Walnut with inlay

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Originally posted by chisel
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Originally posted by rtjw
<br />It actually looks like he drilled all the way through. I dont know.

I think that's natural grain pattern.

Maybe he will tell us.

Perhaps, but I do know my method will work, because I made one today very similar to his. I don't plan on turning it into a pen, I just wanted to see how long it would take to make it.
Out of curiosity did you have the cross in your test piece?
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Originally posted by ctEaglesc

Out of curiosity did you have the cross in your test piece?

Yes. I can post a picture of it later on. I didn't bother to measure anything, so it didn't come out perfectly aligned in the blank. I just eyed it, to see if my way would work.
That's great!I am looking forward to seeing it.
I understand fully the concept of gluing things up to see if they "work".
Originally posted by ctEaglesc
<br />That's great!I am looking forward to seeing it.
I understand fully the concept of gluing things up to see if they "work".

Well, this is it. I also show the tool I used and the pattern I used to mark the cross inlay. The inlay itself was used to mark the blank. The inlay goes about half-way through the blank. It is rough, and larger than the ones you have made.

You say it is larger than mine.
That is a big problem with designs,The width.
I try not to have them "wrap".Are you planning on turning this to see what it will look like after it is turned to the dia. of a pen?
The othe obstacle I found was getting the cross "centered" to the vericle line of the blank and yet have the "cross bar" right angle at the same time.
I see you encountered that also.
Originally posted by ctEaglesc
<br />You say it is larger than mine.
That is a big problem with designs,The width.
I try not to have them "wrap".Are you planning on turning this to see what it will look like after it is turned to the dia. of a pen?
The othe obstacle I found was getting the cross "centered" to the vericle line of the blank and yet have the "cross bar" right angle at the same time.
I see you encountered that also.

No, I don't plan on turning it. I know this will wrap around if turned. I was just seeing how this would work.

I really just eyed things up for placing the inlay. A small "square" tool, and guide lines would have helped get the cross straight(er).
I found the smaller I made the inlay the more difficult to "execute"
It came out great considering you were "eyeballing" a concept.
Originally posted by Knothaid
<br />Eagle, as always, your work is unique, thoughtful and supremely artistic. Awesome IMO.
Thanks Knot
Should anyone wish to know, Knothaid is the person who id responsible for getting me started in turning pens.
I had never touched a lathe and didn't know anyone who actually made pens.
Knothaid and I got to know each other via woodworking forums and eventually met when he came north for a "wood run".
One night during a phone conversation he said he had to make a couple of pens to bring into work the next day.He explained very quickly the process(which went totally over my head) I did a little research , shortly there after got a lathe on fathers day 2004 and proceeded in this addiction.
In essence there is a little Knothaid in everything I do.
(sometimes people are put in your path for a reason though you may never know what that reason is.)
Fat haid...Big haid...Knothaid; they are all the same.[:D] I am happy that Eagle found the thing in his life that seems to me to be what God made him for. That ain't on me, I was but a willing vessel. I make no claim on what Eagle is, that is WAY beyond me. I am happy that he chose to follow the path that was laid before him and wish him all the success in the world.

I have been blessed enough to have met 2 woodworkers with such passion for their craft that they rate the artistic title in what they create with their hands. One is Eagle the other is David Marks. Icing on the cake was having them both together at the same BBQ at my house. David also recognized what I see in Eagles heart and hands and was awed by his work.

He (Eagle) can be an obtuse curmudgeon, but that IMO is what makes him what he is and I'll take it any day. It kinda grows on ya when ya get used to it, so you folks go easy and hang on for the ride.[8D]
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