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  1. ElMostro

    Sea Life Collection Sierras

    Here are 2 pens I made today. Sierra in TG and Elegant Beauty in satin chrome from Ernie at Beartooth Woods. Alumilite, wood inlay with a CA finish. Eugene
  2. P


    I would like to try doing alumilite, but I can't seem to find the best place to purchase it at a good price. Any and all help would be appreciated. I hope this is the right place to ask about it. Al
  3. Padre

    Using Alumilite

    I have been using PR to cast pen blanks, and I'm really tired of the smell. Does anyone know if you can use the luster pigments with alumilite? Thanks.
  4. fiferb

    A Real Emerald or Two

    This is one of two pens I'm making for a customer that sent me a baggie full of emeralds. I glued the stones onto the tube after I painted it with ivory spray paint. Cast in alumilite on a Wallstreet III. Thanks for looking and especially to those that comment.
  5. fiferb

    Unusable Wood Zen

    It's been awhile since I posted a pen because I haven't done anything new. Well, here are two firsts for me, my first Zen and my first casting a piece of burl with alumilite. I think it's red mallee on a black Ti Zen. Hole and tube are painted black. Thanks for looking and a special thanks for...
  6. ElMostro

    Latest Pen from latest Amalgam-Mutt

    Folks, after a week out of the shop I got this done this morning. It is a Gold Churchill (from Ernie at Beartooth Woods). The blanks is Canary wood with Blue Swirly Resin; with a CA finish. Both pics are of the same pen at different angles. (sorry about the background but didn't have my tent...
  7. ElMostro

    Proof that I DO turn Pens

    It's been a while since I turned a, for a minute there I had to read the instruction to figure it out again..the cgar pen kits always make me check 3 times ;). These are all made from Amalgam-Mutt blanks I casted (except for the last one...a tree made that blank). All are sanded to 12000mm and...
  8. Stick Rounder

    Click Rhodium Ballpoint Pen

    Besides work like a dog at my day job I managed to turn a couple of pens over the weekend here is one of them.... This is Chola Wood with clear alumilite tinted red and copper pearl-ex cast on a Rhodium Click Ballpoint Pen (from Lau Lau Woodworks:wink:) finished in CABLO using the W.O. Young...
  9. fiferb

    Purple & Peanuts

    SL, peanut shells cast in Alumilite, tubes painted purple, purple acrylic CB, fishing pole and fish clip. All requested by the customer. I wasn't sure how the peanut shells would look after it was turned. What do you think? Thanks for looking and to all that comment.
  10. ElMostro

    Cross Pens; Bloodwood and Ivory

    Here are my latest Cross pens. Both are made from "Eugene's Ivory and Bloodwood and both have a CA finish. Thanks for looking. Eugene. The first one is a standard Sierra: The next one is a Gold Jr. Gent. The blodwood was X cut
  11. ElMostro

    Alternative Ivory with Bloodwood Cross

    "Eugene's Ivory" with Bloodwood Cross. I have been working on this design for a while. I finally got it down to where I am happy with the final product. The blank is made from alumilite and the cross is bloodwood. The cross goes all the way through so it is visible from two sides. It is on...
  12. ElMostro

    Amalgam-Mutts are now Segmented

    I have been working on these for a while and finally turned some worth Posting. The first few are a mixture of wood and Alumilite. The next to last is a segmented Walnut & Maple Jr. Gent II and the last one is a spalted pecan cigar; the wood for this last pen came from a tree cut down in Fort...
  13. ElMostro

    Latest Amalgam-Mutts

    Finally had a chance to turn several pens from my Amalgam-Mutt blanks. The first one is made from Sponge dyed red and then cast in blue swirly Alumilite. It's a Titanium Jr Gent, sanded to 12000mm and polished. The second is Cholla Cactus with minty green Alumilite Amalgam-Mutt on a...
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