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  1. T

    Allergic to Alumilite

    I went from a beginner pen turning class, making a non-finished slimline pen in December to stabilizing my own wood, and casting my own blanks by February. I set up my workshop paying rent in the basement of our building and bought all the tools and equipment only to find out I'm allergic to...
  2. I

    Watch part blanks. What am I doing wrong?

    I've bought all my materials for making watch part pen blanks. Including some retro dials to start with. If I ruin those blanks, it's no big deal. Part of the learning process. However, look at the pics. I'm putting them together using a thick CA. Specifically, gorilla glue thick. If you...
  3. JPMcConnel

    Two Kitless Pens in Alumilite

    Alumilite provides a broad range of options you have in colors, colors you can "paint in" when you are making custom pens. I have worked closely with Bob Dupras to design custom alumilite blanks that provide color transitions to make them interesting. Greens and blues are my favorites, with a...
  4. THarvey

    A Few Recent Pens

    A few recent pens from my shop. The Orange & Pearl Cholla and Blue & Pearl Cholla Sierras are two casts from the Alumilite I won during the Birthday Bash. The Sweet Gum Balls Sierra, is cast in clear resin. I reverse panted Metallic Blue. The Sweet Gum Blank came from Bobspenfactory. This...
  5. W

    Need help... with Alumilite...

    Wow... I had planned to do my first casting tonight... but all did not go well...Using Alumilite White and wanted to split into red and blue to dye into white... Followed YouTube video and was planning to add color to 1/3 mix of mixed resin....Drops refused to come out freely... so... you...
  6. W

    Different style of bandsaw box

    I used my blanks from my "Reincarnated Wood" to create Dr. Seuss inspired bandsaw boxes. The Green one is buckeye burl with alumilite and the purple is Maple burl with alumilite. I really couldnt find a style of bandsaw boxes I liked so I made up my own style. I think they came out pretty good
  7. R

    Alumilite carbon fiber

    I have been working on some tube in castings with alumilite and carbon fiber. I am so close to having it right, but frustrating myself reading all of the threads. I thought I would ask directly. I am painting tubes black, allowing ample dry time (days) then adhering CF to tube using method...
  8. RBcarving

    White Alumilite Dye w/ Cactus Juice ???

    I didn't want to make an experimental mess if someone has already tried this. Simply, has anyone used the white alumilite dye with cactus juice ?? And what were the results ?? Brad
  9. M

    Alumilite clear polishing

    Ok, I'm desperate! I have made several hybrid pen blanks with worthless wood alumilite clear (with dye added). I have orders for about 10 of these and can not get a good polish on the alumilite. I have found very little on the web, and even called alumilte. They refered me to their FAQs that...
  10. healeydays

    Definitely that time of year

    Folks, A bit new at casting, but having a blast working the process and coming up with mixes I like. My problem is I am in NH working in my unheated basement and am not getting the cures with Aluminite Clear I'd like. Can anyone point me to a list or list some of the tricks of...
  11. cschimmel

    PR vs Alumilite, a test

    A little test I did with alumilite and PR, hard to believe I'm not a scientist right. Pen Making Shop Test Polyester Resin PR vs Alumilite on a stamp pen. - YouTube
  12. W

    20 Cholla - Le Roi Pens

    Well, tonight I finished the last step in completing 20 pens that will be given as speaker's gifts at an upcoming Knowledge Management conference in Houston. I could not have completed this without lots of reading, asking questions and getting some great tips and advice from the members here...
  13. W

    Alumilite and Cholla

    I have done a little bit of research on here about casting cholla and done a few successfully using Silmar 41. I love the way Curtis' blanks turn though and after watching his videos I thought I would give Alumilite a try. I first used some Alumilite regular just because I had some available...
  14. ElMostro

    Gold & Pearl "Stripes" blank

    Here is proof I still turn pens. Its a "Stripes" blank, pearl base with gold stripes on a Sterling Silver Cambridge kit, sanded to 12000mm then Novus 2.
  15. ElMostro

    Working on something new

    Working on something and this is what came out. I almost feel bad having to cut it up.
  16. ElMostro

    I present "The Weave"

    Made of Yellow Heart wood with blue alumilite on a gold Churchill Kit.
  17. ElMostro

    "Black Beauty"

    An X's & O's Amalgam-Mutt in Black and Pearl on a Chrome Churchill. Alumilite wet sanded to 12000mm and novus II. This is the same pen pictured from two sides. This is the "O" side: This is the "X" side: Thanks for looking. Eugene
  18. M

    Snake Skin Casting (Blue Asian)

    Hi, Here are my first videos on casting snake skin. I am a total beginner so I thought newbies can probably learn from my mistake as much as success of other members here. Any helpful comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please note that I couldn't have even started...
  19. ElMostro

    "I love Texas to Pieces"

    This is one of my "Texas Collection" resin blanks. It is made with an ivory resin base with red and blue bits & pieces of Texas throughout the blank with a CA finish. It is on a Triton kit from Beartooth Woods. Wadayathink?
  20. ElMostro

    Stripes & Burls

    Here is my latest pen. It is Red Malle burl with swirly blue stripes, finished with CA on a Jr. Statesman Titanium Gold Kit. Whadaya think? Eugene
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