Blank guessing game (teaser)

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Today's score tally will be sent via PM to all participants.

I will draw a number tomorrow and give the corresponding wood answer as a final clue to all who places an entry.

Todays entries are impressive...4 out of 7 got more than 7 correct answers. One is 12 points!!! :eek:

Good luck!!!
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This game has taught me some things about myself that I didn't know.

1st: I learned that I know next to nothing about wood. That's ok, gives me something to work on. :embarrassed:

2nd: If I need to get some sleep - I can't get involved in these things. I spent many overnight hours researching these *%&!@#@! ,uh, wonderful woods. :sleepy:

3rd: I'm not as mentally stable as I thought. Luckily, my health coverage pays for 50 mental health sessions a year. :befuddled:

4th: I need years more experience turning before I'll even be in the same league as you guys. :glasses-cool:

5th: I had a lot of fun (which pretty much negates #2 and makes me not care about #3). Thanks Dario. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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Ok Dario,
Try this on for size:
1. Brazilian Redwood
2. Maple Burl
3. Coolibah
4. Mesquite
5. Live Oak
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Madrone
14. Brown Mallee
15. Chilean Laurel

God Bless,
1. Brazilian Redwood
2. Live Oak
3. Coolibah
4. Mesquite
5. Maple Burl
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Madrone
14. Brown Mallee
15. Chilean Laurel
1. Brazilian Redwood
2. Alder
3. Brown Mallee
4. Mesquite
5. Live Oak
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Maple
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Madrone
14. Coolibah
15. Chilean Laurel
This is the final day, right? So here's my last guess

1. Mahogany
2. Live Oak
3. Mesquite
4. Bubinga
5. Chilean Laurel
6. Yew
7. Brazilian Rosewood
8. Spalted Pecan
9. Olivewood
10. Curly Koa
11. Pecan
12. Oregon Myrtle
13. Coolibah
14. Redwood Burl
15. Brown Mallee Burl
1. Brazilian Redwood
2. Alder
3. Brown Mallee
4. Mesquite
5. Live Oak
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Maple
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Madrone
14. Coolibah
15. Chilean Laurel
Oops guess I looked at the wrong clock.

1. Curly Massaranduba
2. Live Oak
3. mango
4. mesquite
5. madrone
6. Yew
7. Pecan
8. maple burl
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Rosewood
11. alder
12. chilean laurel
13. brown mallee
14. coolibah
15. Myrtlewood
Okay Dario, I want you to know . . . this has been a GREAT BRAIN TEASER! Lots of fun. so here's my list.

1. Massaranduba
2. Madrone
3. Mesquite
4. Live Oak
5. Maple
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Redwood
11. Pecan
12. Oregon Myrtle
13. Brown Mallee
14. Coolibah
15. Chilean Laurel
I did not think that it was possible to make me any more confused, however ......
lets try this:

1 Brazilian redwood
2 Live oak
3 Maple Burl
4 Honey mesquite
5 Chilean laurel
6 English yew
7 Mango
8 Red alder
9 Olivewood
10 Mahogany
11 Pecan
12 Myrtlewood
13 Brown Mallee
14 Coolibah
15 Madrone

God Bless,
This is the last one RIGHT?

1Brazilian Redwood2Alder3Coolibah4Mesquite5Live Oak6Yew7Mango8Spalted Maple9Olivewood10Mahogany11Pecan12Myrtlewood13Brown Mallee14Madrone15Chilean Laurel

For better, or more probably, worse...
1. Curly mahogany
2. Live Oak
3. mango
4. mesquite
5. madrone
6. Yew
7. Pecan
8. maple burl
9. Olivewood
10. Brazilian Redwood
11. alder
12. Myrtlewood
13. brown mallee
14. coolibah
15. chilean laurel
OK, I'm tired. I quit. I'm toast. Here we go:

1. Brazilian Redwood
2. Live Oak
3. Maple Burl
4. Mesquite
5. Madrone
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Brown Mallee
14. Coolibah
15. Chilean Laurel

Thanks for the laughs Dario - this is fun :)


1. Brazilian Redwood
2. Live Oak
3. Maple Burl
4. Mesquite
5. Madrone
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Brown Mallee
14. Coolibah
15. Chilean Laurel
1. Brazilian Redwood
2. Maple
3. Coolibah
4. Mesquite
5. Live Oak
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Brown Mallee
14. Mandrone
15. Chilean Laurel
And after way too much time , I have come to the reluctant conclusions that 1) Dario swindled Eric out of a check point on day 4 , and
2) Rarest Woods is correct , so
1 Brazilian redwood
2 Live oak
3 Maple
4 Honey mesquite
5 Madrone
6 English yew
7 Mango
8 Red alder
9 Olivewood
10 Mahogany
11 Pecan
12 Myrtlewood
13 Brown mallee
14 Coolibah
15 Chilean laurel
Most humble apologies , Gary . YOU had the correct answer first . Also noticed that Bobskio got too much credit on day 5 . Wayne

Not at all Wayne: I'm just poking at Dave - who threw down the gauntlet on Day One.

You know, the guy who inexplicably posted his answers AFTER me, despite having a 4 hour head-start on the day.... The guy who said

ha har (pirate laugh) youlle be up against me Mr gary madore lets have a fair fight :cool:

and then had to copy and paste my answer.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen... :p

heh heh heh

On a (BRIEF!) serious note, This was a hoot, and I never, EVER would have got these (er, assuming I got any correct, of course) without everyone's guesses and Dario's clues. "My" answers, therefore, are not mine, but actually everybody's.

OK, back to tweaking Dave ;)


Dario Humble apologies if I offended you . Was just word playing on Eric`s surname . Have absolutely zero problem with any errors in this type of contest . It just makes the mathematics of the problem more interesting . As Gary said , this was a group solution . None of us would have a snowballs chance on a Texas summer day of coming up with something like Chilean laurel without your clue . Thank you for a very enjoyable week . Wayne
Sorry, I have been out of town without internet access for a few days. I hope I am not too late to guess again. This has been fun. Thanks Dario!

1. Curly Massaranduba
2. Brown Mallee
3. Maple Burl
4. Mesquite
5. Live Oak
6. Yew
7. Mango
8. Spalted Alder
9. Olivewood
10. Curly Mahogany
11. Pecan
12. Myrtlewood
13. Madrone Burl
14. Coolibah
15. Chilean Laurel
We have a few perfect guests but only one can be declared a winner and it is GaryMadore.

Congrats!!! Please PM me you address and I will have the package out tomorrow.

Thanks for playing everyone!!!
I feel like Charlie Brown ARRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe that changed Chilean Laurel and Madrone :(
Congrats Gary, thanks Dario this was fun. I have to agree with others that this was a group effort and most of the woods I never would have come up with if you (Dario) had not given names for me to then search for examples.

God Bless,

p.s. Wayne you owe me a nickle.... you know if I had a nickle for every time I heard that :) " ________ swindled Eric ________"

OK, gang, I'm beginning to feel just a little bit guilty...

Anyway, I'd like to thank my Ma and Pa, and the Academy, and all the people who got me to where I am today.

Oh yeah, and thanks to everyone who played for contributing to the collective wisdom. I hope everybody had as much fun sleuthing this out as I did, and I look forward to being able to do something similiar in the (near) future to support this site.


Good going, Gary! I knew one of you all would get them all right.

Now that I have them in the correct order, can we run this again a few months from now . . . ? Same woods, different order?
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