If I can figure out how to get a picture submitted, I am going to enter this pen is made, sitting right here, wanting world-wide exposure!
If I can figure out how to get a picture submitted, I am going to enter this pen is made, sitting right here, wanting world-wide exposure!
Wow !!! 25 entries and still counting!!!
This has proven to be the big one this year!!
I can't remember ever seeing a contest with so many entries. I think this has got to be a record?
Will be cool if you can crack 30 Landon!!:biggrin:
Well done so far to Landon and BHW. :wink:
Can't wait to see the real pics!!
Maybe, the judges are going to fry their brains narrowing it down to top ten.Can we break 40?
If you were depressed at 20 you must be in a coma by now. :biggrin:Ok, this is getting out of hand now. 20 entries?!?! How do I possibly stand a chance of even making the top 10?:biggrin: Looking forward to seeing these pens!