Do not be discouraged all together about consignment. Check out the place that you want to deal with. If you read my post in here I did quite well in about 4 to 5 years selling my scrollsawn products and was very glad I did. I made quite abit of money doing it and the best thing was I never had to be there and my product was always on display 365 days a year. There are certainly better selling times of the year but that goes with the entire package. I sold in 6 dufferent stores in 3 large shopping malls. The thing that selling in craft shows and consignment stores that outweighs selling on line is accessability and being able to see the product first hand. I have seen people sell things on line that are totally different than what is pictured on their site.
Look into what the people running the store have to offer. Look at their security, look at liability factors, look at store hours, look at other crafters products, look at sales amounts. Then make a dicission. What we did here is give accounts of our experiences but if you talk to others that have done well they will give you the other side. I have seen both sides. I left the stores I was in because of theft but it was because the original ownersd of the store sold it off to another party and it took on a whole different look and security was nil. If the original owners would have stayed with it I may still be with them. Good luck with whatever choice you make.