your feelings and emotional state. They're your feelings and emotions, ergo that's your job.
- If a person is in such sad shape that they feel they must take offense at the words of others, or if they feel that their life is so empty that they must stir up trouble for other folks, either by being ugly or by gossip or by meddling, then they probably should seek professional help,
- Vanilla ice cream is much better than chocolate ice cream.
- Life is too short to eat bad food.
- People who name their clothes are weird.
- Everybody should look in the mirror at least once a day and think about how funny you'd look with antlers, a red nose, clown shoes and a scuba tank on.
(that last was in a plea for everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously, guys.)
There, I think that's all I have to say about that. :biggrin: