I think there is no single or simple solution. I have listened to many points of view on Guns, Gun Control. Etc.
What I know is that guns don't care who pulls the trigger and guns do not have the ability to think or reason. The One with that control is the one holding it, but given that I don't trust any one with a gun unless they are in law.
There are many thoughts and misconceptions about gun control in Canada, yes we have a National murder rate of about 1.7 per 100,000 on average (Toronto a city slightly larer than Chicago has a 1.7per 100,000, Montreal is 1.6 per 100,000) but look at Indianapolis in 2006, it was 13.5 per 100,000...so yes there are problems, but if we can't trust human beings with guns then we need to control humans until they get it right, but will humans ever get it right?!?![
] of course not.
I worked as a geologist in the 80's in the arctic in isolation on the barrens for 5-6 months a year...I owned a 357 mag and a 12 gauge shot gun for protection (polar bears etc), I went through a great deal to get a fire arms acquisition permit to buy these weapons, and, I hated every second I had to carry one, but would I work with out one in that enviornment, NEVER..
Common sense is not equally common to all, to me common sense says that gun laws that were written in 1700's need to be revisited and made real for real times, and not be hidden behind some belief that they are cast in stone for all eternity...so as long as Canada stays relatively Gun less compared to the US then I am glad to remain a Canadian and live in this enviornment