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    Dragon Fountain Pen with Antique Brass fittings and purple alumilite blank
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    Dragon Fountain Pen with Antique Brass fittings and purple alumilite blank
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    Atrax Fountain Pen with a Graveyard Shift Alumilite blank from BeartoothWoods
  4. N

    Alumilite with 3D printed parts

    Got a problem and am looking for some assistance - I am printing 3D components to embed in Alumilite Clear Slow to make unique pen blanks. I am using both PLA and PETG filaments for the prints. I have printed stars, some wavy patterns and some color bars, all embedded in the vertical pour molds...
  5. T

    Alumilite ink stain question

    Hey All, Had a customer that I met that purchased one of my bespoke fountain pens made with Alumilite resin. Some highly pigmented ink was used and left for an extended period of time and apparently it stained the Abalone style colouring on the resin. He mentioned he tried water and even an...
  6. freshmaker

    Finishing (Sanding/Polishing) with Alumilite Clear Slow

    Hi folks, I'm hoping to tap into your collective and generous knowledge to try and tackle my finishing problem. I've been searching around reading various threads about sanding and buffing pens, but haven't found anyone encountering the same problem when sanding/polishing resin. Please redirect...
  7. K

    Question on pressure for clear blanks

    I was asked to make a bunch of customized pens for police dept, so this once again a donation on my part. I was going to use Alumilite for the first time to create the label in tube blanks. But since this will be a donation, I’m not looking forward to buy a pressure pot, even the pressure...
  8. Woodchipper

    Turning with a Bedan tool?

    I was watching a video where the guy was demonstrating using several turning tools to turn an aluminite blank. I was wondering if anyone has used a Bedan tool for turning blanks. If so, is it best on certain materials as wood, acrylic, etc.? I made a Bedan tool a while back and used it on a...
  9. Psychmike22

    Some kitless I have been working on

    Hello everyone, I have been playing around with casting and made a few pens to try out some ideas. The black and blue pen came out better than my photography skills. The others I am calling galaxy blanks, involve pouring colors and glitters into clear epoxy for a swirled effect. Feedback is...
  10. Psychmike22

    Galaxy pen

    I have been experimenting with casting and turning larger kitless fountain pens. I’m calling them desk pens as they would look better on a desk than in a pocket. The larger pens allow for more to see in an interesting blank too. I welcome your collective feedback. The blank is alumilite clear...
  11. Psychmike22


    You can never predict when inspiration will strike. The Mrs. made a dessert that got me thinking. This was the result. I casted the blank in Alumilite clear slow, Jowo #6 nib. I transitioned the colors at the section. I need to improve my inside sanding but it’s ok for my first try. I asked her...
  12. Pitchman

    Black Alumilite Blank - Can’t get ride of the scratches!

    Help! A desperate pen turner! LOL I have been turning for a number of years now and just recently decided to make my own blanks as I wanted them tube in. I have turned to Alumilite first as that seems to be a common preference? Here’s my problem…anyone have a real solution? I simply cannot...
  13. RobS

    Mini Review TailoredPenCompany Alumilite Blanks

    I had the pleasure of turning 6 TailoredPenCompany blanks that a customer had requested. I made 3 kitless Xacto knives and 3 Pentel Pencils. All turned smoothly, there were no brittle sections and the pattern was very consistent. Loved them. Will gladly turn more.
  14. RobS

    Autumnal Change, kitless

    The following are Bock and Jowo #6 fountain pens 13mm triple start thread 10x.8 mm section thread Midwesthybrids Blanks: alumilite, glitter and stabilized maple burl inserts and sections in house poured from alumilite CA sealed the glitter Oddie’s Oil sealed the wood after full sanding and...
  15. Crungler

    Finally starting to like the results I’m getting.

    It’s taken me about a gallon total of casting squares of alumilite to get the timing and technique down to the point where I am happy with the blanks I’m getting.
  16. Crungler

    Alumilite pen blanks for sale

    I have a few blanks leftover from recent casts. Asking $8 for each blank plus shipping. Can provide additional pictures and information.
  17. bvcreates

    My first two kitless/bespoke fountain pens

    Just finished up with my first three kitless pens. The first was the prototype so it's not worth showing here but the second and third turned out ok, I think. I made my own alumilite blanks and turned them on my smallish Rikon wood lathe using Easy Wood Tools negative rake cutters (they are...
  18. JBidinger

    Whoa! Foamy Blue Clear Slow

    I'm very new to casting blanks but have been around epoxy for a while. Mostly for making scale radio control airplanes. I've never seen this. Alumilite Clear Slow. New bottles so it shouldn't be old since I ordered directly from Alumilite. Mixol pigments I picked up at Rockler. I used the Red...
  19. Racer3770


    Thank you for taking the time to check out our new vendor forum on the IAP! My brother and I started making pens in 2013 after our grandfather wanted to try his hand at working on a lathe. The Pensmiths was born when we started experimenting with our own custom blanks. We specialize in quality...
  20. A

    Introducing my turned helix series blanks!

    Hello everyone, After 3yrs of development and testing, I am ready to let the members know of my signature helix series blanks I produce. I started with the candy cane and then developed the barber pole blank. All the blanks are made with Alumilte over multiple days. Initially these were...
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