Wanted: Wood from USS Leyte CV32

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Dec 5, 2018
Atascadero, CA
Looking for wood from the USS Leyte to make a pen for a friend who served on the ship. Already looked on Stadium Blanks and posted on historical blanks. If you have a piece and are willing to sell please let me know.

Jay Peterson
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Good luck on your quest. The USS Leyte was scrapped in 1970 and unless you can find out if someone knows what happened to the teak decking or you can find some kind of memorial with a ships store you probably won't find any wood available. I've collected all but one of existing battle ships decking through the museums and memorials (like the USS South Dakota) that offered items for sale you might find some. Be prepared to spend some money though. I bought some decking off the USS Missouri's (not original decking) and it was very expensive.
Best of luck and a very nice gesture for those that served.
I have several of the Essex-class carriers teak/Douglas fir, but not the Leyte. Most are part of my collection and won't be used for my products or for sale. Best of luck
I would suggest contact Stadium Pen Blanks directly. They do have a lot of historical pen blanks that are not listed on the website. There is even the chance they can help you track down what you're looking for. They are really good about that kind of stuff.
Thanks everyone. I have also down a google search without success. I have bought a bunch of other historical blanks from Mike Hardin at stadium Blanks. I'll contact him and ask if he has something stuck away in a box somewhere that he hasn't posted on his web site.
Jay Peterson
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