Why do you stop posting???

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The Gisi's have visited this site and have logged in, but not for a very long time. I think Dan is right there that they don't have much to gain. It would be really nice to have their input once in a while as they have A LOT of technical know how.
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However, if they chose NOT to give step by step instructions, there would be those who would accuse them of being selfish and try to blackball them.

Why expose yourself to that grief??
Well, truth be told I hardly make pens anymore. I come here to see what people are doing and keep in touch with the friends I have made here.
But as far as the posting overall goes, I slowed that down mainly because there were too many topics that I didn't care to be involved in, and a few people that just annoy(ed)me.
There are other sites that are geared more towards the turning I do now so I tend to spend a little more time on those that would have been spent here.
Well lets see, I am usually on the road for 8-10 months out of the year. So, I rarely post much. But I do look at least 4 times a week. I still buy from time to time. Heck the last two group buys are sitting at the house and I havent even looked or seen them yet. I have only been home for 6 days since 12Sept06 and on 4 of those days I was off at familys homes for the holidays.

But when I am home and if I have a problem I will post or ask questions about it.

Columbus OH
"living on a bus somewhere in N. America"
Originally posted by ed4copies
<br />However, if they chose NOT to give step by step instructions, there would be those who would accuse them of being selfish and try to blackball them.

Why expose yourself to that grief??
I agree. The request for tutorials seems a bit quick sometimes. Tutorials take the place of your own creativity and substitute someone else's. There are some things that really require guidance, like setting up a pressure pot and even hidden/recessed/inletted (whatever you want to call them) clips, but I don't believe cutting and glueing is one of them.
I don't want them to give tutorials at all...their skills are special and should stay that way. They do have knowledge on certain things though that others would respect. It doesn't mean much to a novice what I say, but advice from a seasoned professional who makes the big bucks goes MUCH farther. [8D]

I see your point Ed, but that doesn't happen to everyone that refuses to give instructions. [;)]
I haven't posted a lot in the past year and a half since I'm now attempting to eak out a meager living with my miniature turnings. The first of next year I can start S.S., so am hoping to get back to more pens again then. I do post occasionally, and enjoy seeing the new creations shown here. There are a lot of great folks here and it kind of feels like home to me.
Been fulling orders for the verious stores. Make and ship. Hopefully I can take pictures of some of my pens for my gallery.
Originally posted by Jim in Oakville
<br />Hi,

I find I read more than I post. Lately the shop has been too cold to turn in, so I am not in a pen making cycle just now. Funny I say that, I just spent a ton on blanks and kits this month stocking up for a 3 day show I have coming in March.

I avoid the dust ups, email with people who are friends now and occasionally exchange phone calls ....I am by no means an expert, but I offer my thoughts when I think they will help.

I do enjoy seeing new people come to the IAP and get started, I also really enjoy seeing works like Janets to get into the PMG.

I too have noticed some older standing members have gone quiet or left, like everything, forums work in cycles.

I am most grateful though to the friends I have made here... and to Jeff and the moderators for all...

Back to work![;)]

Is that the Kitchener show Jim? Are you going this year?
I've been a member of many listservs, forums such as this, and chat-style forums (live). I find that, over time, some people will always post and others will rarely post. It's only after I post many times and watch to see what the response is that I can adapt or alter my posting habits to suit the general consensus of what a forum expects.

I've taken a few chances in shedding light on some issues - and I haven't been nailed too badly. However, when people become personal or nasty because they don't agree - rather than because the choice to post informatively was made - then it becomes risky to continue posting anything other than what would be in the real world, small talk.

At some point, you use up your small talk and want to express more. If you don't feel comfortable - you just don't post until you feel the risk outweighs lurking.

Or not.......

I've slowed down a lot because most other people have already said what I would - and I don't need to state it again. Or - I think people probably already think what I would have to say......or - I just don't feel like typing it out.....again.

Not sure any of this helps.....

Roger Garrett
This thread has been open for about 13-1/2 hours hours and already has over 50 responses!!

Very interesting.

Apparently, Dario really found a point of interest....whoda guessed??
Originally posted by Randy_
<br />This thread has been open for about 13-1/2 hours hours and already has over 50 responses!!

Very interesting.

Apparently, Dario really found a point of interest....whoda guessed??

The ironic part is the topic ... "Why Don't You Post?" Does that mean people posted to tell why they don't post? [;)]

Sort of like .... "If I wrote a book on how to be a failure, and it didn't sell any copies ... does that mean it was a success??"[:D]
Randy, LOL...I know they are still here, visiting, lurking (whatever you call it) but slowed down. Some more than others.

To all, I know that people move on...and someday, I might also. As mentioned, there will be more new blood who will fill the gap and life will go on.

BTW, my reference to "seasoned members" was in no way exclusive. I used the term because I want to address those who (at one point) were active.

There was a praise shared to me a long time ago that goes like this:

People come to our lives for...
a SEASON, or

I think it applies to IAP (or other forum) members too. [;)]
Sometimes people get tired of seeing the same person posting. I know I get tired of seeing me. Of course, sometimes we are asked not to post. I try to comply and have gotten (a little) better at it. [8D]
I still look every day... sometimes two or three times a day.. but only post or contribute to a few threads if I have something that really contributes... and like the Penmonkey, I skip the controversial threads.. don't have time for bickering.. I've moved into a few other areas on my turning, so not doing as many pens as I used to.. getting way too many on hand and too much money tied up.

I do enjoy reading all of the posts that are constructive... learn something new and see some great work every day.
Penturning is only part of my woodworking avocation. Plus I spend time writing. And real life gets in the way too. Civic activities, baby sitting duties for the grands, lots more. I check in here several times a day but don't read all the posts and don't always post.
Right now I look many times during the day (LOVE that "Active Topics" feature) and contribute if and when I can. We're in our "slow season" like many others so there is more computer time for me but soon we'll need to start ramping up production for spring shows which means less computer time, less posting.
The ironic part is the topic ... "Why Don't You Post?" Does that mean people posted to tell why they don't post? [;)]

Sort of like .... "If I wrote a book on how to be a failure, and it didn't sell any copies ... does that mean it was a success??"[:D]

Hmmmmmm........Me thinketh Doceth is somewhat twisted at times[}:)][}:)][;)]

I simpply have not been on the grouup as much lately. I've been prety burned out for the last few months. not about pens, but about just about everything. I am dragging my self along to get the inside of my shop completed. but for the most part I have been giving myself a very extended break. for those that have kept up withthe last two or three years of my life you know why I need it.
I also tend to stay out of the "newbie" conversations. giving other members the chance to help out. I don't think participation is a mandatory thing. but it does add an element to the group for those that do chime in. both good and bad at times. at any rate, spring is coming and knowing me I will get some burr in my tail to get working again.
Dario, Great topic. The number one reason I don't post as much as I used to is that a lot of my posts were questions that I have has that have all been answered. I try to contribute as much as I can, where I think I can help. My day job has also kept me very busy, which limits the amount of time I can scan the posts. I have to say, I really enjoy when some real experienced turner has some advice to offer, not only to me, but to anyone.
Originally posted by GBusardo
<br />Dario, Great topic. The number one reason I don't post as much as I used to is that a lot of my posts were questions that I have has that have all been answered. I try to contribute as much as I can, where I think I can help. My day job has also kept me very busy, which limits the amount of time I can scan the posts. I have to say, I really enjoy when some real experienced turner has some advice to offer, not only to me, but to anyone.

Sharing tid bits of knowledge is one of the biggest strength of the forum. Learning is continous and I'll bet even the "experienced" turners pick up new ones here from other members...including from newbies who share. Maybe some are not about turning but info is info and it is all good. [^]
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