Blank guessing game (teaser)

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It came to my attention that I missed a wood...known as another.

I will be revising the tally. Man this is getting more work than I thought! :biggrin::eek:
1. Chico Zapote
2. Live Oak
3. Mallee
4. Mesquite
5. Thuya Burl
6. Mopani
7. Myrtlewood
8. Spalted Maple
9. Chilean Yew
10. Figured Walnut
11. Pecan
12. Mango
13. Olivewood
14. Brazilian Redwood
15. Buckeye Burl

Ok, Dario - Do your worst.
Round 3, I guess:

1. Narra
2. Live Oak
3. Brown Mallee
4. Mesquite
5. Thuya
6. Yew
7. Myrtlewood
8. Beech
9. Olivewood
10. Bloodwood
11. Pecan
12. Mango
13. Madrone
14. Brazilian Redwood
15. Amboyna

Almost too tired for this - made lotsa mistakes.


Gee I wish I knew you were doing this and it still wasn't just the teaser. Oh well better late than never. Here are my guesses:

1. Massaranduba
2. Coolibah
3. Red Mallee
4. Mesquite
5. Chilean Laurel
6. Yew
7. Maple
8. Beech
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Redwood
11. Pecan
12. Live Oak
13. Madrone Burl
14. Myrtlewood
15. Thuya Burl
I just discovered this, looks like fun.

1. Curly Massaranduba
2. Live Oak Burl
3. Mesquite Burl
4. Brazilian Rosewood
5. Brown Mallee Burl
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Big Leaf Maple
9. Olive
10. Pyinma
11. pecan
12. myrtle
13. Madrone Burl
14. Amboyna Burl
15. Chiliean Laurel

I hope I at least got some of them correct.

God Bless,
1 Curly mahogany
2 yew
3 red mallee burl
4 mesquite
5 brown mallee burl
6 mrytlewood
7 Brazilian Redwood
8 spalted mango
9 olivewood
10 bees wing narra
11 spalted pecan
12 chilean laurel
13 live oak
14 yellow box burl
15 thuya burl
1. Curly Massaranduba
2. Live Oak Burl
3. Red Morrel Burl
4. Mesquite
5. Myrtle Burl
6. Yew
7. Spalted Pecan
8. Spalted Teak
9. Olivewood
10. Curly Redwood
11. Spalted Maple
12. Mango
13. Chilean Laurel
14. Grey Box Burl
15. Amboyna Burl
Day 3 is finished.

Clue#1. Blank #7 - It is much, much lighter in color before BLO was applied. (close to the color of #12)

Clue #2. With these mix are the following TX woods:
Live Oak

Day one is done.
Clue #3. With these mix are the following woods:
- Wood from Hawaii (among other places)
- Only wood used as legal tender coin in Oregon.
- Wood also known as "tree of ross"

Actual names of these wood will be PMed to those who submitted "legit" entries.
Clue #4. With these mix are the following woods:
- Brazilian Redwood
- Olivewood
- Chilean Laurel

All wood in this lot are of duplication.

Clue #5. With these mix are the following woods:
- Coolibah
- Brown Mallee
- Mahogany

Daily score tallies to help you further...
(as accurate as I can but I am far from perfect so... :redface: )

Day 1
1JaredSchmidt - 3
mrcook4570 - 6
ngeb528 - 1
GaryMadore - 2
ken69912001 - 2

Day 2
1080Wayne - 4
ngeb528 - 3
mrcook4570 - 5
ken69912001 - 3

Day 3
ngeb528 - 3
1080Wayne - 6
GaryMadore - 5
Bobskio2003 - 5
ESwindel - *** (more than half correct) :cool:
ken69912001 - 3
mrcook4570 - 5
These are the last posted clue. I will continue dropping the last 3 names, one blank at a time starting tomorrow but only PMed to all who posted entries.

Good luck!!!
Round 4

1. Mahogany
2. Live Oak
3. Mesquite
4. Rosewood
5. Brown Mallee
6. Yew
7. Myrtlewood
8. Maple
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Redwood
11. Pecan
12. Mango
13. Coolibah
14. Amboyna
15. Chilean Laurel

Yeah, like I have even HALF a clue ;)


1 Beeswing Narra
2 Brazilian Redwood
3 Brown Mallee
4 Mesquite
5 Mahogany
6 Yew
7 Madrone
8 Mango
9 Olivewood
10 Curly Pyinma
11 Pecan
12 Myrtlewood
13 Chilean Laurel
14 Coolibah
15 Thuya

Dario - you did to donate some Tylenol to the cause, because this is giving me a headache! I'm starting to really dislike you - but don't take it personal. ;-)
1. Curly Massaranduba
2. Brown Mallee
3. Red Morrel Burl
4. Mesquite
5. Live Oak
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Spalted Maple
9. Olivewood
10. Curly Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtle
13. Madrone Burl
14. Coolibah
15. Chilean Laurel
1 Brazilian redwood
2 Live oak
3 ?
4 Honey mesquite
5 Brown mallee
6 English yew
7 Black walnut
8 Big leaf maple
9 Olivewood
10 Cuban mahogany
11 Pecan
12 Mango
13 Coolibah
14 Black cherry
15 ?
Okay, if I'm getting this right I should be able to do a second guess today so;
1. Massaranduba
2. Redwood Burl

3. Red Mallee
4. Mesquite
5. Chestnut burl
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Beech
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Redwood
11. Live Oak

12. Pecan
13. Madrone Burl
14. Myrtlewood
15. Chilean Laurel
Ok Dario,

After much searching, reviewing of pictures (as I have never seen many of these woods close up), trying to imagine the wood lighter (as you darkened them with BLO), and head scratching, I have come to the conclusion that you a cruel and heartless man. :) I mean really every one else gets the number of blanks that the have correct. Me on the other hand, oh no, I get "more than half". Well since half is 7.5 that means that I have some where between 8 and 14 correct. (sheesh)
Boy I am glad to get that off my chest. :)

1. Massaranduba (Mahogany)
2. Live Oak
3. Coolibah
4. Pomelle Bubinga
5. Chilean Laurel
6. Yew (tree of ross)
7. Mango
8. Maple
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Redwood
11. Pecan
12. Myrtle (don't take any wooden nickles)
13. mesquite
14. Amboyna
15. Brown Mallee

God Bless,
Ok Dario,

After much searching, reviewing of pictures (as I have never seen many of these woods close up), trying to imagine the wood lighter (as you darkened them with BLO), and head scratching, I have come to the conclusion that you a cruel and heartless man. :) I mean really every one else gets the number of blanks that the have correct. Me on the other hand, oh no, I get "more than half". Well since half is 7.5 that means that I have some where between 8 and 14 correct. (sheesh)
Boy I am glad to get that off my chest. :)


LOL..I hope you learn later that I am not that cruel. :biggrin:

The BLO darkening is an accident. I originally planned on sanding all the blanks to display the wood better but the dust is too much! (can't run my DC simultaneously w/ the sander--a garage electrical issue). I aborted that and decided to apply BLO instead...after applying it though, it is too late. You see the intention is good...but it back fired. :redface:

I masked your tally since it will give up too much info to those who decide to just jump in the very last day. I really want to give those who keep trying some kind of edge. I hope you understand.

Correction you are somewhere 8-15 :wink: which is very impressive for first try.
1. Curly Massaranduba
2. Live Oak
3. red mallee
4. mesquite
5. redwood
6. Yew
7. redwood
8. mango
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Rosewood
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. chilean laurel
14. coolibah
15. Brown Mallee
Day 4 tally:

ngeb528 - 6
1080Wayne - 7
GaryMadore - 5
Bobskio2003 - 6
ESwindel - 6
mrcook4570 - *** (more than half correct) :cool:
ken69912001 - *** (more than half correct) :cool:

By the way...just to let everyone that for me, myrtle is not the same as myrtlewood. :wink:
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All participants who posted a guess since day1 will get a PM about the next clue.

If I missed a name and you participated but didn't get any PM from me...please let me know (post, email, or PM)

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OK, well, then... here we go:

1. Brazilian Redwood
2. Live Oak
3. Mesquite
4. Rosewood
5. Brown Mallee
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Madrone
14. Coolibah
15. Chilean Laurel

Wheeeeeeeeeee! Something scientifical is going on here :)


My turn (probably messed myself up):

1 Figured Mahogany
2 Coolibah
3 Brown Mallee
4 Mesquite
5 Alder
6 Yew
7 Live Oak
8 Spalted Maple
9 Olivewood
10 Mango
11 Pecan
12 Myrtlewood
13 Brazilian Redwood
14 Madrone
15 Chilean Laurel
Ok Dario,
I see your game now.... you are trying to drive us into the insane asylum so that there will be that many fewer turners to compete for blanks and customers.

1. Massaranduba
2. Brown Mallee
3. Coolibah
4. Mesquite
5. Live Oak
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Madrone
14. Amboyna
15. Chilean Laurel

God Bless,
1 Brazilian redwood
2 Live oak
3 Coolibah
4 Honey mesquite
5 Brown mallee
6 English yew
7 Mango
8 Red alder
9 Olivewood
10 Chilean laurel
11 Pecan
12 Myrtlewood
13 Madrone
14 Mahogany
15 Black locust
And I try why? Oh well here is today's guess:
1. Brazialian Redwood
2. Live Oak
3. Brown Mallee
4. Chilean Laurel
5. Mesquite
6. Yew
7. Pecan
8. Mango
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Alder
12. Myrtlewood
13. Madrone
14. Coolibah
15. Chestnut
1. Curly Massaranduba
2. Live Oak
3. red mallee
4. mesquite
5. madrone
6. Yew
7. Pecan
8. mango
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Rosewood
11. alder
12. chilean laurel
13. brown mallee
14. coolibah
15. Myrtlewood
1. Curly Massaranduba
2. Live Oak
3. mango
4. mesquite
5. madrone
6. Yew
7. Pecan
8. maple burl
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Rosewood
11. alder
12. chilean laurel
13. brown mallee
14. coolibah
15. Myrtlewood
Well since Ken is trying 2 in one day and since I'm not sure how much computer time I'll get tomorrow here is another guess:
1. Brazialian Redwood
2. Myrtlewood
3. Coolibah
4. Chilean Laurel
5. Mesquite
6. Yew
7. Maple
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Mango
12. Pecan
13. Madrone
14. Brown Mallee
15. Live Oak
At last the insanity ends.....

1 Brazilian Redwood
2 Live Oak
3 Alder
4 Mesquite
5 Brown Mallee
6 Yew
7 Mango
8 Maple Burl
9 Olivewood
10 Mahogany
11 Pecan
12 Chilean Laurel
13 Madrone
14 Coolibah
15 Myrtlewood

Thanks for making my a raving lunatic, Dario :befuddled::wink:
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At last the insanity ends.....

1 Brazilian Redwood
2 Live Oak
3 Alder
4 Mesquite
5 Brown Mallee
6 Yew
7 Mango
8 Maple Burl
9 Olivewood
10 Mahogany
13 Madrone
14 Coolibah
15 Myrtlewood

Thanks for making my a raving lunatic, Dario :befuddled::wink:

Did you leave out 11 and 12 to prove your point? :eek::biggrin:

I'll let you edit and add those 2.:wink:
Lets see hmmmmm what to change, what to change OH I have it 1-15 wood coated with BLO and they are not plastic. You can ship them to me now. ;-)

1. Massaranduba
2. Brown Mallee
3. Maple Burl
4. Mesquite
5. Live Oak
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Madrone
14. Coolibah
15. Chilean Laurel

God Bless,
At least an hour invested in each of these blanks and they may never see my lathe !!
1 Brazilian redwood
2 Live oak
3 Brown mallee
4 Honey mesquite
5 Chilean laurel
6 English yew
7 Mango
8 Red alder
9 Olivewood
10 Mahogany
11 Pecan
12 Myrtlewood
13 Madrone
14 Coolibah
15 Maple
Late! Okay. But I just found out about this a few hours ago. Geez! I wish I'd found it earlier. Missed those last clues. But for what its worth, here is my entry.

1. Mahogany
2. Live Oak
3. Mesquite
4. Bubinga
5. Chilean Laurel
6. Mahogany
7. Brazilian Rosewood
8. Spalted Pecan
9. Olivewood
10. Curly Koa
11. Pecan
12. Oregon Myrtle
13. Coolibah
14. Redwood Burl
15. Brown Mallee Burl
Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
1. Mahogany
2. Live Oak
3. Mesquite
4. Bubinga
5. Chilean Laurel
6. Mahogany
7. Brazilian Rosewood
8. Spalted Pecan
9. Olivewood
10. Curly Koa
11. Pecan
12. Oregon Myrtle
13. Coolibah
14. Redwood Burl
15. Brown Mallee Burl
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