There is a rather interesting thread from a fairly new member that advocates leaving IAP and cancelling their membership. The request came since it was "perceived" that the members here are the like the feuding McCoys and that uncivil behaviour is rampant. Those that stick around have realised that this is far from what actually occurs here at the IAP.
Not once during my tenure here would I dream of leaving this great "community". There is just so much to absorb here if you're into pen making. Oh, we bicker and whine, but for the most part that is the "side show" here. What it's all about is the knowledge and skillsets that are so freely shared (for the most part). It's where we come together to see those wonderful show off your pen(s) delights. Where else can you get such fabulous blanks offered at great prices/selection from other members? Where else can you get the insight on how pen parts are plated? IAP is a minefield for activities (PITH), knowledge, marketing (shows) insights, new pen designs coming on board, pen kits that are being phased out. We can go on and on for all the benefits of being here at the IAP.
I choose to stay here and am very thankful to be given this privilege. Hope that 'newbies' and 'veterans' do the same. It's worth it for me. Is it valuable to you? Just in case I've not expressed myself clearly, yah I love being here.:biggrin: