Hey guys! My wife has been put into a moral dilemma at work, and was just curious what you might do. We are at a loss.
My wife is the Director of a Preschool/Daycare that is located at a semi-large church here in town. We are not of the same denomination.
The situation is that a couple weeks ago one of the 4yr old girls in a class put rocks down another girls panties. The mother of that girl threw a fit to my wife, and she said that she would handle the situation. The mother didn't think that was good enough so she went to the board of directors about it. The board decided that the girl should be dismissed![V] Did I happen to mention that the little girls mother that got the rocks in the pants was a member of the church and is to be appointed a board member next month? Well, after my wife talking to the board and the accused girls parents they decided to give her another chance.
That wasn't good enough for the one girls parent though. The father came up today and threw a huge fit.
To make a long story short, during my wifes board meeting tonight they informed her that she had to tell the Grandmother (guardian) of the girl, the girl is dismissed immediatly.
A little background of the girl, her mother died during childbirth, and the father didn't want anything to do with her so she went to live with her Grandmother. The father showed back up last year wanting to step up. He was seeing her ever weekend and she was supposed go to live with him this summer....About a month ago he called the Grandmother and said that he couldn't do it and that he didn't want to see her again..[V]
Then, last week she had to have her tonsils out...
So, if my wife doesn't dismiss her she will be fired. PERIOD. If she does, which she strongly believes this shoulnd be done to this girl for this reason, she would be going against what she thinks is morally right. My wife is a VERY moral person, and is haveing a lot of trouble with this one.
If you care to chime in, let me know what you think.
My wife is the Director of a Preschool/Daycare that is located at a semi-large church here in town. We are not of the same denomination.
The situation is that a couple weeks ago one of the 4yr old girls in a class put rocks down another girls panties. The mother of that girl threw a fit to my wife, and she said that she would handle the situation. The mother didn't think that was good enough so she went to the board of directors about it. The board decided that the girl should be dismissed![V] Did I happen to mention that the little girls mother that got the rocks in the pants was a member of the church and is to be appointed a board member next month? Well, after my wife talking to the board and the accused girls parents they decided to give her another chance.
That wasn't good enough for the one girls parent though. The father came up today and threw a huge fit.
To make a long story short, during my wifes board meeting tonight they informed her that she had to tell the Grandmother (guardian) of the girl, the girl is dismissed immediatly.
A little background of the girl, her mother died during childbirth, and the father didn't want anything to do with her so she went to live with her Grandmother. The father showed back up last year wanting to step up. He was seeing her ever weekend and she was supposed go to live with him this summer....About a month ago he called the Grandmother and said that he couldn't do it and that he didn't want to see her again..[V]
Then, last week she had to have her tonsils out...
So, if my wife doesn't dismiss her she will be fired. PERIOD. If she does, which she strongly believes this shoulnd be done to this girl for this reason, she would be going against what she thinks is morally right. My wife is a VERY moral person, and is haveing a lot of trouble with this one.
If you care to chime in, let me know what you think.