Tiger Woods!

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It's easy for anyone to sit on the sidelines and judge the actions of others. I really don't think he is any different than a lot of others in a lot of walks of life, he just happens to live his life under a microscope. I'm not so sure I'd enjoy that even with all the moeny that comes along with it.
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The problem I have with these type of posts (and one's where people start spouting politics) is they do nothing but serve to divide. The OP's post speaks for itself, and yet in post #3 Jason tells the OP they don't understand relationships (if someone told me that, it would be fight ON). How is that helpful?


Before you try and use my words against me, READ MY ENTIRE POST. The OP is 13. He does not understand adult relationships. Every word in my post was to try to help this young man understand that nobody is perfect. EVERYONE makes mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. What have you posted to help this young man? Every one of your 6 posts was to complain about "What does this have to do with pens, blah, blah, blah." I find it amusing that you post "How is that helpful?" when NOTHING you have said has been helpful in the least. All your posts have done is "Serve to divide". Oh the irony. I leave you with this: It is better to be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it.
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Jason, you obviously missed the point of my posts. And if you didn't get what I was saying through all that, it will be a wasted effort to try and do so now.

So, you are calling me a fool (in a smiling backhanded way guised as some sort of prophetic saying from Abraham Lincoln)? Way to offer constructive criticism and not name call!

As I said in a earlier posting to someone else, thanks for proving my point for me.
When you get older, you will understand relationships. People change, people make mistakes. Hopefully, they learn from them as well. Do not jump to conclusions. You do not know what is going on in his household. The details of what really happened, we may never know, and I hope we never do. His life is exactly that, HIS. Do not judge him.

Well put Jason... personally, I think all this has been blown totally out of proporation... if this were me our you that was involved, it wouldn't make the news or at best page 99 in a 2 inch colum... but it's a celebrity - whether it's Tiger or Hugh or Charlie... it's really none of our business and needs to be left to the parties involved to sort out and resolve.

I haven't changed my opinion of Tiger Woods at all.. he is and will be the greatest golfer of all times. Until Anthony gets on the pro circuit and surpasses him. I'm sorry he got himself in the mess he's in, but it's not a reflection of his skills at golf.... maybe his skills at life, but as you said we all have to learn from our mistakes... and as I said above, his private life should be his and none of our business.
Sorry, if i have been creating "divisions" im new,and just wanted to see what people thought, get a little more info, and opinions, i am very sorry:frown:

Don't be sorry for posting an opinion or what you were thinking... thinking is very important and at your age, learning to think is even more important... most of the posts that have followed are personalities at work and have little or nothing to do with your original post. Go back and re-read some of the responses.. those that are just personalities picking at other personalities - skip over, but some are really worth reading. Don't worry about most of what follows in this thread.. and as was also said don't judge Tiger for his frailties... we all have them in one form or another... see those posts that you probably need to skip over.

Keep working on your golf... maybe in a few years we'll all be watching you and you'll be getting all those endorsements.

I for one am glad to have you here.... Good Luck.
I personally am a very big golfer, these days shooting around 80. im still thirteen so im getting better. Does anyone else here golf?

Anyways, this whole tiger thing has really upset me, i own a lot of nike, and personally thinking of burning my tiger woods hat. I am, WAS a big fan, and this whole thing is really upsetting to me. especially with his two kids, what are all the kids at his learning center (which i have personally been to and watched him do a demonstration there) supposed to do, are they supposed to look up, some jerk who doesn't care about his family. Tiger, i have lost all respect for you. How does everyone else feel on this matter?

We were all 13 once and we all had our own heros. You will find over time that the things you admire about people, famous or not, will change. They change from heros to roll models to someone you admire for what they do and less of what they have.

It was easy for you to admire Woods for his skill and his business success. You had no idea what his personal life was like. It will always be ok to emulate his ability in golf. Now you also have a life lesson from his personal life. I suspect it will get worse for him for a while.

Golf has other role models....read about Chi Chi Rodriguez-he did not even have a golf club when he started. Woods will never be able to match what Rodriguez has done for society thru golf. Or Payne Stewart--he failed to qualify for the PGA in the Qualifying school and went to the Asian circuit to play. When he died, he was 3rd on the all time money list. This does not mean that they were perfect, just good golfers.

Sorry, I got on a little roll there......how about a summary:
Don't pay attention to Wood's personal issues...they are his not yours. He is a bright start in the golf world but not the only one. Take the best that each has to offer you as your own and learn from the worst.
I am still a fan, guys have needs, he just thought to get them elseware. Doesnt change the fact that he is a killer golfer. People make mistakes all the time. I cant hold it against him, was it wrong, yes! Will he pay the price, yes! I am over it. I would like him to get back to golf so I can watch him again. I might have lost a little respect for him in the fact that he is so high profile and he thought that he could get away with it, so I think he is alot dumber than I thought. But it does not bother me, he is paying the price.
I agree, I havent changed my opinion of Tiger as a great golfer. I did not have an opinion of him as a person, I dont know him. I do know that even having say...9 other women on the side and still winning 5 majors is called focus! How many could he have won without the distractions! Perhaps he should have focused on somethng else, but I am not his judge.

Well put Jason... personally, I think all this has been blown totally out of proporation... if this were me our you that was involved, it wouldn't make the news or at best page 99 in a 2 inch colum... but it's a celebrity - whether it's Tiger or Hugh or Charlie... it's really none of our business and needs to be left to the parties involved to sort out and resolve.

I haven't changed my opinion of Tiger Woods at all.. he is and will be the greatest golfer of all times. Until Anthony gets on the pro circuit and surpasses him. I'm sorry he got himself in the mess he's in, but it's not a reflection of his skills at golf.... maybe his skills at life, but as you said we all have to learn from our mistakes... and as I said above, his private life should be his and none of our business.
I never knew anything about him except for his skill, which hasn't changed.
Like Glenn (above) I really had no other opinion. I still don't. I certainly
can't form an opinion based on the media. They don't tell the truth, they tell
what sells. If it happens to be true, that's just a bonus.
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