They're just not good enough!

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
9 Alumilite blanks, 5 for Sierra and 4 for Sierra Click. There is something wrong with all of them so I will not sell them. I will, however, give them away for the cost of shipping to anyone who wants to try their hand at turning acrylic. $4.00 will get you 3 blanks of my choice. The $4.00 will cover the cost of shipping, the label and the padded envelope that they will be packaged in. If you have never turned Alumilite before and you would like to give it a try without the risk of ruining a "good" blank, here is your opportunity. The first 3 people who post here will get them. Thanks!
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A most generous offer. Even for those who have turned most acrylics, trying Alumilite is a good opportunity. Personally it's my favorite non-wood material (I like it even better than some woods). I find it to be very forgiving.

Good luck to those who claim a 3 pack. I think you'll like it!!
Yes, indeed. . Alumilite is a real pleasure to turn. . I have done plenty of it and love getting those ribbons streaming into the air around the lathe.

This is your chance, guys, if you have not yet tried Alumilite.

And I can't believe there can be much wrong with Mike's blanks either so you could get a winner all round !
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