Dear IAP Members,
"Santa is the Spirit of Christmas" ...... Billy
"it is better to give than to receive" ... Les
"he's all the good things in life" .... Roy
"the glimmer in a childs eye" .... Tom
"I BELIEVE" .... Tommy
"the spirit of giving" Bruce
"Santa is the expression of joy and surprise on my grand children's
faces" .... Becca
"Santa is sharing your favorite things with good people that are interested, like all of you here." .... Daniel
"Santa is the guy that gets all the credit for the really cool toys my daughter gets on Christmas morning and I don't mind one bit" ... Jason
What beautiful expressions of the spirit of Christmas!
Your names are being put into a hat and one of you will win some cool blanks. When you get the blanks, please don't reveal the city or state where they came from. Let's just assume they're from the North Pole.
Thanks to all of you for the wonderfully kind and caring thoughts. When it comes right down to it ... it doesn't really matter which IAP member has been helping Santa by making these posts. Santa is whomever you believe he is.
This will be the last post from Santa until next year.
It's time for me to hit the road. I can't keep standing around here watching a bunch of penturners wiping their eyes ... I've got presents to deliver!!
Merry Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!