I do agree that it wouldn't be possible to get completely scientific about this and the info would be a little ad hoc. But I do think it would at least point to somethings that would bear more looking into. To understand the value of ones findings you would have to look at how the test was done. If I put 3 pens on the dashboard of my truck and one starts to have issues we could do more looking into the why. If somebody makes one pen and throws it in the front yard for a week it won't tell you anything.
Questions I would like to see answered are,
Some wood pens over time start to show a little of the brass tube on the ends. Is there a way to prevent this.
Segmented pens can come apart during the drilling process. What type of adhesive holds them together the best?
Is it better to drill a blank with the recommended drill bit and use a little glue or go larger and use a lot of glue?
If a pen made from different materiel wants to come apart while drilling how well is it holding together a year or so later?
Most of these questions have been brought up at different times and a few have been met with the sound of crickets chirping. This could be a way to start to come up with answers to some of these type of questions.
To me these questions have been talked about many times and all you will get is opinions. There is no scientific answer to any of these questions because of the many many many variables. That is why the crickets are chirping. What works for one may not work for others. Does it make it right or wrong?? Neither, just another way of doing things. Why can't we accept this??? I am at a loss here.