When will you arrive in Virginia?

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I don't know whether this is the correct place to announce that my wife and I will not be able to come after all (we've been registered.) Had double hernia surgery 3 weeks ago which was "supposed" to have permitted me to make the trip from NY by now. Not so. Recovery has taken longer. I'm pretty bummed. Really wanted to go and meet people with whom I've corresponded online, bought stuff from, etc. I guess there's always next year. Best wishes to all. Russ

Sorry to hear that Russ, but you need to follow your doctors orders so you can heal properly. Best wishes for your continued recovery.
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Well, plans have changed. We will not make it to MAPG. My wifes aunt passed away this morning.
She had cerebral palsy, she made it to 60.

Our plans have changed we will not be in Richmond on Friday afternoon.....it can not be helped....we will now arrive this (Thursday) evening. We thought it would be nice to take an extra day. See everyone there.
Both of us are ok. RichB and Eric Buzzzz4. The car is a total loss. Very tough time. Eric and I have been looking forward to this for at least a year. Maybe next year. We are just thank-full we both got out, along with all of our stuff too. It was gone in about 5 min. Eric had a lot of blanks to show off, all of them were saved. Thanks RichB and Buzzzz4.
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