State Fair Contest - no prizes!!!

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No Ed our cheese is not the best. Our Cows are happier because of the Grass/Weed they eat. Our State Fair is crap and I stopped going years ago. Go to a some of County Fairs they are fun. Been looking at property in another state. Calif. is not the place to be anymore. In the 60's I fired tear gas at the protester in Berkley and now I are one, but for a wholedifferent reason.

I hear you there!!!! As soon as I can sell my house for what I want (want walking money for another home), I'm outta here also. Can not afford to retire out here on the 'Left Coast'.....

When I retire, I'll be looking at California in the rearview mirror!!!! LOL

Go West Young Man.......(I have a house for ya and I want outta here!!!) LOL

Well Barney,

One thing really got my attention. A TRACTOR PULL!!! In California?????

Revenue enhancer?? Dept of Rev stands by to fine the participants for their pollution??
i hear you there!!!! As soon as i can sell my house for what i want (want walking money for another home), i'm outta here also. Can not afford to retire out here on the 'left coast'.....

when i retire, i'll be looking at california in the rearview mirror!!!! Lol

go west young man.......(i have a house for ya and i want outta here!!!) lol


Barney and Becca, Just do what a lot of other Californians did. Come to Reno, Pay cash for a new house so that our house prices pretty much double in 6 months. Take the extra cash and Enjoy all the great entertainment opportunities we have here while the rest of us work two jobs to make the payment on our over priced homes. I am just kidding, but it really is a trend that every time the California's economy takes a dip. the average cost of a house here goes up by $100,000.
Barney and Becca, Just do what a lot of other Californians did. Come to Reno, Pay cash for a new house so that our house prices pretty much double in 6 months. Take the extra cash and Enjoy all the great entertainment opportunities we have here while the rest of us work two jobs to make the payment on our over priced homes. I am just kidding, but it really is a trend that every time the California's economy takes a dip. the average cost of a house here goes up by $100,000.

Heck Daniel, that's only 4% on your $2.5mil estate!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Barney and Becca, Just do what a lot of other Californians did. Come to Reno, Pay cash for a new house so that our house prices pretty much double in 6 months. Take the extra cash and Enjoy all the great entertainment opportunities we have here while the rest of us work two jobs to make the payment on our over priced homes. I am just kidding, but it really is a trend that every time the California's economy takes a dip. the average cost of a house here goes up by $100,000.

Daniel......that's what the 'Bay Area' people have done up here in the valley also! When I leave, I'm taking my money (if I get any....) and head further east. I want some acreage, where the neighbor is not seen, let along heard!!!! That way I can make all the noise and NOT bother anyone, with maybe the exception of SWMBO!!!! LOL

Can we all spell 'P R I V A C Y', oh yeah!!!

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