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Just to be a pain... +1 to all the above, now pass the Kool-Aid.

Seriously, though I usually HATE forums and on-line groups. Usually because there is far more pissing and moaning that what goes on here. This group is by the the most genuine and caring group I have come across. Here's to IAP:beer::beer:
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Id still be turning plain grain purpleheart and paduke and probably puting them on a Majestic. Going Ohhhh and Ahhhh like a dummy.

There is soooooo much knowledge here that you cant let some people who dont share your same opinion get to you.
I realize there is no reason for me to add to this thread but what the hey:redface:. As has been stated again and again, this is truely a unique forum. Like all forums, if one doesn't like it then just go away - simple. After I started reading the "CANCELLATION" thread I got the distinct impression the OP was nothing more than a troll. There are people out there that enjoy causing confusion and strife.
For me the simplest thing is to just to ignore them. Certainly not going to change my opinion of the IAP, its the best:laugh:.

I have laid low and not looked at the Casual Conversation site because it is not casual and people take things a little tooooooo seriously. I'd like to tell a few people off who made comments about my post counts but decided to use IAP for another reason and that is pen building only. No kidding around anymore because some of you are not fun. The only reason I checked in this time is because I have a serious question about gel refills.
Good post, Peter.
I hang out here because it is a great community, and fun.
I have made a lot of friends here, and I mean true friends, not just online buddies.
Penturning is addictive, so why not hang with like minded turners!
I have learned so much here, and hope one day to be smart enough to give back.
Good post, Peter.
I hang out here because it is a great community, and fun.
I have made a lot of friends here, and I mean true friends, not just online buddies.
Penturning is addictive, so why not hang with like minded turners!
I have learned so much here, and hope one day to be smart enough to give back.
Same here John ! You need to take some time off and come up this way. We'll run down the streetand see Mike Kennedy. :wink:
Same here John ! You need to take some time off and come up this way. We'll run down the streetand see Mike Kennedy. :wink:

I know, Chuck. Sorry I haven't seen you for so long.
Ernie was talking coming up, maybe then?
Yeah, you are not real far away form Mike. That sounds ok, too.:)
knowledge, knowledge, knowledge

I'm fairly new here but find this to be a really good site. You can ask any question about pen turning and in half-an-hour have half-a-dozen answers, hints or opinions.

I've seen some pretty strong opinions put forth, but so what? I've had the same peope who disagreed with me in one thread help me out in another and that's the way it should be.

Some folks love to look at pictures of the work that others are doing, and exhibit what they are doing. I figure if I stay around long enough I might someday post a picture of a pen that I've made, but I doubt it. Trying to get good pictures of my stuff frustrates me. But the point is that it gives some of the guys a great deal of pleasure to look and post their own. That's great.

On the other hand, why leave. If there is something posted that I don't like I can just skip the thread.

Right now I'm here almost everyday...in my busy season you can make book that I won't be and that's ok too, most of the threads I am most interested in don't need to be checked everyday...if somebody writes how to do something, if I don't see it until a week after it's written, what is lost? Nothing.
good stuff

Good post, Peter.
I hang out here because it is a great community, and fun.
I have made a lot of friends here, and I mean true friends, not just online buddies.
Penturning is addictive, so why not hang with like minded turners!
I have learned so much here, and hope one day to be smart enough to give back.

And we also meet a lot of folks like yourself that do just one hell-of-a-job of providing some great additions to our pen turning tools...I've gotten a couple of things from you that three or four months ago, I didn't know existed. It is nice to deal with folks who are reasonably priced, honest and take pride in what they make....
You too

There is a rather interesting thread from a fairly new member that advocates leaving IAP and cancelling their membership. The request came since it was "perceived" that the members here are the like the feuding McCoys and that uncivil behaviour is rampant. Those that stick around have realised that this is far from what actually occurs here at the IAP.

Not once during my tenure here would I dream of leaving this great "community". There is just so much to absorb here if you're into pen making. Oh, we bicker and whine, but for the most part that is the "side show" here. What it's all about is the knowledge and skillsets that are so freely shared (for the most part). It's where we come together to see those wonderful show off your pen(s) delights. Where else can you get such fabulous blanks offered at great prices/selection from other members? Where else can you get the insight on how pen parts are plated? IAP is a minefield for activities (PITH), knowledge, marketing (shows) insights, new pen designs coming on board, pen kits that are being phased out. We can go on and on for all the benefits of being here at the IAP.

I choose to stay here and am very thankful to be given this privilege. Hope that 'newbies' and 'veterans' do the same. It's worth it for me. Is it valuable to you? Just in case I've not expressed myself clearly, yah I love being here.:biggrin:

What I said to John goes for you too Peter...my Rotunda is a great tool...
I only have one gripe about this forum - I don't have enough time to read everything I want to!
I have learned a lot and appreciate everything that is written - one way or the other.
there has been some resentments by some members about heated debates but I do know that this is where I go to learn more. There is no other way to learn more or faster than have a big giant family. Do families ever fight? Yes? Go past the arguements keep going.
I've definately made a lot of friends from this site. Quite a few of them I see once or twice a month. Others that I will soon meet, one way or another, even if Johnny has to buy me lunch on my way through his town:biggrin:. When I had a kidney transplant in January, I received numerous calls from members here that I had only talked to through PM's. Was really mindboggling that someone would take the time to somehow get the telephone number and call. It's truly amazing that a simple penturning forum could bring people from all walks of life together and help one another when they're in need. No amount of money could ever change that. I've talked enough already, so I'll leave it at that.
I also have learned a lot in a short time here. I would have never thought of using some of the stuff used in PR casting I have seen here. I want to start casting but funding is low atm but the knowledge of the people here is huge. I'm staying...lol
There is a lot less crap on this site than many others, especially when you compare membership levels. I find the IAP is a very cival place to be. There are some great resources here, but it's a community beyond just pens.

If someone wishes to not stay, that's ok with me. To tell people that they should leave is not ok with me. Let people decide on their own what they wish to do, and when they do so, I don't need to hear why, just do it.
The little bickering I see on this site reminds me a little of when I went back to college after 10 years in the Air Force. It was a special program set up for ex military people so we could get that little piece of paper that seems so important. After the first month there were only 2 of us left in the class. An ex army Captain and myself an ex Air Force Corporal. We shared some of our classes with the kids right out of high school so they kept the program going. I don't think I ever called him anything other than turkey and it was around Feb. 6 months into the program before the kids realized we were best friends. Up until then the way we went at each other they were sure we hated each other.

Although I have never met any of you personally I consider most of you to be friends so if I ever call you a turkey take it in the above light.
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