a pen assembly press - force applied to the top to press the components together?
How about tighten the wing nuts on top the pressure pot?
There were close calls earlier but, no one stated the item the tool is used for/on.
View attachment 95921
I also think it is for starting a fire?
punch to cut paper towel disks which are then used to apply finish wax or polish - the plastic bottle is the holder.
Something to do with soaking up resin / glue / finish. Jury is still out on this one. Need to see diameter of plastic bit
The plastic bottle, is an empty 8oz container of the 5 cup CA, from Monty...!
Diameter of the hole on the paper towel is approx. 1"
Since both these pics were taken in the future, I'm afraid a correct answer would throw off the space/time continuum, thus causing a tear in the universe.
you put the paper through the mandrel against the headstock to keep the lathe clean. You use the plastic bottle to cut the hole in the paper.
Pine lumber:bananen_smilies104::RockOn: