I am using a Central Machenery lathe from Harbor Freight. It is full size with a castiron bed, variabls speed, and the head will rotate 90° to 180°. I have never had any trouble out of it in the 7 years I have been using it. It only cost ~$210.00 on sale.
I use a jet mini now. Before that I used a shop-smith, big dinosaur!
I am saving for a full-size jet (if anyone wants to donate for the cause, you will receive your reward, in heaven)[}]
I started with a Grandpa shopsmith 10e which I saved from the scrap heap..cut the tubes down to make it a monster midi lathe. Finally had enough scheckles($) to buy a jet mini.Now grandpa is semi retired inverted and is my drill press, and I happily turn away my pens on the jet..[]