Wanting your input

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Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
First I know this will bring a huge array of suggestions. that is great.
Second sometimes you just spend so much time thinking about something that you go into something like vapor lock about a final decision. I am sort of there and sort of like the idea of including all my friends in the making of a very special to me pen.
So here is the story. I have wanted to make a pen from Alternative Ivory ever since I first saw it, but it is one of those things I ahve never gotten around to doing. My Secret Santa managed to put that goal within easy grasp by sending me a blank large enough to make any pen I want. except maybe a Panach and I don't want that anyway.
I also really like the Elegant Beauty pen but have a couple of blanks I can make that out of. But so far my only idea for the Ivory is to make myself an Elegant Beauty for my personal use.
OK so my question for all of you is your recommendation as to what kit to use for this Alternative Ivory. I will sort of be tallying votes for any particular kit style.
All of this lets me make myself a pen that was selected in a way by all of my friends here. the blank came from Santa and the kit style can come from the group as a whole. I thought it was a neat way to get a pen that in a way was made by all of you.
So please jump in if you do not want to be public about your idea then PM or e-mail it but please be a part of making my pen.
Merry Christmas
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Good Luck Daniel. Im a Huge EB fan as well but for something like Alt Ivory I would love to see that go onto a Brushed or Satin Nickle Baron. Merry Christmas!
ooh and Cav score big points for taste. my first all time favorite pen style is the Gent and it's little brother. great start.
IMO, Alt ivory looks so elegant that it deserves a good capped pen at the least - my suggestion being the Jr. Statesman or Jr. Emperor. The EB would do great for sure, but again I think of the Statesman/Emperor family.

The reason I am so quick to reply is that I have been thinking of this very combination for about a year. For our 40th anniversary next summer, I will be making a pair of Emperor Jrs. with alt ivory. I already have them on hand.
First Daniel, you need to select what finish you want. Rhodium and gold is a great combination with A.I. I suggest a Statesmen or Emperor.I have A.I. too but I'm waiting for the right scrimshaw pattern! at which point I would use yhe under stated Statesmen.BTW ......
My vote is to go with YOUR favorite . I think Black TI would look nice with the Ivory . Thanks for including US in your plans . I can't wait to see the results . How long will it be ? :biggrin:
I am a sucker for the Rhodium with a dark wood and Black Titanium for white. I know I should challenge myself more when it comes to combination but those always look so good. In the end I do what to have a little spark of pride every time I look at this pen.
Supposing I go with the Jr statesman or other similar style pen I think I would opt for the Rhodium and gold as it is just a much classier look to me.
In the EB style I am definitely thinking Black Titanium w/Chrome (The CSUSA Aero version to be specific)
Since the group so far is really going after the jr. Statesman/Gent or other I will most likely be going that direction with this pen. of all of those styles the statesman in hands down my favorite of the fancier ones. the Gent is special to me but I am really likeing the statesman idea because I eventually do want to get something ingraved on this one.
what ever I get I will most likely order in the next CSUSA group buy. then it is only a matter of actually making the pen. This should not be a real long process.
The most important part to me right now is gettnig as many people to chime up as possible.
I am pretty sure that one way or the other I will make my EB pen but I can either to it from getting anouther blank of Alternative Ivory or make it from a completely different blank. I have a blank of Alumilite and Ambrosia I got from my Secret Santa as well. I am leaning a little toward using that one for a EB as well.
Daniel, not that long ago I had a very 'special' Elephant tusk Ivory blank and had the same dilemma you have but here's the thing I opted to make two Elegant Beauty pens and really glad that I did because I was able to use one and tuck one away and forget about it, maybe hand it down to my son some day(no I'm not that old!:biggrin:), anyhoo...just something else for you to 'throw into the mix':wink:

If you decide to make a smaller pen, let me know. I will send you a thinner blank (free- so it retains its "gift" status). No point in turning off a bunch, when it is not necessary.

I have used Alt. ivory for many styles and platings. I am interested in this thread, in part, because I am amused at the number of different suggestions.




I think these links may help you. I was really impressed with the "entries". Don't be surprised if February brings a similar event!!

Good Luck, my friend. No matter WHAT you make, it will be distinctive!!!

I know, no help, at all!!! Ed
Thank you Ed, You can rest assured I will take you up on that offer.
My wife just mentioned that if I make a EB she wants a matching one. So i will be ordering a smaller blank from you anyway.
As for this thread. For me it is great just getting everyone involved.
John, Good powerful point you have there. I have several pens that my children will be fighting over some day. they are all recognized as "Dad's Pen"
I would do a jr retro rb for everyday use. Perhaps a variation of the one shown. Your everyday pen should be a standout if you are going to show it off!


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I'm on the Jr Gent bandwagon on this one.

I've done one in gold and one in rhodium and black ti and liked both of those.

I've also done a laser engraved version and seen many more that really add some other elements to the alternative ivory.


I would lean toward the Jr. Gent with Rhodium and probably a fountain pen.
let us know what the vote tally is; that would be interesting to see.
My suggestion would be the same kit that the person who did the black pen and then the white pen and then we had him put the two together. It was a very high end pen and I am sorry I forgot the person's name and the kit but can still picture those two pens together. They are as far as I am concerned the best two pens I have seen to date. I hope someone here has a better memory than me and can post that link. You want some flair or as they say some bling if it is going to be a pen you want for yourself and to stand out. I have to go look in some past posts because that is going to kill me.

One other thought is whatever kit you get you may want to have some sort of engraving or laser work. That would be a great blank to do it with. Love to see what you come up with.
Well so far without listing platings I have had these styles suggested.
Jr. Gent
Jr. Statesman
Jr. Emperor
Jr. Retro
and of course
Elegant Beauty.
If looked at it as this list the Elegant Beauty is actually in the lead by only one vote. followed by the Jr. Gent and statesman each with an equal number of votes.
If I look at it as just any Jr. something style pen the Jr's are slaying everything with a grand total of votes that is over twice that of any other broad style of pen.
so to narrow things down just a bit here is one determination on my part.
I will make a pair of Elegant Beauty pens one for my wife and one for my carry every day pen.
I will also make some sort of Jr. style pen for my desk pen. both will be made from Alternative Ivory with the possibility of having them Engraved with some design in the future.

You can still vote for any pen style you want, but for your best chance of being on the winners list cast a vote for you favorite Jr. style pen kit.

Since so many people are busy with friends and family i will try to keep this post active through tomorrow so that more people have a chance to chime in.

I am actually surprised that this blank has really centered around one pen style as much as it has. Seems to me that for the most part an elegant material deserves an elegant framework by the majority. In general everyone has picked a very top of the line kit for this blank of one type or another.
If you're up to it...I would say Lou (DCBluesman)'s engraved alt ivory pen would look FANTASTIC on an Elegant Beauty. I don't have those skills (yet), but think that would make a beautiful pen that loses absolutely nothing for being a "small" pen.
Splurge a little and get a nice slimeline. JUST KIDDING. I think the Jr. Emperor or the limited edition version would be my pen of choice, with the Rhodium with black titatium finish. either way i'm sure it will be a nice pen.
I really don't see much chance of the Jr. statesman loosing it's lead now. it is way out in front with a lead more than double any other pen. Assuming it holds out I will be going with the Bl Ti Rhodium version simply because of my taste for the dark and light combo.
Keep the suggestions coming though. I will not be ordering the kit until the group buy on the 5th.
a couple of very nice jr emps in white have been posted, so I think I'll show my one and only jr statesman, which also happens to be in a solid white blank. Not AI, but close. I don't think you will be unhappy with this combination.


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I like Jr Emperors but, I think I'd have to go with a Jr Statesman, In my Honest opinion, an Emperor or Jr Emperor are too pretentious, the Jr Statesman is a bit more dignified, Just an opinion. No I'm not ready to give IBO Jr. Emperor up!!!
I think the most important question is how big is your hand? I find the Jr. Gent (and the Retro -- same size) a little too small for my hand. I do a lot of writing, and a Gentleman's Pen just fits my hand nicely so that even hours into a manuscript I'm not cramping up.

What will you be writing? Shopping lists? Correspondence? I spend a great deal of time writing patient notes on charts. Admittedly, a ballpoint is convenient and not messy, a rollerball balks at some paper finishes (as well as hand oils), but a fountain pen still gives me the feeling that I am making something of permanent value.

I tend to use gold fittings for all my American Holly pens -- the look of creamy white and gold is just too classic to pass up.

Whatever you choose, enjoy it. You may find (like I too often do) that my for-myself-creation lasts until the next extraordinary thing to come off the lathe!
As for my hand size. My all time favorite throw away pen was the Uniball Rollerball pen. just a touch on the fat side. the Jr.s take this jsut a little bit further but I can easily use them. I have an X-large hand but they are long and nimble.
Nice Emperor in the photo above.
I ordered an couple extra blanks from Ed. If you can really call it allowing me to order, seems he doesn't like the4 color of my money much.Thanks Ed.
I will still make the His And Hers EB's jsut because I gotta have one of those.
and I will be ordering a Jr. Statesman Rhodium w/Bl Ti Rollerball. (Sorry I know fountain would look better but rollerball will get used by me every day) for the "Gift" Pen.
A big Thank you goes to my Secret Santa (Brian and Kim) for sparking this whole thread.
This has been fun and feel free to kep the comments coming. As Ed said it is interesting to see the variety as well as the simularity in the thinking out there.
Hi, all
I know I am pulling this thread from way down at the bottom of the barrel, but I thought keeping the whole story together was worth the search.

The pen is now made and laying next to my computer. I don't have photos yet but I will. I need to work on some ways to photograph it to show some of the things I want all of you to be able to see.. I will say I am very happy. So happy in fact this is one of those rare pens that I just want to put up and not let it get damaged. those are rare.

First though I want to make a comment about Alternate Ivory.

Ed break your shoulder and give yourself a pat on the back for getting a look that fools people that are familiar with Ivory. I took the pen to a hand full of old timers. those that remember Ivory keys on Pianos and real ivory cameos. that sort of thing. they all thought it was real Ivory.
Now take that same hand you just patted yourself with and slap yourself... No do it again and this time harder. For making such a cruel cruel material. I am kidding. but seriously this is not a material for the beginner or the faint of heart. for a real Ivory look you are going to pay for it. it requires that you bring it on with the turning technique. took me a few passes to get it down but once we got to know each other all went well. Actually it is a bit fitting to have to go the extra mile for a true ivory look. the only problem I never did figure out is it would not polish with MM. I was using MX rather than regular MM so that might have been part of the problem.

As for the pen itself. I really took my time. not only because the Alternate Ivory demands that you do. but because there are things I like in a pen that I wanted to get right. and I did.

I have mentioned a couple of times that one of my personal tastes in pens is that the angles are right. so just what do I mean by angles? well that the shape of the fitting flow smoothly into the body. I do not like to see a change in direction just as the turned portion meets the metal. The Statesman has some very well defined angles to it's fittings and tends to magnify even tiny changes in direction. the end cap on the pen body itself is one of the worst. the end cap is pretty much nothing but a straight line taper. matching this by eye on the lathe is a real chore. i got it on this pen so that it matches when you lay a straight edge on it. there is no gap in the line of the end cap as it transitions to the body for over an inch as you follow it up the body of the pen. i know this seems like a tiny detail, but it is very difficult to do and I am tickled that it came out so well.

In what seems contrary to the above. I like curves. I am not a bushing to bushing type. I do not like drastic curves but am much more of the subtle curve type. so subtle in fact that although it is obvious in the assembled pen that there is a shape. it is not so obvious while the parts are on the lathe. some of the body shapes I use require only a 1/16" difference in the diameter of the turning from end to end. this is also a challenge to get right. once again I nailed them in every way on this pen.

In most cases I do not like the curve of my pens to be symmetrical. at least not in the body portion. but I am extremely picky about just where the apex of the curve does land. so much so that I have actually made templates and measuring devices for many pens in order to locate the exact location of the high point. the Jr. Statesman sadly is not one of the pens I have made enough of to have made all those devices. so once again I had to rely on my eye to get the hump in both the cap and the body exactly where I like them. although this is not nearly as difficult as some of the other things where. I am once again totally pleased in how they came out.

Finally the finish. normally doing the finish would not be something that would stand out at me because it was successful. but do to the problems I had with the Alternate Ivory. it sort of sent me back to newbie level. The net effect is that I do have reason to be extremely proud that I did manage a finish that would be common for me in any other material I have worked with.

In all this pen started out to be special and has added to that effect and nearly every turn. If Ed can figure out how to make this stuff harder to drill I think he just about has the perfect pain in the A** material.

Alternate ivory is well worth the drawbacks for the look. Need Ivory in your design? you can shovel out a fortune for the real thing and I am not sure it would be any easier to turn. or this stuff which in it's own way has a price to pay. it is definitely turnable but you better be ready to give up that lazy relaxed only paying half attention mode you like to get into. it demands you pay attention and work at it. but it will turn to a butter smooth surface. It will also grab any spec of dirt that comes even remotely close so you have to learn clean working environment things. at least until you get a finish on it. after that it has been a perfectly pleasent material. I was actually able to polish with the bushings still on the mandrel. but I don't recommend it and will be making delrin bushings for the other two blanks I have. I wasn't going to stop and make bushings for just one pen. Basically Alternative Ivory requires utmost care just about every step of the way. it will turn, sand, polish and finish just as any material should. But I have noticed on consistent thing about it. it makes you get rid of any and all bad habits along the way. want to get really really good at turning. buy a big box of these blanks and turn nothing but it for a few weeks. it has no mercy.
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Daniel you teased us enough. You are suppose to follow up with the photos right away. Now I have to go to work and hopefully you have them up by tonight. Look forward to seeing the pen.
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He He He, I'M so Sorry... really I am, He He He. actually I am so thrilled I just couldn't wait to say something.
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