I just love wood! But having moved to Greece and a particular area - the Pelopennese, perhaps I need to justify it![
On my travels around the globe, of course looking for the "holy grail" in olive wood I decided wild Greek was unbeaten. The trees here average 600yrs old and go on till well into they are over 1,000yrs old!
In Greece for a start the olive from Crete is too well farmed and old stocks have dwindled, result the wood has less figuring and tends to be very dark, in Corfu the weather and soil plays it part and the wood is more blond, just move a little East and Albanian olive is positively pale with a lot of pink!
Italian olive well they put it in pizza ovens! [}
Israel olive is very good but not wild enough for me!
Spanish olive well over cultivated and perhaps has lost it's soul. [xx(]
French is good but they buy wild Greek olive off me! [8D]
Australian well quite frankly just a baby in diapers but has great potential! [8D]
American, young but has some style as already mentined above. [
By the way China is trying to mass produce it!?[
There is more but I fear I may bore you[