Wood Moisture Meter

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Aug 28, 2019
Does anybody have an idea of an inexpensive moisture meter? I've got some wet wood I'm making into bowl blanks. Thinking of speeding things up and trying the microwave technique. I usually just go by a feel in my hands. But I think I need to try to be a little more accurate now so I don't waste to much.

Thank you.
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Bob, I bought one from Lee Valley here in Canada, but, I have no ides of where you'd find one in the states. But, even if you buy one, they are only good for a shallow depth. I'm not sure that they would be of much use on bowl blanks, the blank probably to thick to get an accurate reading of the moisture levels.

They are available in many places - Ace Hardware, Harbor Freight, etc.

I bought one several years ago. I had a HF 20% coupon that was about to expire and thought that it would be neat to have, but frankly, I don't use it all that often. Some of my work involves wood that I have harvested myself, but for the most part I know when it was cut and can pretty much tell when it is dry enough for turning.
I've got one I'll sell or trade with you. Don't remember the bran, never used it. Not sure of the brand, I think it is a Delmhurst, and it is a pin-type. I'll check later if you are interested. PM me.
I think that trying to pre-dry a bowl blank in a microwave is pretty risky. I'd be more inclined to rough-turn it wet and then either air dry and finish turn or give the microwave a chance at that point. Or, you could just go ahead and finish turn and accept the distortion. Or, finish turn and wrap in stretch wrap to minimize distortion (see Robohippy on YouTube).

You might want to take a look at the AAW Forum:

There is a lot of stuff on microwave drying there, but in order to search the site, I believe that you need to register. I don't think that you have to be a member of AAW.

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