Thanks everyone.
Gotta a little update...
Knowing that the child would be dissmissed without any regard, no kindness or caring, my wife decided to defy the board. I know, in a bussiness environment this is not the right thing to do, but it was what she felt <b>the right thing to do</b>.
The board wanted her to just call the grandmother today (child wouldn't be there for the next couple days) and dissmiss her that way. Well, she decided to call the Grandmother and set up a confrence with her to inform her of what was going on. She came up and let her know what the <b>Board</b> had decided. She didn't go into the personal things about why the child was actually getting dismissed, but suprisingly the grandmother already had a pretty good idea.
She asked her questions like "Has she really done things that deserves something like this? Is this something that is so uncommon with kids of this age?" Ohhh...And "Does this other childs family happen to go to this church and have money????" Of course she couldn't come out and answer the last two questions, so she just said that she couldn't answer that. But I think her head was shaking the other way.[:I]
I don't know how the conversation ended, but when I went into my wifes office this afternoon she was on the phone with the head of the board giving the ladies information, name, phone, ext. Apparently he is having to call her tonight. I figure my wife probably told him something like the Grandmother was extremly upset and demanded to speak to him.
So, she could still be let go tomorrow, we'll see. I figure they will wait until then so that she conduct the Preschool Staff meeting and payroll. I'll find out more, about 10 tonight.
One other thing...
The treasurer of the church, who is also a Preschool board member came into my wifes office this morning because he said my wife looked a little upset when she left last night. She said that she was, and told him again what she was having the whole problem with. He said that he agreed with her 100%. But he said this the what the church wants and he said between him and her if she didn't do it the board would fire her. Period.
He also asked her if she knew what the real reason was that she had todi it. She told him how she truley felt, about it being a church member and them having money. He said, no, he said that "they actually had 11 members of that family at that church, they are part of the founding members, and they have a LOT of money. That's why." He also said that "if she told anyone he said that, he would deny it."
Anyway, this is probably far from over, so I'll update you guys again later.
I did want to say one other thing though. I have noticed a some posts that say that this is why they don't take part in religion, don't do organized religion and so forth. I do respect what you have said and the way that you choose to, or not to worship, but I just want to exspress to everyone that this kind of thing is not found everywhere. Although I may have my own personal opinions of their denomination, beliefs, and way that they run their business. I am in no way bashing religion, or ways of worshiping. There are <b>true</b> believers out there that do only have one objective. Sorry, I got off track!