Terrible news

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Prayer for Strength and Light

We adore You, O Holy Spirit. Give us strength, give us light, console us. We give ourselves entirely to You. O Spirit of light and grace, we want to only do the will of the Father. Enlighten us that we may live always in the Father's will. Eternal Spirit fill us with Your Divine Wisdom that we may comprehend more fully insight into Your Divine Mysteries. Give us lights, O Holy Spirit that we may know God. Work within the heart, the spiritual womb of the Virgin Mary, to form us more and more into the image of Jesus. Amen.
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Very sorry to hear about your loss. I am glad that your FIL did not suffer a lengthy battle and was able to go gently into the light.
May your memories of him sustain you and your family.
And may you all find peace in each others arms and love.
I am sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family..

I'm not good with these type of things...

This is through a very sad heart. After a painful, hard and very long week, my FIL finally decided to lay his head back, without the coldness and shivering, completely comfortable with no more pain and give up his fight last night. I'm thankful that my wife and her mother were right there for him from the start to his last breath, but I regret that with my very best effort to get there yesterday, I missed him by approx. 40 mins. He gave me the best thing in my life... his only daughter.
When we got back today, my MIL had me go out to his shop and start his streetrod and let it warm up... for him. Even though it was for him and I was one of only a couple of people he allowed to work on his pride, I never once started the car or even held the key in my hand. I was honored to do it, but at the same time, I feel I betrayed or violated him in some way. My wife broke down in tears when she heard the roar of the engine as it came to life, since the only time that sound was ever heard, the man she most admired, her dad, was in his shop. Smiling.

James S. Meiser
We will miss you
Sorry to all those with the kind words. I haven't been on the computer since everything happened, but I thank you.
I'm sorry for your loss... I read your first post and didn't come back to the IAP until just today... May God bless you and your family and lift up your hearts because he's in a better place now, free of pain. I'm sure he heard the street rod start and smiled.
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