Three Cheers For The Red, White And Blue!!

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Time is getting close!! As far as rules, Jeff Powell will be the final authority as this contest is his baby.

What the heck, let's say you can have two entries. As far as photos, no more than three photos of the entry. I would consider posting two photos for sure to make sure the judges can get a good feel for the entry. The contest thread will be in my Activities Director forum. I will post in other fora, particularly Casual Conversation to guide people to the contest.

Remember, this is supposed to be fun! Your entry will not balance the budget, win an Academy Award, or anything else like that. Seriousness is not necessary, having fun is!
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You should open a new forum Cav, somewhere, don't know where, but somewhere easy to find called "Activities". Perhaps under the heading Announcements. Pass that on to the suggestion box. The reason being that "Activity Manager" does not look like someplace you would bother peaking at, but just "Activities", does. Then you should create an activity of some sort every 3 months. Some will be hard, some need to be really simple.
The rules were posted and approved by Cav. He is the rule maker, he picks the judges and anything else. I simply propose the idea and offer a big prize. I have no idea who will judge the final 5 or whatever to be voted on.

This is all I do know.
The first prize winner will receive a $100 value of pen blanks made by me. I will delay posting an Ad until after the competition is finalized and the winner will have first choice to pick their prizes!!! BUT...although I have not built my casing pen yet, it will be better than all the rest, thus saving me my stash and shipping charges :tongue: summary, you might as well just surrender to the war machine state of Michigan right now and get on with your lives. :)
Not a bad idea to add a forum, but we have plenty of them already. I will post a link in Casual Conversation pointing to the contest.

Also, I have some Moderator privileges in "my" forum, so that makes it more easy to keep track of things.
If anyone is interested, I have slimlines with .308 predrilled cartridges in the individual classifieds at a pretty good price. It's my July 4th spirit, it doesn't last too long though.
The contest is going on three days old now, and Jeff has the only entry. Hmmmmmmmmmm, did he just set us all up with this?????? :eek::biggrin:

We need some of you takented folks to give him some competition!!
The contest is going on three days old now, and Jeff has the only entry. Hmmmmmmmmmm, did he just set us all up with this?????? :eek::biggrin:

We need some of you takented folks to give him some competition!!
I've been takented by the whole thing!!!:tongue::biggrin:
I have a better one than Bruce does, that is in progress too. These things take a bit longer to make and a whole lot of prayer's..heck, you need to pray twice as long as you work. Darn casings, aren't ever round, they are thin, they wobble, tear, dent, crush, flare, leave slivers in the fingers from filings or dust, and they taper. I'm almost done, but then I'm also into the next brutal task of making a clip and how to attach the bugger without ruining all my hard work. I really hate casing pens.
Sure, you can use the "Dirty Harry" cartridges to make a pen holder on which to display your contest entry made of either of the specified 30-06 or .308 cartridges! :biggrin:

Seriously, this contest will stand as Jeff outlined it. If there is enough interest, we may do a Dirty Harry pen contest at a later date.

Did someone say "Dirty Harry pen contest" :eek:

All my 308's have stuff like powder and bullets in them at the present time, guess I'm gonna have to unload em the old fashoned way. I have a range a few miles from the "Cat Cave" :cat:
Jeesh, you guys talk the talk alright!!!! :eek: I haven't seen much in the way of pens yet though:confused::biggrin:

My good friends Dawn and Ed came through for me and sent me several casings to play with, which arrived this morning. Once I've figured out which 3/4 we have to use, then I'll get stuck in. Is it the first 3/4 from the firing cap end or the funny tapered bit where the bullet goes in, that we have to use:confused::biggrin: ( I'm only half joking:wink: )
There is a funny one here that Ed sent that has a battery taped to the side and is ticking:eek::confused:?? Is it supposed to do that? It has a couple of wires attached and smells of marzipan or almonds.......:eek: :biggrin:

Should I be concerned?:biggrin:
Funny guy. yes, it's the funny tapered bit where the bullet goes in that must be used. You can use it all or several casings if you want though, just as long as you use that piece. Doesn't have to be 3/4 long either, it can be longer if you like, just not less.

If there's a battery that smells like almonds, just eat it, you'll be fine.
Thank's for the clarification Jeff, I knew I could rely on you. I don't really like almonds, so I gave it to my daughter. She took it to her room.
Do you want us to provide progress pics????

Hang on a minute............there has just been the most gawd awful bang from upstairs and the lights flickered.......back in a minute...

Nah, it's ok, no-one up there. I didn't know she had painted her room red though, and she has a helluva mess in her room to clean up when she gets home!!!!. Jeesh, teenagers are real messy, aren't they?? I wonder where she is???:confused::biggrin:
Jeesh, you guys talk the talk alright!!!! :eek: I haven't seen much in the way of pens yet though:confused::biggrin:

My good friends Dawn and Ed came through for me and sent me several casings to play with, which arrived this morning. Once I've figured out which 3/4 we have to use, then I'll get stuck in. Is it the first 3/4 from the firing cap end or the funny tapered bit where the bullet goes in, that we have to use:confused::biggrin: ( I'm only half joking:wink: )
There is a funny one here that Ed sent that has a battery taped to the side and is ticking:eek::confused:?? Is it supposed to do that? It has a couple of wires attached and smells of marzipan or almonds.......:eek: :biggrin:

Should I be concerned?:biggrin:

The almond smell may be a chemical called cyanide, it is most commonly used in plating shops. The only home test for it is a taste test. Let me know how it works out for you, I may want some as a gift for my MIL. She really is a "special" person. I am also volunteering her to hold up targets at the range.
Doesn't have to be 3/4 long either, it can be longer if you like, just not less.

So if you measure off 3/4 of the case you are not allowed to trim off the ratty bullet end to sqare up the case since that would leave about 47/64 and lead to disqualification. I had that issue with my entry and decided I had better live within the current rules and leave it natural.
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